Making The (irade |k*t» Hrn> by Bob Berry College tin- ultimate cdui playground' Joe is hush, self ientered, and lives for "beer'll babes." Jim is much more sensitive (and a hit naive). His goal is to meet a nice girl and tall in love Nikki is honest with hcrsclt and knows that lite isn't always lair, hut it can he tun. IU*>XKTSNW>IMFtoUT (xrmvt Mfeitojur rt> tttrftu A LUC. *i*uy in ivwit oh «v ^yttwwrwiwrtrwm** It Of fWW*6 tH faCTlHfe £j ¥f*-v U*0»«R*r«&I Hi bit, com***, mm t+knusw\*f> i %nmcauble 1 SOOtOti 1. I fffl, IKE IF ITUL MV |*U_ jpowrwi OF lOW »<*VN’ J /^vstssw«icr\ [ oor»rtMmottSE] l wmn.dtwiiwy JMS UMT VbUWKMOUHW IHflBrtLV SOft* as si act i sau stxj o»J I JUST K*Vi I (***>!** VO). ME MU WlMbTO IILHE Nto&Mt ttrwtitf Wli ml JUSTUS MwnMbmuKLV flUMEfcfcteOffttfEb' 7 1 *y VUf. V