Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 16, 1993, Page 2, Image 2

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Free the schedule;
drop proposed fee
Hoginning fall term, the University will no longer give
away free class schedules Students will instead be
charged 25 cents per copy to cover the costs of printing.
In many wavs, this makes sense. University Registrar
I lerb Chore* k said printing the schedule books costs the
registrar's office between $7,000 and Sft.OUO every term,
most of which would bo recovered with tho fee. Ho said
the fee would generate around .$5,000 from tho sched
ules With almost every department at tins University
facing a fiscal crunch, this money would bo appreciat
ed by everyone.
However, registering for classes is not a frill at the Uni
vorsitv Students currently pay $907 a term to attend
those classes, plus additional fees for certain courses.
The University, as a courtesy, has always provided free
st nmnmr>.
bocause students pay to
attend school, they also
pay to know which
classes are offered.
Granted, 25 cents is
not a lot of money.
Most students could
even splurge and buy a
dollar's worth.
But students are sen
sitive to shelling out
more money for the
same service, and many
Some would
question whether
many classes
themselves, much
less a continuously
shrinking list of
them, are worth 25
believe Ino university ignores mmr neeus anyway.
Another fee. especially h seemingly trivial 25 cents, is
almost an insult to a campus community that already
fools foo'd to death.
The registrar’s office could benefit from a change of
strategy. Our suggestion — advertising.
Chereck said the University contracts with a national
company for printing and couldn't attract local advertis
ing. and national advertising would be difficult to sell.
However, local printers could probably handle the job
just as easily as national contractors. The University has
the facilities and the people to design the schedules. The
Springfield Alews prints a number of high-school and
college publications, and could certainly handle print
ing 20.000 schedules every three months.
Tlit* University could make money by selling four or
live full-page ads. which would more than cover the cost
of printing. A full-page ad in the schedule, at Emerald
rates, would cost about $1300 per week However, the
schedule is not a daily publication — it often sits around
for an entire term Therefore, the University could prob
ably charge more for ad space because, unlike the Emer
ald. students have to read the schedule. It has a captive
audience of 16,000.
Students already pay what some would consider too
much for what they get now. Some would question
whether many classes themselves, much less u continu
ously shrinking list of thorn, are worth 25 cents.
The registrar's office has options other than a fee. and
it should exhaust thorn completely before asking stu
dents to dig oven two-bits deeper
PO ttOl JIM lUGENfc QAt GO* w?4C3
Tr^ Oregon Darfy f wwa»j 4 pub*>*h«d Monday through Fr nitty <Ju*;og the
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Th# Emerald !* p»r>at« property I he unlawful fomwal o* use o1 papm* ;» pro**cutaE*e
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The Universitas is a neat place
like this si liool a lol The
Untversitas Oregonensis is a
A neat plan' Thera are main
crazy am) kooky people here
that make me laugh
Sometimes 1 sit on a belli h
and watch people walk by They
make me laugh a lot
The hardest 1 ever laughed
here at the University was when
two people ran into each other
while riding bit voles They fell
down and were hurt, but it was
funny to see two people make
such fools of themselves I
laughed a lot.
It makes me sad that more
people don't run into eai h other
on bu ycles It would he a hap
pier campus if that happened
more often I need a good laugh
My favorite thing on campus,
though, is seeing those wacks
squirrels every day They look
down at me from trees, and
sometimes they look like they
are smiling That makes mu hap
I like the squirrels because
they never talk back tu you. You
can ( uss and throw things at
them, and they do not do any
thing e\( opt run higher up the
tn*e That makes me laugh.
Other things in Kugene make
me laugh a lot. too.
Only in Eugene would you la*
able to go to a neat place like the
downtown mall on a wild and
crazy Friday night and see peo
ple hanging out with candles in
their hands.
Some people have fun by
making signs and walking
around with them in the air.
They like to speak their minds
— but they really aren't because
their thoughts are on signs.
These people weren’t mourn
ing for some neat*o person —
they are sorry to see their
lavoritu groovy radio station die.
That is very neat.
Musi people wouldn't «vnn
give a i are. But in Pugune —
where there are all sorts of crazy
and kooky people — anything
ian happen
I am sorry I missed this neat
Other neat events I have been
missing this year are the Oregon
men's basketball games.
Some people on campus do
not like our men's basketball
team bet.fuise the Dunks do not
win a lot of games
This is because they do not
make a lot of baskets. This is
because they have lost so many
games attd they are sad. This
gets them down and they do not
feel like running up and down
the court anymore Maybe they
yvouid rather go home and
watch the game on TV
This makes me unhappy to
see n>\ favorite college team so
sad 1 would really like the
Ducks to win a game so they
would be happier. That would
prove they are winners That
would la* very groovy. I think.
It made me happy to see the
women's tiasketlsdl team Imallv
win a game, but it also made me
sad because I yv.ts not there to
enjoy the thrill of victory I
guess that makes me similar to
the other [ample who don't go to
basketball games
Which is kind of funny
because last year I was the
Emerald sports editor, and 1
went to all of the games I had
But now I will go to all the
women's games bet ause I think
the women have a I letter chance
of winning games than the men.
I hope they go on a big winning
streak That would be a neat
way to end a sad season. I hope
they finish fifth in Pacific-10
Conference-NCAA-Di vision I
Some people may call me a
fair-weather fan That is not very
nice. I am very busy and have
little time to catch Pacific-10
Conference-NCAA-Division 1
action unless the Ducks are win
ning, Because if they are win
ning. then it is more important
to me than other things. It makes
me happy. I like things that
Most people
wouldn’t even give
a care. But in
Eugene — where
there are all sorts
of crazy and kooky
people — anything
can happen.
make me happy ,
Which is why I do not rare for
Valentine’s Day I was not hap
p\ Sunday, i had to work all
day And I was not anyone's
valentine. After work, 1 went
home and read Moiling Stone
magazine by myself. It was fun,
but I still was not that happy I
was sad
I think they should cancel
Valentine's Day because it
makes so many people sad. I
think instead they should make
i eb 14 a Hike-Crashing Day"
he* ause I would like it much
better It would make this cam
pus a happier place to lie
On "Hike-Crashing Day"
everybody would be < razy and
kooky and run into each other
on bicycles I think the last per
son still on his or her bike
should win lots of dollars. That
would lie neat I would like that
a lot.
I also do not like colds. Colds
are bad. Having a sore throat
and coughing a lot is not much
fun It makes my head hurt.
That does not make me happy.
People do not smile at me as
much when 1 am always cough
ing and sneezing They think I
will make them sick. too. They
are probably right. That does not
make me happy.
I hope this column will make
you happy. If it does not. then
you are unhappy. Therefore,
you are probably sad. In that
case, maybe you should go cuss
at a squirrel or make two of your
friends run into each other
while riding bicycles. Those
yvould make me laugh a lot.
lake Berg is the news editor of
the Emerald