QUESTION: What do you hate most about the Emeraldi "I guess the let ters to Pf the edi- H tor. They H could use Bf a little ™ weeding out.' DIANA FLORES freshman, journalism "I hate the fact that there is no news in it. And Street wise needs to ask more socially responsi ble questions.” DEBORAH WATKINS second-year law student ' "There’s too many one-sided stories. . ?) Where do m you get p your L— information?" ARANN HARRIS freshman, undeclared "The fact that there's not a cross word puz zle every day." AMY LARSON sophomore, poly sci "I don't read it too much. It's too liber al." I BOBBY NOMA junior, int. business "Lack of comics. There wasn't even any today." CHRIS TUCKER sophomore, psychology KAVE Continued from Page 1 expressed," Christine Beneda said, "like speaking out against Measure 9 No other radio station did that." This combination of music and political commentary created a station that for many was more than something to listen to in the car. "To me," Ellis said, "the KAVE is like the soul of Eugene because it's such an eclectic format," Ellis, president of Friends of the KAVE. who organized Friday night's vigil, said several KAVE fans and DJs were hoping the KAVE could become a coop eratively run radio station and stay on the air. After Ellis and her friends passed through the crowd col lecting donations from people Interested. Tannen announced that $500 had beun collected. Erit Alterman. one of the sta tion owners, shook his head. "It takes $50,000 to $70,000 to run a radio station each month." he said. "(The co-op) is u won derful idea, but it's a long shot." At times, the gathering seemed more like a party, especially when the DJs slopped playing commercials and dt* ided in play back-to-back music until mid night The party atmosphere ini lud ed the dancing crowd below as well us the booth, where people ate, drank and danced in the nar row aisle between the wall-to wall shelves of alphabetized CDs and the console from which the DJs worked The KAVE's last song passed quietly, the crowd by the foun tain swaying in unison under neath the windows of the booth, cheering and whistling at the end. DEVELOP & PRINT • 3" COLOR PRINTS i24*i|**36#A97 2nd#|99j ■ exp ■ exp ^0 set ■ I coupon must accompany order • add $1 for 4' x 6" color prints | i CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO I 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 ▼ Strong Coffee ▼Cappuccino ▼ Whole Bean Coffee ▼ Espresso ▼ Cafe Mochas ▼ Hot Chocolate ▼ tttUtf TftjnicCoffK ▼ 860 East i)ih Sum ▼ Across from U of 0 Bookstore j 4, [± COFFEE Etptres February 28. 1993 8 oi house oolfee 4 * 16th Annuol University ot Oregon Hawaii Ciub LU’AU P1U I KA POLI • CLOSE TO THE HEART Sunday. February 28. 1993 EMU Ballroom TWILIGHT SHOW 3:30 p.m. $8.00* EVENING SHOW / 7:00 p.m. $13.00/$15.00 (reserve seotirtg cjvurfaPJe) IXxxs open one fiall hour pftof to snow Doc* ptum available w. Lu'au T shirti and Hawaiian Cram wM be sola at me doors Tickets available at these locations Canon Hat: Tot) 15. IA 19 22. 24 and 26 • 5 00pm /OOprn UOftookdon* lob 15 18, 19.23.24,25and2ft• 10 I5am500pm EMU: Ow#gfU Snow Only) f eti 15 26 Helnst counlot 'Hawaiian entertainment ana Hawaiian food ttckxtod For more information please call 345-2773 M r.r'i-'w r -V.; ♦.wpjtr, THIS WEEK fV.M'f OFFERING au>rksho|»* memberships studio space ( suppli** . utwtt of Oregon 146-4)61 l'iuv*nij qf j o/«« ;*» i-ZT'* 1"'y. ,, 7TunA won " c*'xU 1,1 fl *i/l *^\kVl>Khl •>'*llhnr,,H'r''rj,‘"n Cl ^ntru -«2f2 f - r*. . “/vn f<1, EMU a cup of coffoo A Cal’s House of Donuts pastry purchased together Travelling Spring Term?? Get ytHif Internal* ma I Student I D card ami American Ytmth Model ta/U f**r DISCOUNTS' US WEST Payment Agency YES • you can now pay EWEB. NWNCi and USWEST Theatre Discount Tickets (regular prfcre up to *6 50) Moyer and Act HI - *4.50 d ema Q Organic Coffee Breezeway Served Dally! Toti special Entree • Every Ttrantlay • Skylight _FeMrttf Um CHOk ereryttyt ★ TRACK TOWN PIZZA ★ 6“ Pizza only $2.95 Fountain Court Cafeteria Fresh Baked! 1 lam-2pin I YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US. USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVtCES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS. YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE.