IFC continues increase trend By Mandy Baucum and Chester Allen Emerald Reporters The Incidental Fee Committee continued a pattern of increas ing or meeting student group's budget requests during this week’s 1993-94 budget hearings In a meeting marked by sever al heated outbursts between IFC members and ASUO representa tive Neil Sunnell, the IFC Thurs day approved budget requests for four student groups Sunnell said he was con cerned that some of the IFC's actions did not comply with Oregon stale public records laws. Sunnell said the IFC should approve their meeting minutes in a more timely manner. In response to Sunnell's concerns. IFC: members agreed to approve meeting minutes at the meeting after the minutes were recorded. The IFC Thursday approved budget requests for Disabled Student Services, Forensics, the Chinese Students Association and Rig Brother/Big Sister. Disabled Student Services received $10,100; the same amount it received for this year. The DSA plans to use some of the money to buy a machine that would help students with poor eyesight read, said University Disability Program counselor Hilary Gardes. The IFC allocated $13,820 to next year's Forensics budget, which is the same amount it received last year. The CSA received $5,032. a 5.1 percent increase from this year's budget. The IFC increased Big Broth er/Big Sister's budget to $1027. a 25 percent increase from its pre sent budget. Monday night the IFC approved budget requests from Amnesty International and the Hong Kong Student Association. The IFC gave Amnesty Inter national $658. a 119 percent increase from this year's budget The Hong Kong Student Asso ciation received $1,341. a 6.9 percent increase from this veor's budget. Newly appointed IFC member Ed Carson opposed several bud get increases during the Hong Kong Student Association's hearing but finally agreed to the 6.9 percent increase. In other business Thursday, tiie IFC voted to loan $5,000 to the Club Sports sailing leant to buy two boots. Sailing team member Stephanie Dixon said the team will repay the IFC the money overan 18-month period. The IFC also voted to give MEChA's mentor program $800 for an "icebreaker" party to introduce MKChA mentors to Churchill High School students BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS 10% OFF w*h trus coupon 684-5009 | 1122 AK*k * ECKANKAR Rallglu ml tba Free worship services open to the general public every Friday night at 6:45 February 12th: rrm MtcNng ol ECKAHKM1 • Wm Ham to comma ifw LgH an) Sound 0/ God. mtucfi ham tho (xm# to pm torn anon m thm hkxxm. ■3/t HofoU Ktamp, Tho Uahsntm, Tfm Uvtng £cM lisatsr Spormmd by ft bgra IMr Soca*y rui mm ia*A* mxxbj r-poppi*/^ ^4na4olia. Th* Land East TradMontf Greek b Indtan Pood S S ' f ' Winter Hours Moa-Thurs. 1130-9-30 f=ri. & Sat 1130-1000 Sua 500-i000 992 Willamette Eugene Or 97401 343.9661 CIVIL WAR WRESTLING VS. osu 7:30 P.M. MAC COURT FRIDAY FEB. 12 UOFO \ STUDENTS 4 free W *• DOUBLE TEE & MARK ALAN PRODUCTIONS PRESENT Tilt POUCH BEST KISSERS IB TRE WORLD IR0R.FEB.25H WOW HALLSo nans at wow hau, emu main desk, face the music record garden house of LT AV IT RECORDS,® WORLD, HAffY TRAILS RAV t PtOOUaO IN ASSOCMODN WITH EMU CULTURAL FORUM i CALENDAR BLOWOUT t ii 25% OFF ALL 1993 CALENDARS I 150 kinds to 1 choose from Lazar’s Bazar 5/ W Broadway • 687 0139 957 Willamette Si (Downtown Mall) Hall * FREE DELIVERY (Must mention coupon) SUBSHOP 1225 ALDER I 345-2434 l laiWM •(■mtlfira ; iHiiiiimnmnniHiiiiiiiHiiHiiiuiummnimi tuninHiinnuuunmnnnuinnminmnnmmnimm Environmental Studies Minor OPEN HOUSE Feb 16, 3:30- 104 Condon Hall Information Galore! : r Find our about the ES Minor : r Summer Internship information ; r Environmental Activism on Campus i r Field Study Programs. ir Environmental Studies Center Resources it All Students are Welcome •111111111111 ii 111111 ii i ii 11111111 9 Students for Equal Access Valentines Dance Live music by Perfect Alibi at Condon School Auditorium Friday, February 12 ¥ 8:00 p.m. $2 00 each or S3 00 per couple Wheel choir accessibility, dancetulity performance i 4 hi icwrs mm Restaurant and Lounge ■'ll ^ Chinese and t^roeriean Food Mot Thurv-11 <» am to 10 50 pm Frt-1100 jm to M (Orient Sjt -Noon to Mttirjn; Sun.-Noon to 10 30 pm ORDERS TO CO 343-4480 947 Franklin 0vd