Oregon Daily TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 16, 1993 Steve Masat EMU board opposes IFC hearing plan □ Board says IFC’s hearing schedule is an attempt to control EMU programs By Chester Allen Emoraid Reporter The EMU Hoard of Directors is challeng ing the Incidental Fee Committee's budget restrictions and hearing processes because it believes the IFC is trying to manage EMU programs The EMU board sent a letter to University President Myles Brand Friday asking him to decide whether the IFC i an place restric lions on the $18 million ii allocates in lh<' KMU Thu lultnr also says Ihu IH.'s decision In hear (ho KMU budget over a period of eight days rather than the usual one or two may allow the II l to manage KMl' programs "Thu budget restrictions and spreading our hearings out over the calendar are an obvioUS attempt to micro manage the KMU. said board member Sarah Dodge "We've asked President brand to de< itle if the ( lark Document gives the IKU line-item control over our budget The (dark Document is .1 set of rules and procedures the IKU must follow when ills tributing student fees All lull timr I mviTMU Hiuilonis pay 5lt»> in ft’t's tuii h It'rm IK: meinbun* said thuv don't plan to man - ,i>{t' I Ml programs. Iml th<>v do hnvn tlu< .uithoriU to t'OMiri' sliidtml lot's .irv iinihI for slndt'iit nrttds Hut Clark Dociinmnl and lht> AS!!t) Con st i tut ion hot li givt* tint III: i .on I rot ovu t Im KMU's use of studrnt It’fs. s.iid II I ( luiir III.ill Stnvf M is.it "Wit do Inivn linn itiun t ontrol ovttr the studi’iit fit's vvtt alloi .itf to tin' 1 .MlMo.-uiI s.iid "But th.it's oul) .lUnit SI H million of .1 Si million I .'Ml Inuigft Turn to EMU P r|*’ l Students struggle harder to break habit, say experts _i The stress of being a student may make it harder for some smokers to quit lighting up, say health officials By Tammy Batey Emerald Associate Editor During finals week, of fall term, freshman Dave Berchtold was studying for a History of Western Civ ilization final being given the next day. By the light ol his desk lamp, he pored over his notes. Then, Berchtold spied his syllabus and groaned as he realized all the dates, places and people ho had to know for the exam. He instinctively began to reach for the pack of Marlboro Lights on his desk. But he forced himself to pull awuy. For three or four minutes. Berchtold fought an addictive tug-of-war He wanted a cigarette to help him relax, but he was trying to quit Finally, he put the pack in his desk drawer and slammed it shut He opened his history book and began to read. Brenda Nibtock of the American Lung Association said it may be harder for college-age smokers like Berchtold to stop smoking. Young people don't have a lot of motivation to quit because they're probably not yet experiencing any health problems related to Turn to SMOKE. Page 4 i_J Some students may feel they need to smoke to relieve the stress ol school. Young people usually don't experience the health problems ol smoking and may not feel motivated to quit, according to medical experts. Students will begin to pay for class schedules in fall j Registrar’s office will also expand Duck Call to include grades and waiting lists By Colleen Pohltg Emerald Associate Editor Beginning fall term, students will no longer have the luxury of picking up free schedule books. Citing the cost of printing the books. University Registrar Herb Cheruck said the University Bookstore will begin sell ing them for 25 cents each every term. Previously, the books have t>eon available free of charge at Oregon flail. "The intent is that students will lie more careful." Chereok said, "When you have to buy them, if you want five or sis books, you'll have to pay for them. “How it is now, students come in and usk for four for themselves and their roommates,” he said. "Then their room mates come in without their knowing and pick up four more books. They end up with lfi books between them." Chereck said the registrar's office, which pays the printing costs, has been ordering enough hooks for every student to hove two. After ordering 25.000 books last year, the office hud to order 5,000 more at the end of the summer because they were running out. Because it costs $7,000 to $8,000 to print 30,000 si hedule books. C.herei k said fie hopes to offset the costs and make students aware that they should he more Turn to SCHEDULES. Page 5 WEATHER The mercury will shift down as highs drop into the lower 40s. Sunny skies will prevail over the Eugene area. Tod'iy in History In 1937. Dr Wallace H. Carothers. a research chemist for Du Pont who invented nylon, received a patent for the synthetic: fiber TEEN CHARGED WITH MURDER ZANESVILLE. Ohio LAP) - A teen-ager who reportedly idolized convict ed killers Charlie Mattson and Jeffrey Dahmer was charged Monday with murder For allegedly disemboweling a 5-year-old girt he was baby-sitting, police said Billy |o Shaeffer. Ifi. Idled Sara West late Saturday or early Sunday. put her body in a garbage bag and dumped it outside the house where he was watching the girl and her 3-year-old brother, police said The giri had been shot in the head and her torso was slit open, said Muskingum Counts Sheriff Benue gibson The other child wasn't hurt, Shaeffer confessed to the killing, Gibson said. SPORTS Oregon men s basketball head coach Jerrs Green had fluid drained from his knee following the Ducks return home frum their road trip to Los Angeles (’.0*11 was on cruthes during Oregon'* loss to UCLA on Sundas, after sustaining a knee injurs- The Oregon team orthep edit surgeon found no cartilage damage and the reason for the swelling is still a mystery.