2t: HELP WANTED ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT . fi*h*rng boali I r** tranjeortaAon' Room «" go as lar as your talent and drive will take you. At SAFEC O, integrity, decency and honesty arc words we live by and they arc qualities we seek in the employees wc hire. It is these qualities that has made SAFECO one of the leading diversified financial corporations in America. Our success gives you the foundation for your own success If you arc interested in a position in our Information Systems Department, SAFECO representatives will be on campus for an Information Session Wednesday, February 17,4:30 pm Deschutes Hall 220, Colloquium Room For more information regarding SAFECO, please contact your Center for Career Services. Wc are an equal opportunity employer committed to hiring a diverse workforce. r.'s iCT$ duplexes FunkM 111 ■edrooma Winter rmt I17VWM MMOl CIOM TO CAMPUS, nee I bdrm apt no pets, 13*0. ji>»! MMren HI CM 34$429 I Largo 1 bedrm Apt sraymo, 1791 I«M*)3 46*4600 NNLLRACE APTS l»0S OAAOCN AVC Immaculate 3 t*»m a story apis kit ai tor 3 oi 4 :««*> Pnvtrtt peso*, ovsrtoofcmg IN> Mnrace tpertect to* 800‘s! PeaceM. rre« « and wik> CatMt monthly >*M>s kom $S65 For s/ioennge cM Don * 344 6696 CEDARWOOO QUADS *4i e i» Private room*. AIL UTlUlllS PAID on alt launrky Groat alt* from SKIS' CM Brian at «S60697 JstwingiiCo PROSPECT PARK I and 1 bedroom apartments avail near, quiet country atmonpnere ekeonvenmnt oty location othar 1st lures include pool. lannuAasketbaii els. rtc room and playground ng« paal astn and Chambers 484 6*M SOUTHOATfAPAMTMDrrt a Deckm. toembouse. iauncky, pool, sauna near U ol O CM Oarm .|34>«447l No move-tn tea. 1 mo tree 3 bdrm apis Cable Quart Near UdQ Or s4e mgt 440- UAL. 343-6377 Belter Prop Mgl 46I-CI9B _ Unfurnished studio In houaa $190 plus utilities 346*6742 eves 1 bdrm, $406 a tn»m, $6S0rmonth laumky perking, security. close to campus 4B4 9ft?a 1 bdrm MX. near campus, pats ok. tor rushed. i"dry lease thru June $300 ♦ ukl. E IS&I4 Ferry >44 6623 1 Mk from campus 3 Dedrm apt erdsheiosTier We need to move out batons spring break. $67$ 0-92JS) CM 3446/14 <4 $167 $01 Redwood Park Apts. QuUl. Country Uetap nik City CMMwitow MM, (alerting Mo* I) Low UtHHIee-On Bualine Equipped Weight Room, Spa Wood Par* > Playground Laundry FacUIttaa Studio tm» moo to ten Individually Decorated Completely Fumiahed Everything From Cable TV to Unarm For Bad. Bad! 4 Kitchen On Site Managamam Tram 4103 W. 18th 484 8778 FOJLtAXVIlvLAG 17 _ araamuui_ JLv — fcryny Ut* brrmr id «"»o» mil h wltdllfr la luprr fVx* pUa r 2 BDKM. I V.IIATIl h. *495 & ‘51 Viinuitli • Dut Iff (IflfNtl • Swimming hnl • WeiffU/fiintiJ Kc«*m •Swm Si. Cm»B» (DimU A hiUlw) 687-1318 f-. Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Spartieig dean I bedroom M appUanced. wtawrtyerd «**. 4396 Cal allowed atfdap *66*991 What a dear Sporting daan large ' bedoom, at uW ♦ cable 4466. great location 1050 Ferry Si 404 /441 Valandna Special! 4iM Large, mod ern . good location tree utMei i860 Marn*. ne»t to U o< O 663 n49_ ,5 ROOMS Larga room m 3 16*. »« c*aca. yard. 5 Woctt* »om eampv*. I2«e Iwyr doom .n n<* odar iwa. pr>v enaanca. to*. Ajrrvmad o« u" Aentehad aemeedryar 1 Wclii Irom cmyui, t32\mo tnc uW 343 4953 Me* lumlihad room I «xl. rid. I*un dry A* lor use « dap I oraign itudentt aalcoma «I 450_ Qulal larga hrrntafrad room mara lilcfiao and both mm other*. no tmokrng or pad yard. LtSOnibo 34 6 3r?IW4<)ftl»2 doom avail .join n. I Sd I duriov*. clean. dural atmo. »g men 'am rm. laun rm. private train 1SS0. greal toured Call Hat, 346-4008 355 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate needed 7 eadm apt on campul Am»»0ad. clean. near. *247 Sflrmc MfrfBM Room male needed to mare 7 Dad room > bam houie to very ntea home, rramar dryer IS procAl to »ampul mud raa 1300 • *r uM. Grad dudanl preterred. Can Pater 6AA 34»4 Share I Mm apt near Ammon Pari vr Southead Eugene. *2'2 50 e e» uin .fare Ca» John «3 5208 Eva* EMERALD CLASSIFIEDS A (rm of ■ deal! 280 MEETINGS Oom toternation** txi **>•** if4«r«.«l SomHfvir i« H4U Mapto Rot*« F#fc 1M?i 4prr MutUm Student Aaaoclatton GonaraJ Interest F eft !«. 6 / XJpnv Map* floor" f MU Con*®f*nc* Sly4» __ FHwaoo Capacity PM* ALPHA THETA m.m. •<, • < v Cttrty rmttiftycitik** a*ac*o«*. 3 X) F>» day 2/12 in 253 PlC Aa major* and ancouraged to attand 235 CLUB SPORTS IT'S HERE! Tfcs Club Spans Co-Id Indoor Soccsr Tournsmsnl Fri, Feb 12- Sun 14 All teams welcome Entry lw required For information come in or call Club Sports, _346-3733 Faculty * Staff - Student Parents W*M yOor ecf»oo*-aye ch*kJ be with you on carnput th*» Monday. Feb *5*h? Come take a break wt*n your child at me Farwfy Center. Room 23 f MU We mti be open 9 304 40 mih movie* at ttwe lunch hour and morning and after noon *1 acf«v*tse*i tor kids Refresh ments included1 For more •ntormabon, cak m# Famity Center. 346 0662 or Karen Logvm. 346 2962 Where you In the UO recruiting video? If you were m the video taped on campus this *aH. here » your chance to see the brushed product DATE Wed Feb trth. 1993 TIME 6pm 6 45pm PLACE Adams H— lounge_ POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Postcards Directed by Rebecca David Fad 12,13 at 5pm Room 102. Vlllard Hall SINGAPURA THE LION CITY Singapore Culture Night Venue: EMU BALLROOM Date: Feb 20th 1983 Time: 6pm Price: $7 Tlckats Avatlabta at EMU MEETINGS 1 953KAVE DWELLERS UNITE Save the KAVE Candle Light Vigil Downtown Mall Friday, Feb. 12, 6pm - midnight Paid lor by Frianda of tha KAVE M5 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT Mh Annual Macon) Snow (•CM SO-Scn' l-japtnt IWon tooc* ol JaccudfcCO-) but w*. »ad* .. In rest In jroor futur* with ODE Advertising \Ipli.i I ;m < >nu im \ N I > (i.iiiiin.i 1‘lii llrlii l t II I ti \ I I < >1(1 M I ! I M' This Saturday (2/13) ► f»,« 1 vnt«Xtoj a wvnwG momantic tuwixht norSSa'alKuriTwiin/rbaa THE CRYING GAME MTMNATIOMAi ANMATNM Thb FRIDAY * SUNDAY . iM__ « iguru, easgi^l ALICE t m :<>< APTS i ENTERTAINMENT WOW HALL St It & Lincoln TONIGHT The Daddies Buckhorn Osgood Slaughter SATURDAY Treat Your Valentine To An Evening With: ARLO GUTHRIE 2 shows (7 & 9:30 PM) All Af>cs Welcome 6S7-27I6 VafcHitProm •peoatwad f>y tr>« L#*t*an Gay Ajuavk.® and On« Common Thread Sat ?•<> 13#|. Gfvxton ScN*>< (IW A Agat#) 54 Itve (X), hot dura* muitc. »® traanmaota. p*vptugra|>N>> avartaft*e 3to MASSAGE i BOOY WORK Shiatsu mM««g« tat CasIM, l Ml Swtdkih Moaaao* «po*ts on arte maasatja g»* cartifccafa* SH&t*** t X4 i 13th 464 9609 3ii COUNSELING PftOeiEfttt? Call rN» UoO Cflta t *n« tew be®. anonymous Cttt*s coun«0**Ki and tator* alt 6pm dam M f . .4 hou*i waafcandn 345 444JB _ _ 330 SERVICES PWirxd PwwiOtood im 1“mi wwwi ril«ctXXl ClW.k». t»H» oontooi. 1»l»Uf cy M ««J unbUMd coun**Mng 344 8411_ pT*gn«nt7 NikxJ h«4p7 lint tnognan cy Kyi l«>y c*o