Valentine Happenings Beer Gordon Block Roses in me Dining Room. Free odmit tonce. 21 ond over Weekend of Animation International Style. 180 PIC First show ing is Alice by Jan Svankinajer at 7 p m Second showing Barefoot Gen by Mosaki Mori at 9 p m Repeats Feb 14 Postcards. Flaying at the Pocket Playhouse at 5 pm in 102 Villard Hall SI donation Repeats on Feb 13 I Benefit for Womenspoce and HIV/AIDS resources. Chris Williamson and Tret Fure in the EMU Ballroom at 8 p m Caddy shack Sponsored by Alpha Tau Omega and Gamma Phi Beta at 7 and 9pm Cost S3 To benefit Eugene Emergency Housing I: Mark Allen. Playing j at JoFedengos Can't write? Don’t Fret Perhaps you don't have the write stuff Maybe you’d rather pay a week-long visit to me dentist than put your deepest feelings on paper Don't fret The old rell ables are still available this Valentine s Day PREPRINTED VALEN TINE'S DAY CARDS An estimated 1 billion of 'em. Children - unschooled in me serious ramifications of these heart-Infested notes - send an average of 22 apiece Elvis gets 100 eoch year at Graceiand FLOWERS A big day for baby's bream. The indus try estimates mat 140 mil lion roses and 160 million carnations will change hands CANDY Last year, lovers bought $642 mil lion in sweets for their sweets Chocolate "Smoochies" Ingredients •1 package sugar-tree chocolate podding mix •2 cups skim milk •3 cups peanut butter •70 graham cracker squares • 1 envelope reduced calone whipped topping mix Mix chocolate pudding accord ing to directions on package, using skim milk. Cool thor oughly Mix peanut butter with podding Drop 2 tbsp onto each cracker Place 1 tbsp whipped topping on top ot the pudding-peanut butter mixture and cover with second crack er Wrap and freeze > aientines You don't have to empty poor mallet to please pr beloved Thn St. Valentine's Day shopping season has arrived in Eugene, and many icx^il retailers are experiencing an upswing in business. Kim Young, assistant manager at Carleton Cards and Gifts in Valley River Center, said busi ness is always goo