Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1993, Page 4B, Image 12

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    “30 years of Quality Service”
Mercedes • BMW • Volkswagen
Audi • Datsun • Toyota
2025 Franklin Blvd.
Eugene, Oregon, 97402
I QJou/i Sweetie!
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Caffe Mochas
(Reg. S3.00)
2541 Hilyard SI. and 152 W. Slh Si. In Eugene
Eipew 22* S3 Not vaU w«h O0*> teutt
Com* trt our fantaatic **l«1(on of Valentin* candy, card*, and gift*.
2541 HILYARD STREET & 152 W. 5TH ST.
in Eugene . Open 6 AM Daily
Win A Date
Well, not really.. ,but you can win great prizes by
completing the crossword and bringing it to Room
300, EMU after 9 a m. today!
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As Valentine's Day draws near, people every
where are beginning to wonder just how they
will romance that special someone with an
enchanted evening.
01 course, it requires carelul thought to create a
mood rich in ambiance and bursting with passion.
But with these few simple ideas even the most unro
mantic can sweep others oft their feet
A classic romantic evening always begins with a
candlelight dinner for two But at North's Chuck
Wagon you can impress your date with a dinner big
enough for six or seven Here you will find the clas
sic elegance of all you can eat, blended with the
charm of assorted Jell-O salads and a make-your
own sundae bar Come and en/oy the mystery of
Chuck's, where you can gaze lovingly across your
tray into your lover's twinkling eyes as he playfully
squeezes mashed potatoes through his teeth
Photo fry Mk*um< $hfn&&
Or, why not escape into a wortd where love knows
no boundaries? A world where the only thing
between you and your lover is a pair of roller skates
and a bag of cotton candy tied securely to your belt
loop Escape into Skate World.
This romantic getaway is nestled within the fluo
rescent confines of Gateway Mall and provides an
exquisite view of the freeway. Here, you and your
lover can basque in the subtle ambiance of strobe
lights, while the poetic music of Olivia Newton John
fills your ears with easy-listening favorites like
You and your sweetheart can grasp hands still sticky
from cotton candy and glide gracefully toward the skat
ing floor as they announce the couples-only skate
from the booth.
And for those of you still looking for that special
someone. Skate World provides the perfect setting
to show off your skills and win the heart of some lucky
"It takes a little fancy footwork," said University
senior Scott Maitland, “but I can do a mean 'shoot the
"That’s how he won my heart," said Maitland's girl
friend. Amy Head. “He came out of nowhere, crouched
low on the skating floor, one foot extended out in front
of him. balancing strongly on the other I couldn't take
my eyes off him all night.”
But if your skating moves need a little brushing up.
you can always partake in a night of passion on the
dance floor. Sweep your sweetheart away with the
t urn io COUPLES, Page I6ti
Shoot your Sweetheart
... and we will develop
the photos!
890 i. 13th • Across from u of o Bookstore
Mon-m ioam-6pm
Sat I0am-5pm