TC Syllabus: Required Reading ylgmee dv David E stove T3 Dagney by Kelly Kennedy 4-5 Chicken Bird by Ron DiCesare 6-7 Brass & Fern by Steve Riehm 8 Leadbellies by Thomas H. Burton 9 Making The Grade * by Bob Berry I 10 r —r\ Mooseman by Wayne Windhaus 12 At A Glance - by Michael J. Saporito Am I Bothering You? by Scott Coffman 14 . The Art of Living] by Valerie Costantino 15 Cuff & Rubin by Curt Brandao 16-17 IN. Al Spelunker by Jay Hosier 18-19 ANS The Good Life bv Dave T. Phipps 20 ^ Everything's OK by O.K. Elkins 21 contJ. 7 laughed throughout the entire magazine, page after page. Tomorrow s Comics is definitely a nice study break!" Christopher, Umv of Colorado 7 can relate to Ikigney. It s consistently funny, and Murphy s Law all the way!" Sarah, Umv. of Oregon "Chicken Bird is absolutely hilarious! It's just as funny each time I read it. Tomorrow's Comics should be printed with a warning label. I'ce been laughing out loud during lectures!" Mike. Umv of Colorado “Chicken Bird is downright poignant." Dave, Umv of Montana 7 uvuld like to see much, much more of Chicken Bird. Tomorrow 's Comics is good reading material, especially in the bathroom." Perry, Umv of Alabama Hw 'tomorrow'* Comic* College Advisory Board Wants You! We're looking for students interested in going “behind the scenes" at Tomorrow's Comics. Members of the TC College Advisory Board will help evaluate editorial material, contribute to and participate in promotional campaigns, and carefully observe trends developing on their campuses. In addition, they may also have opportunities to participate in special programs in conjunction with our national advertisers. It’s a fun way to gain some valuable experience and sharpen your creative business skills at the same time! in a letter, tell us (in 50 words or less) what you enjoy most about Tbmorrows Comics magazine and why you're interested in serving on the College Advisory Board. Send it to: IbimflnM* Cumin - CAB. c/o Argonaut Entertainment Inc. 455 Delta Avenue, Suite 204 Cincinnati, Ohio 45226