☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆☆ VALENTINE’S DAY February 14th VALENTINE’S FOR YOUR SWEETHEARTt Valentine tins, boxes A cards, cherries jubilee truffles, chocolate HEARTS, chocolate heart-shaped cookie trays, assorted bags A boxes of chocolate HEARTSI Valley River Center *6W 17th Ave * 199 E. 5th Ave (Eugene) Free wts. • Nautilus • Aerobics • stalrmaster WOLFF TANNING BEDS Open 7 days a week expires 3/1/93 SKT*- 485-4475 melWims Around this time ot year, chocolate becomes preva lent as a gift-exchanging item Usually, the giver gives the givee a nice, simple heart-shaped box tilled with palate pleasing sweets in return for an innocent "Thanks Hon." This transaction takes place time after time, year after year, Feb. 14 after Feb. 14, but do givers know the myths that accompany the act of giving chocolate? One such tale floating around is the idea that the taste bud tan taluer. called chocolate, has been known to make one feel as if "in love." On a similar note, another myth says chocolate inflames passion and that it actu ally stimulates the same section ol the bram that is stimulated dur ing sexual intercourse Don't tell me no one has heard Photo by M«ck*k*»oo One such rale floating around is the idea that the taste hud tantahzer. called chocolate, has heeo known to make one feel as if ‘in love ‘ o) this This myth could explain why the Euphoria Chocolate Compa ny has people lined up outside the door ol the store and around the block, waiting with number in hand so they may purchase their favorite array ol chocolates. Depending on the time of day. one may find a similar line of Valentine givers at the University Bookstore, eagerly awaiting the purchase of their chosen choco late cc Ui > O o O z h < Ui CC H cc D o ui UJ cc u. cc u > o O O z < ui CC » cc D o UJ UJ cc cc UJ > o o o z FREE! OURTREAT! NOCOVER! FREE! OURTREAT! NOCOVER! FREE! OURTREAT! NOCOVER! FREE! Little Lynn and the Smoking Souls ENNIE' \NDIN Saturday February 13th 9 P.M. w > THE TUNE ^ £ p THE PLAC i.r iivaai ano ;33di ia3AOOON ;iv3ui ano iaaaa ;a3AOO on ;iv3hi ano iaaaa iaaAOo on "Aren'1 ail women choco holics?" said University graduate Matt Herbert when asked if he thought the majority of women adored chocolate. “I bought my girlfriend chocolate for Valen tine’s Day last year, and 111 prob ably do the same this year, too." Good idea. After a while, some people become creative with their gifts of chocolate and really take it to the extreme. According to Jenny Alkire, Euphoria Chocolate employee, a customer recently requested to have a gold neck lace wrapped in plastic and dis guised as a truffle. Another legend of chocolate that has a more historical per spective is featured in Mexican mythology. According to the sacred traditions of the Indians of Mexico. Quetzalcoatl. the god of the air was sent to introduce man to the seeds of the “quacahault" or cocoa tree, in order for the tree to produce food for the gods. Quetzalcoatl was responsible for all the clear skies and sweet air. so when he incurred the wrath of one of the principle gods and was forced to leave the coun try, the people erected a statue in his honor that awaits his return. With these myths in mind, pro ceed with caution this Valentine's Day. Be cautious of the arrival of Quetzalcoatl bnngmg more virtu ous sweets, and even more, beware of chocolate-covered Mercedes. — Kristin Genzer 720 E. 13th across from Sacred Heart The Best Espresso Drinks This Side ol the Big Boot1