Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 18, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Brand says 23 staff positions will be eliminated
Wednesday's cuts are one of several chunks
Measure 5 has taken out of the University. So
far, the University has eliminated 270 positions.
The administration estimates it will have to
eliminate another 26 positions in early April.
I _a!_
vsumuiduve uuu> m
base budqet
1993 base I
$115 million)
j uecision is part or
Measure 5 cuts
By Colleen Pohlig
and Sarah Clark
Emerald Wotcws
University (’resident Myles
Brand somlierly announced
Wednesday the University will
eliminate 2a adininistrativo and
support positions as part of the
second round of l‘»*M)'s Measure
V induced budget i ills
The University administration
knows it will have to cut at least
$11 million in the second
round so the administration
made cuts in classified staff,
such as custodians, secretaries
and management positions.
Of the 2il positions cut. about
one-third will actually result in
the loss of jobs, said University
Vice President Dan Williams
The remaining two-thirds are
positions that are already voiant
or will lie funded hv noustate
money, he said
About half of the people who
lost their jobs will lie placed in
other vacant positions. Brand
Boh Bray, the editor of Insniv
Oregon, which is a publication
for faculty and staff, was noti
fied that his contract will not be
renewed in June The publi
cation. a one-person operation,
will lie i.ut.
Bray said the administration
told him it would look for an
other position within the Uni
versity. but he isn't (Quitting on
inis wnv. who has worked lor
the University for thrmt-and-o
half years, soul ho and Ins fami
ly are going to trv to slay ill Kti
'Realistically. tins couldn't
help but afford somoone," Hrav
said "This week. I found i(
harder to do my job, there were
distractions. 1 still have four
months, and I have to deal with
the emotional ups and downs
we all have lo deal wrth
there’s no wav around it
Also laid off is Alulreno Hyatt,
a secretary in tho Office of Inter
natlonal Affairs, who said she
feels she is in a better position
Ixsnuse she doesn't have a fam
ily lo support.
Although she is grateful that
she Inis received plenty of no
tice. she said she is concerned
the four others she will leave
behind in the office will have to
either drop some of the pro
grams or take on some of the
burden themselves
Six others, who couldn't he
reached for comment, also re
ceived notices that their posi
turns will lie eliminated.
Although the cuts will have a
significant impact on the Uni
versity. Brand said the adlliinis
trillion made a point of not cut
ting Instruction or research fai
lilty in Ibis phase
The 2.1 positions are only part
of the total < uts the University
will have to make for the second
round, or 1993-35 biennium
The administration estimates it
Turn to CUTS. Page 6
Students say bill may
decrease sex crimes
J Letter-writing effort
launched for law
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate Editor
After a party this summer.
Diane fell asleep on a couch in
the home of her boyfriend's
friend. She awoke to find him
raping her.
When Diane asked the man
why he was attacking her, he
said it was because she was
wearing tight jeans.
Two weeks after the rape. Di
ane was renting a movie in a
grocery store when she saw the
man again. Her hands shook so
much she couldn't sign her
name on the movie rental form.
Although Diana and other
rape victims on campus say they
will never entirely regain their
trust of men, they believe the
Violence Against Women Act of
199.1 will help other victims by
strengthening laws against
The act is a national bill that
would authorize more money
for victim services and for edu
cation on rape, wife battering,
civil rights, campus safety and
sexism in the c ourt system.
Sen. Joseph Biden. Jr. has in
troduced the bill into the U.S.
Senate, and Rep. Pat Schroeder
will soon introduce the bill into
the Mouse of Representatives,
Turn to BILL. Page 5
‘Coercive’ rapist faces truth
□ One man tells of coercive
rape and violent tendencies
By Tammy Batey
Emerald Associate Edftc*
One day during their senior year of high
school. Michael and his girlfriend Elizabeth
walked to her house during their lunch break.
They had been dating for five months and had
engaged in sex several times.
That day. Michael and Elizabeth, both then
18. sat on her bed talking. Michael wanted to
have sex. Elizabeth did not.
Michael told her. ‘Come on," while he kissed
her and hugged her to him.
Elizabeth pulled away from him and said.
"Don't. Leave me alone."
Michael persisted, and finally Elizabeth took
off her clothes, lay down on the bed and said.
"OK "
Michael and Elizabeth didn't talk about what
had happened that day. Throe years later,
Michael rood the definition of coercive rape in
a Creating a Rope Free environment class pack
et and realized the incident with his girlfriend
fit this definition.
In the CARE class, coercive rape is described
as using verbal pressure to engage a person in
sex against his or her will.
Under Oregon law, Michael did not rape his
girlfriend because he did not threaton her. Poo
ple commit rape when they either physically
force someone to have sex or when they threat
en to injure, kill or falsely accuse someone of o
crime unless that person consents to sex. said
Kick Mullen, assistant district attorney for Lane
Turn to RAPE. Page 5
Cold weather should contin
ue. with cloudy skies returning
as well Rain or snow possible
Temperatures may make it up
to the 40s.
Today in History
In 1885, Mark Twain s
Adventures of Hucklebem
Finn was published in the
United States lor the first time
PORTLAND (AP) - U.S. Sen. Bob Pat kwood * chief of stall wants to know
w hy someone would steal her garbage
Elaine Erankiin said Wednesday that 10 sacks of garbage were stolen
from in front of her Portland home Monday night between 8 and 9 p.m.
Most of the sacks contained lawn clippings but some had household
garbage, she said.
'Someone obviously took the garbage to go through it.' Franklin said 'I
consider that a serious matter, not a humorous one."
Franklin said police told her to keep them informed if anything more
unusual happens.
WASHINGTON (API - The (ieorgetown Hoyas. minus
coach E, Scott Ciacken. will return to Division I football after
a 42-year hiatus when they join the newly formed Division I
AA Metro Atlantic Athletic Conference, officials said
The reclassification from Division III to Division I was a
result of legislation passed at the NCAA Convention in 1991
Football nad its debut at Georgetown in 1887, and the
Hoyas played in the Orange Bowl in 1940. The program was
discontinued after 1950 due to finances, but was brought
back as a club sport in 1964. In 1970, Georgetown joined the
collegiate ranks as a Division III member