Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 12, 1993, Page 3B, Image 11

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    Getting married is one of the most adventurous
things a person can do.
Did you ever stop to think that when people are get
ting married they are doing something they don't know
anything about? And when you try it a couple of times,
you usually know less about it the second time than
you did the first time.
Not too many people would argue with you if you
dctiu auuuny a numnayo i>au
something to do with love.
And probably no single sub
ject in the concerns of
humanity has received as
much attention as love.
Without a doubt, love has
ruined more lives than war
and made more happiness
than all the dreams of paradise.
What is the secret to love? What is the wax *° a
happy marriage l These are questions that have been
asked and answered many times. Some of the
answers have been wise, many stupid. Few of them
have shown the way to being happy in love and mar
Ron Hubbard, internationally acclaimed Ameri
can philosopher and writer, has found many of those
answers. "Love" is not enough to guarantee a stable,
long-lasting relationship, according to Hubbard Here
are some of Hubbard's hints on selecting a marriage
partner and ensuring a successful union They depend
uniformly on communication:
• Communication is the root of marital success from
which a strong union can grow, and non-communi
cations is the rock on which the ship will bash out her
• What is the “communication lag" of the individual 7
When asked a question, now -g does * take him to
reoister and return' The length < i time intervening
lion lag." The fast answer tails of the fast mind.
Marital partners who have the same communica
tion lag (meaning their rate of response to questions
or remarks addressed to them is similar) wifl get along:
where one partner is fast and one is slow, the situa
tion will become unbearable to the fast partner and
miserable to the slew one.
• A "communication line” is the route along which a
communication travels from one person to another.
A marriage can go on the rocks when the line between
partners is cut or blocked (such as; a third person
interferes by telling falsehoods to each partner sep
arately; one person withholds communication from
the other; one person cuts communication to the oth
er by 'clamming up', one puts unnecessary or painful
communication on the line to the partner, etc).
Jealousy comes about because of the insecurity of
the jealous person, and the jealousy may or may
not have foundation. This person is afraid of hidden
communications lines and will do anything to try to
uncover them The partner thinks himself entitled to
have open communications lines, whereas his mar
ital partner insists that he shut many of them The
resultant quarrels and disputes can be violent
• Marriage is a created relationship When people
stop creating it, it ceases to exist The moment peo
ple stop creating it, it ceases to exist The moment
people stop creating the tamily unit, it isn't It is not
the other way around. It is not that all men are evil,
so therefore contracts such as marriage dissolve usu
ally in infidelity and go all to pieces That is not true.
The reverse is true
A family that doesn't continue to create itseil as a
family will cease to exist as a family Some people
believe a marriage or tarroly will hang together through
no fc!‘f r‘ if its own It won't.
You must '**a .’<> that a marriage -8 something you
nave to ■ • ate mto existence and keep created, and
Whiter . • •’ ; Ar/*fk;fKj V '.
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