Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS A Bashar and Rocky Tho buds «*x> «*»o «*>*ta Thanfcy to* MaMti Wadtkrg You guys mada *xo rnqftt_ MX V«sots *>• Wua *ooas «r« iod Congrats Woody and ' 'ad The raeapbon rras tun W« Icnra you HT's a ton' MHO To the ganttamon ol LPI Thanks to* I ha graal ha tknnor l at'a do *t agam toon Smearaty. KAH To tha woman ofStOWlAKAPPA I wsh you a* a Happy Votantine* Day and hapa you ho*a a sucr ossh. spring tarm I at m**a you my tnandt Saa you at duty* In SKjMA Mom. a 105 PERSONALS VManMn** to no Mm* to M Mon*. i Selective Introductions c«346-33M 110 LOST i FOUND FOUND: keys. 2/V93. Ulti and Ml « tawxrt* Raytar tun gMMM. 2AMU. H*aiyn. .1 lound ikuM i*lu>n lo May Mg M3 7M9 m TYPING SERVICES *1 M4-07M. MOWN <» OM AO SCHOOL APPHOVSO »yaa> inmmkSm back »Ound 1»mpd(*l1ulntum* Hr vks f dfcng l mm (» ON CAMPUS! PROFESSIONAL TVPINO Alto pfocatting. wlfcog F'»• Octu|yOM««oc»»t«vl OH*v'T WA'M Thatat. Oitoanauont on Loom Co* 6S3-SOM anytma CLAHRIFIKD COMFumUl ATTN; Itno* kwjMT* llutinMiM j IndutirtM ^ ✓Category 165 VOt'K CAWI'UH CUWNKCTION1 (h-rgfnn limily Kim+rmld 340-4343 PagBV* Typing »•'**«• f iputnam tffttl oSwng hwm or *M crynputa* *|tt*#m and War (trim HaaronaWa taW C«M Papgy X M1-4M* TYPING IBM War purl, H SOpap* WOK TYPING UNLIMITED ■artiaraLand ~ •»»« Sarvtng UO ataa iw aonahl*d, protasa-ona) »«•"« and cxr.aoaatwn on you> tarm Pd (.«•> prop*!* am) rim *376 ot» inminaWan Su Mae* notai 4 pan o' noa and po*na *30 Cal Gary al 4»«73 OUTTAM OALORCI Muncn *01 o' alktoda Atari, camaraa and atarooa Boy and 5al Camai 36i W W Untgua Carda hw poll »nd lea an. aamnga to> your *. Thuraday and rn)ay o»*y at MMaoi EMU WAMTCO Honda ttamAaro acootn about 1300 ton SAll l*a nan monad ndwolt. SSBO 687 7168 KaddOig dnaa «ua 6 *376 WS car si angaoamam non among *1000. *at ua ooar *1900 6» ?«M. Soaan 6 taring Training Beads Oakland I WiCARS TRUCKS N*ad Tunion Money! M *u(» Coup* H*»a£D« 3rd owner r«1 M)»:» >M tow ml#. 1W' t*\ap» wCC .npu< cnxwr control. atom 5 dc miected. mag wneait good >•<** «uo-'oo(. Dmootn nd*. lux and tun loo" Saontc* tot $4500 6rm 342-023 1*70 VW But runt 900a. body good, new !>*» $1200 oto Co* Sumo 346 8078__ t*7» fort Fofrwtount goodc®nr*tp $695 otoo CM M*» 687-0640 M MM 1600 'unt p#rtec*y *1 lad body wx $600 obo M*« 464 2134 15: MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS 1474 Honda C»7$0f MtM. (tool mantamad. met tar* bag and i*n»li $700 666 6266465-1774 NM THf UtnMATC »MC wmt I6gh end MTV part* at mat order pooa* Ca*to4 $*• 60_-8i 14 SMIKTN Valentine s Uay m JftBBEKWOCKY A CJIKDS'® Q3TTS A>v* So many ways to love.I So many ways to say it. 1308 Hilyard (across from Dairy Queen) Mon.-Sat. »:.«M • Opm Thk Sunda* »:)M! Amatrad «wd procaaaor comptoia ■Pnonacr and p™n». May lo uaa. poo saawmw •n»w PN4400 Word Preoaaaor «c«rai»an»y, flaw artaaa. navai uaad, paid Kao aa»mg P80 Ca> 30-9890 MACMTOOM Of aapandad RAM (2 SMB). 70MB hard drwa. HaMaa Packard Dadrjact PnMar ftaaai quafc hr}, carrying tag. aatong *1750 Ca* aa«n3»i»amaaipa Mar primal NX 7470. mu* tom rntl. ama* aland and accaaaonaa. uaad onca. (ii3gbo 34frOMi •aAmac MOO Ward Procaaaor plua monad, manual and mrtrucfecm tapn uaad 7 mo. part (1300 ad aai tor (650 CWMOITM i:' SOUND S>STEMS BlaupunM Larlngaon alarao Proton 300a amp. Son, EG and fyo 07") bo. (450 otto Kyto M*T»96_ _ CASHtlt «• buy" aa* and aarvwa VMS VCR'a and rromoa Thompaon ttarfronrca. 1173 Oar 343 9773 Sony rscatvar and CO plnar ♦ 'emoto (?56»0bc Sony TrwWron TV • r*moto (iTStoto 404 Q'tOT4* wsao_ 3 acoualk homo apaafcai*. Wac* C4d»na1. OoujpM nara m Nov tor (475 Miarfct* tor (1(0 744 1390 175 INSTRUMENTS Paavy Ban* 40 aan amp rasan and good eondfcon *'50 Ca« 6830101. an* k» Marc a ieava mayyaga 4/4 Violin plus 2 bowt $380 obo Can M3-4215 Good Co/x*t»o 73 Kay Plano tenaw Rftoda* Uuvc Man MO. on»i*wt> amp. 2 381 15" M*>*. 4425 ooc M«*aat 686 3364 185 BOOKS BLACK SUN BOOKS 2488 Htlyard (by Mann Im Coftaa) 484-3777 20% SALE! PM 4 thru Fab 13 W# Buy Books Toaa Wwv Son10am-7:30pm sax Pi» SP 195 and '65cm, $75 flan 205cm attantfng*. S65 Bool* Salomon SX 90. $60 Nontca. *25 langa. *35 As iw M 10-10 *. Andy. 663-8235 FREE TOP Spring Bra* PtcUnn Mexico ■ Haeae USA Ca* landmark Travel HOfrWWOS ADORTEES bath par•"»» conkdenhel ntamee regardng prwcon right to search tor parent*. children Mcheef 3446444 nut COOROMATOR The Cultural Forum I* ertendng the appfccaeon period lor the Film Coordnetu position An opportunity tor students 10 produoa tha campus Mm program Patina: February t» Appacahon & Inlormabon Suita 2 EMU • 346-4373 Cultural Forum ■» an ECVAA employer Fraahman tntartt Group Lauder* Naodedt Oavetop leadership, organisation arxJ communeahon skills wh4e helping treahman adjust to tha U olO Earn 3 upper dhnsion audit* ana a shpervf For acpacahon and intarmahon stop by 164 Oregon Had or ca» 346 1079 LECTURES COORDINATOR The Guttural Forum invites student* !o apply tor tha lacturea Coordnator positron Bring national speakers to campus to present contemporary issues Deadline February 12th Application & Information Surta 2. EMU . 346-4373 Cultural F drum is an ECVAA employer See SECTION US for all your typing needs VISUAL ARTS COORDINATOR Tha Cutturd Forum is eitendng the application period tor the Visual Arts position A great opportunity lor stu dents to develop M phases o' ad pre sentation lor tha EMU and Aperture galleries Positon begin* July i 1993 Deadline February 12th Appfceahon & Intor matron Smut 2. EMU • 346-4373 Cultural F Or urn •* an ECVAA employer Are you Interested In... is helprng other students1 n increasing your communication skStS1 a a paraprotessronai experience that can enhance your resume and tn creasa your emptoyatoety1 a dung as thrs «rh*e earning cre<»7] ■uMmlAIM as. *.4i»r (unmciXtfi I ngm*. »-xn Gonl Sci, *-MiI Mmory. Mill MMV S-4711 nits So. mr* NyMon.MM loclologv. Mill BE A PEER ADVISOR Can your mator dapartmanl or 344-3211 ror IntormaOon Public Relation* INTERNSHIPS *1 me lollo—ng eltee: 2ZZX, Muacutar Dystrophy AaeoclaMon Wsslam Meer* Qlrl Seoul Council VMC» Membership Iwvtcw and Eugene FaeOsal oI Musical Theater Deserpbons end menu*ar signups lor COIP spring ifflcmshrpt or* »»»* atm through Friday. Feb 12. B> 247 Hendricks Hat For more mlormstion. cMt34frS0n Spring Inlamahlpa Last Chance lor Sign-ups TODAY!!! Room 247 Hendricks. M. Career Information Center 210 HELP WANTED Bulking Community Claw Mentor* needed* We are looking tor enthus»aa tic and dedcated students to help 1st year students, explore issues that b»nd and divide community Earn 2 upper <> vts*on aedte and a stipend' For app»> cttbon and information come to an into meeting 0ft Tuesday 2/16 2 30-3 30. 360 Oregon HaN or stop by 364 Oregon Hafl tor an application __ Cruise Line entry level on boardiandside positions avail, sum mer 'year round 3lO-?8t-59i2 EARN $1500 WEEKLY mailing our cir Culars' Begin NOW1 FREf packet' SEYS. Dept 249. Bo* 4000 Cordova, TN 38016-4000 -INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching basic conversation^ English abroad Japan and Taiwan Many provide room & board ♦ other benefits' Make $2000 $4000 ♦ per month No previous training or teaching required For employment program cati _ i£55> Oregon Research Institute Office Assistant. 6-6 hrs'wk, SbbO/hr. overflow copying of library material* Experience w/produCbon photocopiers pretened. mdudmg troiAJleshootmg and routine supplies maintenance Hours are flexible but student MUST be RELIABLE about hours worked Must be able to tokow (fraction and work wei under pressure Must be able to show good judgment rnttaftMi and resourcefulness Contact Shutey Reeves at 464-2123. BUMMER CAMP JOBS tor men and women Hidden Valley Camp interviewing Feb 23. make appointment and get further information at Student Employment Office Umpires nssdsd tor high school Baseball, scftbaft games Pa*) poafton Games begin at 4PM daily Mon Fn Ken. 4*4 1706 $21660 Weakly Irom your Dorm! Assemble easy products, type memos, translations e«c. pert time For Ac*jf»cat»ons write IMPEX international. 1574 Coburg Rd No 270. Eugene OR 9740’ / <>UI 4 k Wednesday, February 17th, 8:00pm Lane County Fairgrounds Tickets available at the Following locations: Gl Joes, the Record Garden, CO World, House ot Records, EMU Main Desk, 0 Face the Music Produced by MCA Concerts I Appllcstlon* dum March 1 CHINA: Thi» laii-semmtet program at (hr Central Imhtute lor Natunahbei oltm intensive study ul Chinese and a chance to leam about China'* mirwnty people* The program mdud» a Ihtee-week study tairol one ol China'i minority rvgvons ECUADOR: Dunn* the tail term. Spanish language and Ubn American audio courses are dieted at the Catholic University at Ecuador Student* who remain lor the spring wmester lake regular university da»o and/or work on internships HUNGARY: No previous study oI Hungarian r* roouind for this program that emphasize* Hungarian culture and society AN levels ol language instruction are ottered INDONESIA SemeMer-long program* in Indonesian language, history, development studies, or literature are ottered thiwighuut the Council on Interna buna! Educational Educationai Exchange fCIEE) The academic program is supplemented with held tnps and short excursions JAPAN: Wastsla University's Intematiorul Division otters a variety ol courses in Asian srudns that are taught m English Participant* must have one year ol collegislevri Japanese NORWAY: Students with two years ol Norwegian are eligible lor a semester or a year long exchange program at the Uruverwbr ot Ik-rgen SPAIN: A tall or spnng semester program tot business mapts is available through CIEE Three wars of college-level Spanish an- required SWEDEN: students with twe ware «t Swedish may study at Uppsala I mviiMtv, one ot Europe * oldest and lines! universities, 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Friday m, u $4 The Gits-Adickdid Saturday m.» $5 PitplUmj irn»Umg amtU The Squirrels with Motarfoal TktCmdiMn Sunday m m$i A Mucfrav jam fcilunnj Fiddlin Sue Uncle T and Johnny 1:00 p.m. Monday m is $3 C.mic and The Cloro* Girls Bone Club Flowers Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sal Music starts at 8pm Sundays