Oreeon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED FOLK IKS Placement Ad) may he placed at R*nm» *00. I Ml1 (mam office) '* LO I). %vVvicfc. Main fh**r Krrors/Kefunds Please cheek ynur ad' the ODE skill run a classified ad ««nc additional day as a result of any typographical em* that changes the meaning of the ad, if reported hy I PM Refunds skill tse limited tu credits «*i!v No cash refunds sull he issued after the ad deadline Credits must he used within 6 month* of issue ( opy Acceptance The ODl resrrscs the right to revise, reclassify, reject «* cancel any ad at any time No advertising for term paper sales ur editorial writing and** research writing will he accepted 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS w r#s Ctm*? atrium* twom 8 Tho 93 Oympei wwt> gi*M Uh' tXxit.au up Uh uh* Sew /ou nw«t term tr 14>t\ i ♦« _ ___ h* QAMMA T ufiftdiiy /)** EMU To Th# G«fltlwn*n ot \ \ \ Tho Music was Groat TNr Oanono wm fun lambda Ch* A4ph« You»« law an** Thank You, Th# lartw* ot KAPPA Of-11 a no LOST & FOUND LOST: Tan. mwdkum »ra■ wound T'H campul p*cl up d«» AjRfr'dS 344-4510 gt Aim WORD 1‘klK l SSIM a \i4 «n snk*4 USSiiSII> TYHSt M'«j<£tdtu-L£ jijuwuu 606 E. 13th us TYPING SERVICES JO THE TYPING PRO Wwd Hlbrvjfl n*«g Th*M»f)»tM>1»tton* on Um> Coe M>«OM «n£nw Pnggy t Typ*ng 5»Y!C« ( •pe'w’XoO o*V '*j s*«w«m 0" IBM compute »yata«n »n pnnw BnucnafMt ' Can P*ggy ■( MJ-MM PROFESSIONAL TYPING Alto •o'd p»or*M«ng w*ton 1 •«* IxcJtyfydntvwi* Bond*, 93S- 189? ^ TYPING UNLIMITED Barbara Land ~ 4»-»43 Sa»nnq UO yoa »nca 198* A) >44 07*9, *0**4 34 3-40/6 Silh'icrMA -•" • iANt.iT*-* |0» Ran ?h* r**4M pr*« GrenAA • *** o»gi*n*«i*'cn» 342-601? Futon OoutAe st/ed and &*a f>r* _ *25JLfi£ 6*7'wy GUITARS GALORE' M..uc* torn* O* aS Mod* AHK> earner** emet $Ny«o« Buy and Se# Canter 36i W £*b SKIS P»a idGcm. (**/« tMKfrng*. Roafcgnoa poses siutola $i?$ ROLLER BLADES M<*ra (Mat. 3 iwhaaii. «sec cond. SBC'1 OocMAR TENS purptft K> tops, wom «n u 6. &rr&& n*w. $70 {•**» 3466/14 03/8 1979 Ford F #>tmount SSOS 0t)O CA ' M*fc* 60/-OS4C 66 BMW 1600 tail, body neWH m#*. $500 OtX> M■M.r 484 2134 153 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1976 Honda CB7S0F tmmfiiW prol mamtainad. >nd tans bag and beimata $700 666 6286/406 i 7/4 N*» Cat 1o4 Hu HOP 99661'4 Wan lad S? S4cm ■*»*«* ttam# MX tot on# ol my V o> 59cm homo *•<* Ho gWM*ta MS JW?3 155 COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS ■ratw PM4400 Word Prac«MO> wrwar'tvtty naw mXJtm n*v# u*#d. parti $460 M*«g $360 Cat 1*6 <690 Broth#* WP-60 Word P>oc»*x» «■-*.» e*a*r>e«< ■wmi^mo and typing wtw |380_C«*667_m»7_ HACINTOSH SE atpandad MU OSMBt ?0MB n»d •>«*. 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SkwYy T» : v ^ TV • '«* • V >>ySttbO 4ft4 9680 __ 2 KOulllc * •• f «•••’ ' ■» * V ■ a* m Nc?* tw M3! 4*cnl«* to* $ ISO 744 1390 175 INSTRUMENTS OKU OMCE a r*i» fc«i'«9 >« Ma-eh Put**** -» »>14.* Muting song* Deme * Cofr?*#"* and Rut»*Nog Pm»»i* guitar kvytxxta ana b»M W«*on* at*o WMKW KVMijm 4452 Pea«y Banc 40 watt amp ».t a-»' good anMiai SI SO Cat BBS 910' a*a fc* M*c or »tnn mettuge Mo tan rt 0-5 Syntn»*t/a< E icaltani Condition 1400 o> trad*. 6B6-4SS3 ~ 4 4 Violin piut i bow* $360 obo Ca» 3414? 15 Good CondOon 73 Kay Plano, fendai Rhode* IAr*a i4.tr HD one Unity amp 1 M IS" *p4** $425 ofeo IAcna*i 666 3364 165 BOOKS CASH FOR BOOKS Two Convenient Location* 766 E 13th S» Wiliamatta tcampud) (downtown) MS-1651 345-4717 BUYING HOURS 41. Ml 6-1. 7-5.14-4 62. Sal Smith Family Bookstore 190 SKI EQUIPMENT Skit. 15* SP '95 and 166cm *7S ( tan Kfcct- *4>-wig, $66 Boot* '■j-vomon S* VO $60 NcrtAi .1 5. 5 large $36 A* »2e* M t£( tO Yt Aigy 663 6036 ?05 OPPORTUNITIES BARTENDING As m** or TV ton Bartond** «r« Dr >n T */£•'•*« *c* 2 ont'y 2*27 3/12 0a> *vi evGRtrng CiAM47S Jt«t> f ! .6.<-g*r' ? 4»s>s*ftnc4 t arn to $20^* Con Mr Monks at ' 800469 4109 *5 OPPORTUNITIES Building Community Cloftl Maxtor* heedetf Are are tooum® ter «nmugaaft%c ftivt dmftcftled Mudftota to help 1ft! yew ftMtentft, eeptom 'ftftuaft that bed end (tod* community tern 2 upper -awon srmtti end ft MpencT f {* apc*-'er*x> «nd mtormeihon com* «o in nlo limiting on Tu*»a»y 2/i# ? 30-3 30 3*0 Oftflcx Mft» 0< »tap by 3*4 Onager He» >Qi ftr apple «t«u-, Speaker* Buiftftg Training Mar 13 » 14 limp atop the ftprftad ol HIV Me j >na*ftM community mwan mio laune or Doug. 342 Vi** voii i'Xed (T last team AMO THIS TEAM TOO ARE OM THE VERGE Of DOING IT AGAIN Onhrarftlty Theatre M-ft3 Need* VOl) to Dfthe See MUSIC, COME DY DRAMA lor I III t n (>egon. 97411 GTE Position - Spring farm Administrative RotJtton tfVortung anfh the Ofkoa* qI Hyman Reaou't** tViarft and p»act»onart m fcaar^ng ky tntormafton «n tufejad arwi Wa prov* 20 Itoori per mw enl^ iGfimtr wort ava^ac** $6 0Q^Ou} to*©r«“sujd applicants nhoukS aubmii a •Ottar Ol appAcabcn laaume ietor«ncaa. and w**ng »4tmpia i© ERIC a! Agate Ha#, 17S7 Agate S*. Room igy by Fab 19 ?io HELP WANTED (Am $1400 WEEKLY mai'.ng ou> O' cu>« s' NOW EREt SEYS L>*p< ?49. Bo. 4000. CwOev* TN 38018-4000 2t0 HELP WANTED CmtM Um tntry on boardftandwit posrton» Ml, MnnW'^ff round 310-28’ -69’2 f ALASKA SUMMER JOBS ^ Spend the summer working in beautiful Denali National Park. ARA Denali Park Hotels will be on campus interviewing for 300+ summer hotel positions. Recruiting Date: February 17, 1993 Sign Up Now At: Student Employment Office Room 12, Hendricks Because You’re In Good Company... You’ll Go Further. Providing an ideal work environmeni has been one of SAH( Os main objectives since its inception in l^2X. We feel that by creating an atmosphere where your ideas matter and every employee is respected and rewarded you have the opportunity to go as far as your talent and drive vs ill take you At SAH-t < >. integrity, decency and honesty arc words we live by and tlrcy are qualities we seek in the employees ssv lure It is these qualities that has made S AT I CO one ol the leading diversified financial corporations in America. Out success gives you the foundation for your ovs n success If you are interested m a position in out Information Sy stems Department, SAfTX'() representatives vs ill l>e cut campus for an Information Session Wednesday, February 17, 4:30 pm Deschutes llall 220, C olloquium Room for more information regarding SAI I t ‘O, please contact your Center for t arcer Scrv tees We ate an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce. SAFECO Winterize Your Car Right Now! • QUALITY, CERTIFIED TECHNICIANS •AFFORDABLE PRICES • CLOSE TO CAMPUS 1917 Franklin Blvd. 485-8226 r 'll 1 ▼ 7 r Would you like to know your cholesterol number? FREE CHOLESTEROL SCREENING Held on Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30 Check in at the Health Education Office in the Student Health Center Pteasa bnng StiOent I0 For more information call 346-4456 Spontofa By t* 1Punvtg Pmgrwrx, SVJc* Ctnur A A A k k k J .