Fill in this crossword puzzle correctly and have the chance to win one of the great prizes listed below. Almost every business advertising in this supplement will have all or part of its name as an answer to a clue in the puzzle. So read each ad carefully! Bring the completed crossword puzzle to Room 300 EMU on February 12th after 9:00a.m. Across 1 Thj^f t a - VWtoette 4 ’,:tn 8 Don't mogt tHa worn fey is ccw ? H*» niffs *3if op ■ MS Sff»f - M 5 3 sWfew ’pomf ’ 4 vn<, g t,ni! fQ$$s .it *!*♦$ '>f>f on K 1 & Ikitfe! e« filtirOWSy 16 fts a st» «n note Wi 20 A ; I rack Town Pizza ¥ Aqua Serene ¥ Bon * Roundhouse ¥ Record (iiinion ¥ * Kugeru Flower Home ¥ Just Hair * Little Caesar’s a Pizza Pete's ¥ Bttballoons a Pegasus Pizza ¥ (initio's a Smith Tamil} Bookstore ¥ rhe Beanery AJlnnn Bros. Coffei Flower Market ¥ U of O Bookstore ¥ ¥ ft ¥ ( ( Backstage Dance wear ¥ Jc:> a’ t/f crti finite Big Town Hero ¥ / .Sasrf.v!. n think Silver Star Video ¥ t.S Vii.'i Hi-rtal Gift I ■ ‘ffiml Club Wash 1 ¥ iUOC.u’. Si. -i Gift LOOK FOR THE ON TUESDAY,