,'vi IMPORTUNITIES Fiwhaan Interest Group Ladn NntfMl! DevWoc ieedershci, orgerwaSxm and commurvcation sk*s wtwe helping keshman adiust » the U ot O. Earn 2 upper dvmor- crettts and a taper** For appacafton and mlormatron. Mop by '64 Oregon HaK or 0*346-1079 Cruise Una entry lev* on board*ends »n «nvw©n mental aoences or related UakJ Ca« tesise Antfcawia*. 687 3606 tor «nt© Work-Study (f«dera% funded Financial Akj only) Positions arviuiatxe m Inter national Education Overseas study program® n«s several positions open Must be able to wor* 1993-94 academic year For more tot© contact Marj or B#vfet at 346-3207 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 bdrm apt. near campus. pels ok, !u> nished indry . lease thru June. $380* uBI. fc 180* ♦ ferry 344 8623 Campus Apartments Furnished. 112 Bedrooms Win Mr rim. SJ7SSS25 4BS-2B21 CLOSE TO CAMPUS nee I oar- apt. no pels S350, evert Merer* ’si Cat 34S«a> Large 1 tmdrrn Apt S32£Vmo. IT8E *6tn No 3 485 460C MU.LRACE APTS IMS QABOEN AVE Immaculate 2 t*»m 2 dory spts We el lor 3 or 4 people Private pesos, overlooking the M*#r»ce (pertect ky BeO si Peeeeiu* wee kt end sale Great moottuy *eies trom S565 for mowings cue Don at 344 £695 CEDARWOOD QUADS 44i E inn Private rooms. All U Tilt TIES PAtO. on so >fv; utn 34? 4953 Nice furnished room Food. uW. «aut> dry An fo* $350 ♦ d#p Fore»gn students welcome 461 -4573 Quiet largo furnished room vw« tufchen and oatt> w«th 2 others no smofciftQ or pets. yard. $250ot>o 345-31260444^9? Room avail until &‘t!V93. stvOoos clean quiet atmo *g krtch. fam rm, teiyn rm. private cam. $250. great house' CaB 0% 345-4609 255 ROOMMATES WANTED Roommate needed to »hare 2 two room I bath ho«*a >n very me* noma, wit^r «•(«». 15 blocks lo campus mg* wc S300 • hiM Oad aludeni Cad Palm 66t> 1494_ $har« 2 bdrm apt new Amaton Pat* m Soumeaal f.ug*n« Sl'i2 50 » *• ub «ee Cat John M3 5209 tv*s 28 c MEETINGS Mualim Sludent Ataoctauofi General Imefeal Meeting ft* 16 5? 30pm Maple Room EMU Commence Style __ 22 Ptexy Capacrty _ PHI ALPHA THETA Hialofy hono« so c*ety n>eetirv(yoMice< election*. 3 30 Fri day 2/12 m 253 PLC Ail m«pf» e*»C*e and encouraged to attend 285 CLUB SPORTS IT’S HERE! The Club Sports Co-Ed Indoor Soccer Toumaraani Fri, Feb 12- Sun 14 All teams welcome Entry fee required For Information come in or call Club Sports, 346-3733_ ;oo CAMPUS EVENTS CMLOMM ART HOUR; Fridays fee U. I* and », a 45-1 lam rv»V lun m enaden 3 and up Parama mu« ba presar* Family Cartar Rm 23 Erb Memorial l»mon For more "Ho m oaai-yte oaai >}))))> 3 A •> A ■> Faculty ■ Stall ■ Student Parents on campus Hut ego chad Monday. Fat) iSth* Coma taka a brask wan you> chart at i 73 EMU me Famrfy Center. Room 73 EMU tW* w« be open » JO-4 40 wan movies m me loncn hour and morning and aher noon art acavawa lor kids Aekesn manls metuderf For more tntormaDon can ma FarrWy Center. J46D6M or Karan logon. 34ft TtK POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Postcards Directed by Rebeccs David Fad 12,13 at 5pm Room 102, Vlllard Hall SINGAPURA THE LION CITY Singapore Culture Might Venue: EMU BALLROOM Date: Feb 20tti 1993 Time: 6pm Price: $7 Tickets Available at EMU fiaiuist&y&mimuvn It yea Have »amathln| (• Mll„. You have aamathlnf t# ODE CLASSIFIEDS 346-4343 |ttatayya>aa»it>»>a«iny>.naa'»i? 295 ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ANNOUNCING The return of Nookie Music! Tonight at Taytors: SILICONE JONES from Portland and MULTIPLE SARCASM from Eugene Be Prepared to ROCK! Valentins Prom sponsor ad by me j lesbian Gey ftuiu* AiSwmce and One Comm.;' Thread Sal Fed I Jtn. Condon Scnool (19m S Agate) S* lore DJ. not dame* mustt. •« kaanmenis. pnotoqrapnnr avwtabM) __ ARTS 5 ENTERTAINMENT Mi Annual Record Show fab 14. 10 5dm Eugana MH*o« lOOO't »i fucwOfcCO'* txj» u>*» ftatm Admwaonf’.aafr'WO •rth SiHcona Jonas from Portland TONIGHT .TatenL. \l|)lui lau < )imu,i \\l» (i.iimn.i I’ln IU l;i i I I I I K \l I I IHI \| I II \|n This Saturday (2/13) Ml Marrar Ckm Cftaaa ■ adaiy nmirlliM By GARY LARSON P■’"TT.-'.'-a. ■■ ■■■■■ — -V¥»«. kid, ya teal ma — and now avary P*** apateitaM>»vtwn>"«|»«"—»>BfWl"—* — co«na looter to yawl... Watoama >o hod. tot* ! Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson I VJ^fcD TO ViftlTmG (W&NNturs. Bur now I EUXJ< rueM I REAUIED TVtW TWE PURPOSE OF WRITING IS TO INFLATE WEAR. \DCAS. obscure poor reasoning, ahd iMUteir cukRvrf. wtm a unit practice, WRmHG CAM BE AM lNTlM\DAT\H6 AMO IMPRHETBA»£ fQfe.' WANT TO 'SEE Ml BOOK RETORT ? \ TUt WHAMKS or IMTLWEIH6 ako mmmjmcm. impemtwes m PICK ANO jane A 5TW< IH PS1CMIC TCAKSmATIONAL GE.MK* MOOES' ACADEMIA, £5 300 FOOD s DRINK PROSE EMIT WtvUniOCnuln lor kee. enonymour a v« couneekng end ftantti ipm«anv »f. ?4 hour* 30 44*8 j:c SERVICES hCiuH people car* f w pregoar Cy IMfng l »>, V'mM'" G»* t*«W rtgM FREE RREOMANCV TEST Eugene Pregnancy Support Center U»(« IS4 • MS-0400 • Mtt li» NaReni eakem Lotte Hot Chocolote 2. ” Italian o «•- ^ Sodas a ° UJE At Tho EspressoCort ^ now fcxatod o» th# ^ Carton W#il ttd* Fa*k> Mon-FH 8am-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau YOU f/CAUY BAKl AJPA1 MM/JUANA »r*M UASTI & FOR AH* PA PPUHTK m*m, council} i lost 3mIBMNmmmm i BUT iwa mt urn.* I 1 of course rrsii. mol euTNtmo WWWNSfllO ntuxupmt+icm sjhfjms m no* ro ■Yi^UfK TO A W&ifK a lM! UM WHAT* I I WfU l port MfAN Vfr'A eumt AiMjAti AMtfffP V AHtWRlAW I KNOW YOU hAVf . MAN THAT'S ItHAT WJf«f THINK Of rvu' \ CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffcr ACROSS 1 Slandat «tSO. m •Mono po*»‘ SOanatai *kva turnip 17 $wn4a earn at 11 WwMna thammf 14 Togothai. in imrt*c 15 Scout*' mmry making 17 Slamaial# IS Acaputoo It^tiuonary 21 Vtdao gam* 24 — dwari (M« atyM) 25 Candidal* 28 Opinion 28 MuMat 12 Dane* la* »on 14 Fmuiala Kn* Ktoa* MSquata maaitita 17 Engkah homa •nyfc. mayba MMricala n—d—n—i pdHwn 41 1’a.t at tom* Caklomia c«y 42 TM* 44 Sing** EIM 44 Roownt o* F^jby M Kunnni mow* SI Friabl* 104 S2 Fiam* of a ton M Pmalubo pow 57 Mo.. . baau SS OW can) gam* St c ttwal quad* SOHoNar 61 m*. Vtqgi 00**4 1 Him y »•#* abb* >Sp>ng nm'i balhplaea J Ml* lata hung t r) a thiaari 4 Madilafat 5 T uni • Ontha rock» rogtei • Kmgilon'a ■aland • landing man? 10 Hold tha KOplW 11 Ptophat 16 Mini pad 10 Oawn Solution lima: 7) min* QIKHMSS II fait*** «aa 21 Oacayt 23 Muk appiacia Inn 27 Goo* COWM 29 Slacks ol mags lint? 30 Slain 31 Rlsach aulas 13 Party outHs. soma hmas 33 Bapbsl banck 14 Out lhaia 40 SI Barnaul s buidan 41 PrasanOy 43 - Mahal 44 Acliass Joyr.a of Hoc’ 47 Buidan 44 Mang ovaii 44 Judcial symbol S3 Oa squaak 34 low S3 Acknowl » m nn