C Curl Hr^irxl*) by Cart Brmndao Cuff is a 10-year old genius who dresses like a claims adjuster. His best friend, Rubin, is moody and imaginative. But, opposites attract. Enjoy this parade of insecurities in an uplifting look at the simplicity of friendship. fco&w, Mtfcl Ki i5 Ih'S 'S ■X>s.T 6>cx MG To CCmSM COFT * till! So? ^ MittMES The to»i/ 'Ioj uT MtW CHL I Voo MAT.VoO HMfc ium/ mo She CcbnT, 8mi loves it/ see KtR CoTe LiTTlE SMILE ? Hc>oa tP VoO Ktoui SHE'S SMHipJgP iT CooLO v*j67 .RE &Afi< 6AS/ ^ OjOccT H£ IF ) l*K U)Rom(>, RoT fctc*)'T 'ibo Awfc k*t HWE | * Thikx, Gcxkfcr’ j \F SHE UAWTS To Srftfo^CE E U>WLL U*E HfcR fcfcE'Jtfc foft 5C*E OT-ViPefc PLAN&i'f u>o HM Mcfe feictfe THAfi 0£AiMS ...?'NE OoHH WE. So Yoo'fct KioT iMUrtG This X? NEAH Nao N2£. Motet* CoolO SA1 Au. that im ome vjmleJ6 Thei we*e taking it W&oMwrf.. HI, CuPF... How'S iT 0Om6 ? p\ue, ...^OST PiWE HEH, MW/ ljWcha.' 8fefcM OP Tb ? 1 NoT KucU. ^ / UJ6NT To the *au_ u>rw (otui y OHTMKTi n/RgB hioSE im rr/y »7 in“&€ twtffcR ft* the I^^A6o^S/ OwsT , Vt&ecT/ r Kfc'b STlU- ^ A*J CoflF, I Pl60C£C> OJ MCXO VoO CAM iaIM MAT ffecAA, M^/OfcNfcloNS <5 Milk/ T r<0HAT? "fEAH/ I SAw iT oi TV/ D&Ni|CTc*iS Cf fAILfs, AkO in IfeM'itAfe, 'feu'u. Bfc &6 AND STtewc, AnD CAN feEAT OP NVACK Sealing Yoofe 6»6l/ &E- -1)--sd fufeiKj, ii^TeNi VEAfcs This'll Au. St fwwT MLMOCt. U)Mi WOULD I WAkjT To fcfcAX HIM UP