Oregon Daily WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 17. 199J Code may not apply to assault □ Reach of student conduct code’s jurisdiction in question By Scott Andre Emerald Reporter The University is investigating whether to charge a freshman accused of assaulting a bisexual man with a violation of the student conduct code, but questions remain as to whether the code applies to the situation. Eiaine Green, the University's associate dean of students who enforces student conduct, said she is investigating whether to Hie charges against freshman Todd Lin wood Pendexter. The Lesbian. Gay and Bisexual Alliance called a news conference Feb. 10. asking University officials to expel Pendexter for his alleged crimes. The Lane County District Attor ney’s office has charged Pendexter, IS. with one count of second degree intimidation and one count of fourth-decree assault for alleged ly attacking Steven Andrew Lalib ertv. 2.1 Eugene police said Pen dexter attacked Laliherty and an unidentified mole companion )an. 29 near the corner of 11th Avenue and Mill Street because he thought they were gay. Both counts are Class A misde meanors and carry a maximum Turn to CODE, Page 4 Street artist --—---------------- Wwfcb, JaffPwiay University graduate student Filip Van Kerckhoven spends Tuesday afternoon along Franklin Boulevard sketching buildings Van Kerckhoven is from Belgium, where he did his undergradu ate studies He said he doesn't find the traffic bothersome to his sketching Bookstore system may stop thieves □ New plan may help catch criminals trying to sell back stolen course books By Sarah Clark Emerald Reporter Each day. the University Bookstore buys about 20 books back. Most of the transactions are legitimate — people selling back books they no longer need or want. But in some cases, the sellers have stolen the books to gat a little extra cash The bookstore is working to catch those criminals. It recently changed its buyback system so the store can better identify which books have been stolen, said Chris Standish. course book manager. When the store buys a used book, it requires the sell er to present photo identification. Information from the identification goes into the store's computer, where it's assignor! a number that is also written inside the book's cover. Sometimes, students report book thefts before the thieves sell the books back. In those cases, the thieves tan be (aught as they sell the hooks. During transactions such as these, when the book store employee enters the book's title into the comput er. a warning appears on the screen that announces the Turn to THIEVES. Page 4 Man on campus isn’t serial rapist, authorities say j Man asking women religious questions is mistaken for rapist By Jake Berg Emerald Now*', f tl'ttx Miirj Bigelow wits driving homo wilh hor daughter last week when they saw him again. Killing his hit vi le near the interem lion of Agate Street and 15lh Avenue was a man some people have mistak enly believed to Imj the alleged serial rapist from north Eugene l»x a use of possihlv similar physii.al traits Bigelow. the lieutenant in charge of security at the University Office of Public Safety, said her daughter pointed out the man. who was seated nn his silver or gray 10-spetid bicycle. "We were driving by. and she said. Oh. by the wav that's him,"’ Higelow said. "And he waved at her, of course.” The man approached Higelow s daughter previously as he has other women in the University area, asking religiously oriented questions Higelow said the man sur faced in the campus area Monday Feb. H. and she has received five phone calls from women he has apprise bed since then. •*tJo asks if you're saved and asks when you die if you're going to heaven or hell," Higelow said. "That's the evtent of the conversation." Sgl Dennis (taker, the Kugene polit e department's campus liaison, said rumors that the man was the serial rapist might have started after people began to match descriptions lietweon the two. "They read the article about long hair and had tenth, and bingo, that's him," Baker said. The alleged serial rapist is suspected of committing three rajies and one assault recently in the north Eugene area. Baker also said reports had the man approaching women at their vehicles, which also rung a bell wilh the alleged serial rapist, who approached several women at their vehicles. "That's where the similarities stop." he said. Baker said the physical height and weight descrip tions reported do not match those of Iho serial rnpist. Reports also indicate the serial rapist is typically on foot and says nothing, he said. Baker said neither EPO nor OPS has been able to con tact the man and do not know who he is or whether he is a student. "If he wants to preach, maybe he could find a little different way to do it," he said. "We think he’s a little bit mental." Bigelow said no extra security measures were being taken because of the man. but she said people who are approached by the man are encouraged to call OPS at 34R-5444 • Bigelow said those women who have reported seeing the man hove surprisingly not been scared of him. "They didn't feel frightened." she said "They wore angry about his attitude." WEATHER The cold weather continues, as clouds begin to move into the Eugene area, lows in the teens to the 20s. and highs may reach the 40s. Today in History In 1972, President Richard Nixon departed Washington. D C., on his historic trip to China. REPAIR CREW BUSTED (AP) - The call to (he police was chilling. A man outside the Lane County Courthouse was aiming a handgun at two buildings. Eugene police, alerted bv a passer-by. rushed to the scene Monday and started to climb the stairs leading to the courthouse s second-floor garden deck. But instead of some crazed gunman, they found a construction worker, armed with a hand drill, fixing a handrail. 'We re not in trouble again, are we?" the worker asked Sgt. Frank Bone. 'It turns out last week.' Bone said, 'someone mistook the poor guy s lunch sack for a bomb.' SPORTS Oregon men s basketball coach jerry Green was released from the hospital Tuesday afternoon, team physician Dr. D. Kendall Hills announced. Initial test results indicated no infection in Green s right knee. Green underwent arthroscopic surgery Monday to treat an inflamed joint lining. Hi* knee became swollen for an unknown reason when be awoke Sunday morning in Los Angeles. Green was on crutches at the Oreeon-UCLA game Sunday afternoon Green is expected to be at practice this afternoon and return to normal activities as his status improves