:i: HELP WANTED Earn cmh Huffing envelope* at »w# A* mated** prowled Send BASE to PC Box 964 3 Springfield. MO 6680 • •INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT* M»« money teaching tSftSAC conversation* Engish abroad Japan and T»wen Mary prow* room A board ♦ other benetW Make $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No pMhnou* tra*n*og or teaching required For employment program ca« (206)63? -H46 e»t J6069 POSTAL JOSS AVAILABLE' M*n» positions Groat benefits Ga*? i 0004364365 e«t P 3309 RESEARCH ARAL VST OR SR RES PROGRAMMER H*f time programmer or analyst position depenOng cv> quaHteabon* to» group o* grants on adolescent smoking A of**” "problem” behaviors See job dsacrphoos tor »anc» ot vMuNB6 Mr*mum ot BS to MS. Ph D preferred w*th 34 yrs ©*penence with soo* science data requ»r»d M i si nave wortung knowledge 0* common statatcaJ procedures. espeoa% bn«& and togisnc regression A SCM (EOS} Thorough knowledge of SPSS $997 50 $ 1624. plus to* benetas Applicants must compete an ORI appfn© NOON. 31 AA/EOf SUMMER CAMP JOBS tor men and women. Hidden V»H©y Camp interviewing Feb 23, make appointment and get further information at Student Employment Office __ Umpires needed tor high senoo Baseball. aoftbaB games Paid position Games begin at 4PM daily, Mon Ff Ken. 484 1706 WANTED: Work Study Student to do WordPerfect edtong and poastofy reading onto aud»o tape Hours w*fl be n»M.bte Cafl Hilary or Lisa at 346 3211 WORK STUDY, lane County Waste Management needs Technical Aid PT or FT. $8 OQ/ht QiwAdate must have education or experience m environmental soences or 'elated f*e*d Call Leslie Anlkowiak. 687-3806 kx into Work-Study (Federally funded Financial Aid only) Positions available «n Inter nations* Education Overseas study programs has several positions open Must be able to work 1993 94 academe year For more into contact Marj or Bevwi at 346 3207__ :k HOUSES FOR RENT NEAR CAMPUS Tiv*# DacXxjm nou*a $450. M3 9011 PIS DUPLEXES $405 2 $55G»'0*’1T> laundry o*» \> mam*, do«a to o*mpu» 484- 9922 1 b(* from cufflput 3 bucV-7- af( #nAVnwA#M«r W« fnWKl 10 mcry* oul twite'll tpnng ty«P. M/5 13 $225) Cat 344-5714 4 $16 7 50) Campus Apartments Furnished M2 Bedrooms Wtnler rtln $375*525 4*6-2*23 CLOSE TO CAMPUS <*oa i 1x*’OQ **$« MtiirAC# fppi#c» k» BBCs) PaaoMut we« M and safe Groat monthly rate* from S666 For showings CAP Don flit 344 5695 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 E 17th Private room*, all utilities paid I on ule laundry Oear rtete ’’on $235' Ca> Boar at 686059’ Jennings* Co PROSPECT PARK 1 and 2 bedroom apartments avan now Quiet country atmo*pN»r« w‘conv«n»©nt aty location. oth*f feature* include pool. fe«n$*rt*»eMM>a# eta. roc room and pfeyground. r»gW past ?5tn and Chamber* 484 655J SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS 2 bedrm. townbouse Sundry, pool, sauna. n«ar U o* O Ca# Oartn 345-4471_ FOJRJkAXJUIJLAG I __ J Enjoy H«e beauty ft wood* m*J wildlife in super Roar f»lw» 2 BDKM, I ViBATH '495 & *515/inoittlt • Du* to can^HM • Swimming Pi*»l • ilnrst K(«mt • Sauiuu S.F. Kj|«m (Ifettnid A I*«b*U«») | -- 687-1318 Srammirf '6 apts Duplexes MO IWOVO-W too, > mo *»# 1 lx»m ad* CatM Ou«x Near U ot O O M« mg! au-mz. MMKT. Ben* PrcpMgi «6’-0'»9 Redwood Park Apts. Quiot. Country Living With City Convonionco Unfuml thaO 1 POrm MS. (alarlsng No* t) Low Utimtoo-On But!)no Equippad WatgM Boom. Spa Wood Ptrt ft Playground Laundry Faeltroaa Alas Fumlthaa SuHaa Studio, H!M ssooiotsrs Indutduafly Decorated Completely Fumiahed Everything Front Capte TV to Lmene For Bad. Bath ft Kitchen On S l Bedroom. M appfcenced, i^couft^rd IW Cat a»cm*d eAiep 466 699t Wh«t a deo?' Sparfcsng clean :ary» t Bedroom. uf'- e oaWe, $466. yreel lOCHHOTi, 1QSG ferry 5it 484 /44» large Room n rue* older hous*/ pr » entrance to*. RyfigM, torrwshed or un furnished was^^Oyik 4 B»C*a from campus $3?&mo »nc ut-« 342-4963 _ Large room n 3 room house piece. yard 5 Mocks kom campus $266 466 66*4 Wee furnished room f ood uR laun vJry Ah tor $360 ♦ dep f or©*gn student* *e*CQm« 46! 46/3 OuMH large furnished room share Mchen and be*h w»th 2 others, no smoking or pets yard $260ro6o 34 s 3 uW 484 48/S_ Roommata naadad to i'm2 bad room ) bath house in wry race home. rMunerdrye' 15 tHock* 10 campus mu si mw $300 . ft uti Grad Wudenl preloried, CM Paler 686 1494 Roommata naadad 7 Dedrm apt on campus. lurmshed clean. rum $24/ S»mo 6860239 'sc MEETINGS Dom k*m**h&**i «x»7 Samtnar w\ l MU fcfcipta ftoom r*tj tet^ 4pm _ Social tasua* Rapa Mandafcyy - ~ j Wad f »b * / 7pm |MU C«dwr A and 8 MutHm Studant Aaaociabon Ga*wal hiffffit,! MoattnQ Fall »6. 6-7 Xtorn IAa(}«« Room i M*. i ConApanc* Sty*« 22 (Vvt Capacity 290 CAMPUS EVENTS i i i i j j i .i j .n i CHH.DRCH5 ART HOUR F«d»y* fato 42, t» and 26, 9 46-nam FHayV *u« to* cffckfran 3 and up Parent* f\tU t» praaani Family Canto* Rm 23 F/b Mimnn i>f U»von f «k mo# a into 3460662 >460651 3 j J» 3 jf Ji j 3 3 j Wa#a you In tha UO racrufUnp **too? I If you «w« >n fh# »kKK) tapadl on campuf Taft. you# cnanc* to (»#** gtofccrt q>amla OFF LINE by Rick Ball RLALIiif^& HC'LI'^CD IRA woRlO THAT wA5 IOSIN6 IT'5 rlONOTHtlSTlC lOtNUTT. JIM IMVINTLO A DtlTV, WE COULD COMMUNE WITH. OH PUA$E,PltAS£, PliASE. IT’S AN IMPORTANT RAPtR. TNE FAR SIDE By GARY LARSON B-!-7Z. 3 "Hay. Ruby* Tha circus It bach in town! Ramambar whan wa want Iasi yaar and that clown athad you to tmafl hit bouloomara?' I Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 1 SHOULD Bt DOIHG M'f HOWLWCftt. NQVJ ±9 T RjT TWL WM I LOOt AJ IT. PUilNS IN TMt SNOW IS A LOT *A0ftt IMPORTANT CUT HERE 1 * UENWmG R£M. s *'**»’*« 5pm 6am m » .’4 rv*jv» WMi*M»n testi f ifc’y i3» •** • 0.^’* / * 667-6661 o V) V) 4> L. a tn sssc JLJJ Li tw® Cafe Latte Hot n a *0 ■o c n Chocolate 2. ” Italian o «*- £ Sodas a o uE At Tho EspressoCort ^ row kxa*#d at fh# ^ Cat too W««t Vo* Fatk> Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Dooncsbury by carry trudeau ‘VHMTCVVCU am m m Ate ourr a mu . \\_' I —* _ /'If Aft .V " WAU > KNOWN ANrfteAL PtAU:f#>. Vvf [WNPEPON THC K/NPN&^a ‘•/AVW'VA" • \\ I A \ HAtAI lt*Wl Mi ..WHO mi >mw «v mar tump, mho cv / Kuoujf rueat MLH! Hf SOMCONC V;v I CAHCAU . SVs, HAW *r TH/‘, t*j A JOtt Moris fUSHT r HUWS \ minuet. Sit Hps IKANti TO auttp CROSSWORD By Eugene SheJJer ACROSS 1 Future flamingo 4 Animal track • Health resorl 12 For eaampla 13 'You can horse ' 14 Intimidata 15 Balanced 17 Tina * a« IS •— (ha held* * IS Disgraced 21 Hand lad 24 Gaff ol "Tootsie" 25 Clark or Campa nalla 26 Cially 26 Gambling game 31 Weaponry 33 Private address? 35 Cautnn 36 Erstwhile Foil ill com 36 Church !urn4ura 40 Blushing 41 Toaal 43 (andlord't cltanl 43 Falaol >•« 47 Bim 44 Mi Baba 49 Doll 34 Chad* cashar't paw 33 Mialraat 38 Wool quantity? 37 Fatonou* lloht 59 EE. comp,* rod to AA 39 Qm(a*» gal logwlhef MWN 1 Ar k>lk>W«' 2 f estiva SPhys ad 4 Wml*i forecasts $ Mother Carey's chckens 6 Scul fool 7 Keats. • g • Jacob's favo'ti* wif* • Curved swords 10 Jab 11 Overcome by wonder Solution lima: 27 min. Saturday's anawar 2-1S 16 l.ilmct New Zealand#* 20 Queued up 21 Spwled Meed 22 Mis Nek Chailes 23 t ile*alu*e class subject 27 Kennel ay 29 Ganeal ogy chart 30 "Soma body bat - bay 32 B«ofce*'s advtca 34 Backslide 37 Vacillala 39'Hobo Cop* star 42 Small antelope 44 Spot 45 Maka l*e a banshee 44 Alan o* Hobart 50 libel 51 I abal 52 Insapa fable 53 l oony Louis