I lio {poor/ Life* i pj.-t T by Dave T. Phipps Even a man can experience "change of life." It's called going to college." Dorm roommates Doyle and Paul are approaching it from opposite mind sets. Doyle is actively trying to figure out the rules of the game, the secrets of growing up. But Paul, a passive observer, knows there are no rules (worth worrying about)! Doitl wAMi re facia nO*j SlinAiSC WITH mi TRADITIONAL MOANING RARtH and STRONG ,#V§S HOT ! LOUKIUC ARxmC TUH rViUrl Somt am ry*t ovc fin mu* 06SCJV MAt *f* Al t*k..i*\,r ***ti of mr A> k &**ec* n> fn*>y rune: /*•»'. / »«>*< j e’ArrtHft’ #/e# sctrool Coo0 rtORfUNCt CLASS m SftlCH TOCAY ISON THC CIVIL MM. TOO KNOW, LIKL THAT TV AVWI - SCKltS WITH PATRICK SUAIZI j— to HXI THINK THUTS FuNNT ? h»Vt HU tvLH HCMV) THC ONE ABOUT THE M/V-IE* UNO THE Duck? NOW O®, THAT'S TX HUM* M*0 OtA rXMt IS rnt OWS CA/fTMH A«xr ®r 7X /iow/t THCATHt AND 60*4. INC Aiuy j _/-—ru. I t»N'r KNOW hwt x Nosr h»*£ atCM Thinking r