Colonial Jan JteM OPEN TO THE PUBLIC Sunday Breakfast Special $1 95 Daily CAB You Can Eat) Buffet - $5 00 I 1626 Willamette St 1 lorn - 1 am 343-7645 UtftfUSC M • Country W/Sc* - Jan -OomPoaPoo 8ar*|u»» raUHMM KetMMm Offer good with B«rt> 1 ILLUSIONS. 1311 t incotn Willamette Towers Building 40% OFF • Haircut (reg $15 wr shampoo & conditioner) • Perms loop rods A spirals (reg $60-65 w/ conditioners. cot A style Longer, color treated hair anghtiy more) I • I L • • Illusions • 345-1010 • • • ' touvtu** tfcMWMi %*» -4 4 4M* * ****’’ Aaw, Good through February 27, 1993. 1 I I J We Have What ^ You Want For Valentine's Day <^ll love potions men’s and women s lingerie novelty items PREE condoms (while suppliesi«§o LAZAR’S BAZAR 57 W. Broadway, Downtown Mall • 687-0139 i’Ttokc b> 0av<3 Nttt Kathy Bradley, owner ot Feminine Fancies, displays some ol the shop s merchandise that has been popu lar with Valentine s Day gift-given. se Because Valentine's Day is the day lor lovers, lingerie has become a very popular gift Be it heart-decorated panties, sleep shirts decorated with big teddy bears, or silk boxer shorts for the men; the local lingerie departments and stores are geared-up lor the big day. "I buy a new teddy lor my girl friend every year at this time. She loves them, and so do I,” said student Joel Larabee Although many men do enjoy giving their sweethearts lingerie (or Valentine's Day, they don't especially enjoy the shopping around part "l feel like some kind ol a per vert walking mto a lingerie store with a bunch ol women in there looking at me,” said student Bryan Vereschagin. "Its not just walking in and paying, you have to stay in there and shop to pick things out" For this reason, one local lin gerie shop. Feminine Fancies, puts on an annual fashion show for men only They have two shows, Feb. 9 and Feb. 11, where they offer champagne throughout the fashion show entertainment. This has become a 13-year tradition at the store. Not alt men are afraid of lin gerie shops. "During Christmas and Valen tine's Day, we get as many or more men shoppers as we do women shoppers.” said Patricia trom Feminine Fancies They realty get into the spirit of Valentine's Day The fashion par ties give men who cannot figure out the correct size, or would like to see what their potential gift looks like on. to get the assis tance they need. Forty to 50 men show up for each party Besides the normal red and white decorated lingerie or heart designed boxer shorts, Feminine Fancies has some special gift ideas The store has heart shaped hanging ornaments and mugs that can be filled with bub ble bath or massage oil. It also sells some special little Valentine s trolls The female has on a red padded bra and a red with black lace teddy, and the male wears heart-decorated boxer shorts Gift wrapping is complimentary lor all Valentine purchases Turn to I1NGKRIK, Page I3B 1 SAM’S ON CAMPUS sandwiches Where a Sandwich is We Bake Our Bread Fresh Daily FREE DELIVERY 50c OFF 75‘OFF S1®0FF sm. sandwich 12 toot exp 2 26 93 med. sandwich 3/4 toot exp 2'26 93 family size 2 foot exp 2 26/93 804 E. 12th comer of 12th & Alder 343-1141 rsrJ IZZY’S Valentine’s Weekend Special All you can eat! MFFIT - Why pay more anywhere else? per person 730 E. Broadway • 484-2919 MIDDLE EASTERN & MEDITERRANEAN CUISINE 19th A A gat* 683-6661