Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 11, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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Continued from Page 1
$100,000 fine, occur* when more than one
assailant is involved
Steven Andrew Laiiberty. 23. told police he and
a 19-vear-old University student were standing on
the corner of 13th Avenue and Mill Street whon
Pendexter verbally harassed them from across the
street, according to police.
Laiiberty then yelled back to Pendexter that he
loved him. At that time. Pendexter crossed the
street, called Laiiberty a "f-ing fag" and assault
ed Laiiberty. according to police.
In a follow-up report. Pendexter told police he
crossed the street after exchanging words with lai
iberty. Pendexter said laiiberty was standing
"within inches from him. saying I love you’ two
or three times." Pendexter told police he pushed
laiiberty away and then loft the area.
Pendexter's account of the incident was con
firmed by University student Eric Steven House
Householder said laiiberty's sexual orientation
was not an issue in the incident.
"I didn't even know he was bisexual until 1 road
it in the Emerald," Householder said. "It was noth-"
ing like that. He was right in (Pendexter's) face,
saying 'I love you. I love you.' That's when Todd
pushed him away. It wasn't even a real fight, it was
just pushing."
Laiiberty said this was definitely a gay-bashing
incident and was not a case of a confrontation
between people on the street just looking for a
"What I felt from the whole situation was that
they may not have known what my sexual prefer
ence was." Laiiberty said, "but I feel they suspect
ed my sexual preference was different from theirs,
and I fully believe that is what fueled the attack."
Laiiberty‘s original statement to police cites only
one assaiiant. In a subsequent statement to the
Emerald {ODE, Feb. 2). Laiiberty said there were
seven to eight assailants, and the assault included
one person allegedly exposing his penis
Laiiberty said he told police about the number of
assailants and the details of the assault.
"I don't know why that wasn't in (the report)."
Laiiberty said. "I don't see how they could have
gotten confused, except that I was extremely irate
I'm going to be filling out a supplementary report
There were more people involved in the violence."
Hirr said Laiiberty did not give the reporting offi
cer, Gregory S. Harvey, any information about
•What I felt from the whole
situation was that they may
not have known what my
sexual preference was, but I
feel they suspected my sexual
preference was Afferent from
theirs, and I fully believe that
Is what fueled the attack
— Steven Laliberty,
filed assault complaint
more than one assailant when the initial report
was filed.
“.Some additional bits of Information have come
to light following the interview (at the scene)." Birr
said. "But Harvey indicates he was not told about
any of it at the time."
Several people at Wednesday's press conference
at the Free Speech Platform expressed concern that
Pendexter was not being charged with the felony
Lane County Assistant District Atlornoy Floyd
Prozanski said first-degree intimidation charges
have not been filed because there is not enough
evidence in the initial police report to confirm
there was more than one assailant.
"Based on what the report says, (second-degree
intimidation) is the best we can do." he said
"We're open to review the case, but wo can only
work with what we've got."
Prozanski said his office last week advised I -a 1 -
iherly and Office of Student Advocacy Direr tor
Marlene Drescher that Laliberty needed to file a
supplemental report if he wanted to add more to
his initial statement, but Lalibertv has not yet done
"We will review the case again.” Prozanski said
"But we haven't seen (a supplementary) report,
and we haven't seen the co-victim.”
Moanhwile, Birr said it will be up to the courts
to find the truth in the different stories
"What we re stuck with is a case of 'this person
says, this person says. Birr said. "The police
luporl says Pendexter was the sole assailant But
according to what I.alit>erty told the Enwrnld,
there were several people involved in the assault
There's a lot of this that still has to lie sorted
Continued from Page 1
understanding of how to finan
cially manage the homeless
problem. The councilors agreed
that evaluations from campers,
community members and local
businesses should !>e taken after
the site is closed
Councilman Randy McDonald
said he was concerned that the
campsite will be a "stopgap"
means of addressing a much
larger issue
“We need to go beyond this
and involve the county and the
state and other entities, such as
the private sector, to participate
In some longer-term shelter in
this community t hat has
avenues for transition and work
opportunities." lie said "We
can't do this alone. There's no
way Eugene can be a finger in
the dike of homelessness in this
region. But it is a first step."
Councilman Bobby Green
acknowledged that the council
has "all the reason in the world
to be concerned" about what
happens, but that the big picture
must be kept in mind.
"Were showing that this
council is willing to take the
lead on this.” he said, "and no
one else is going to. In the
future, it will be shown that this
city council did take that first
'We’re showing
that this council is
willing to take the
lead on this, and no
one else is going
— Bobby Green,
city council member
step, and we'll be Ihe ones who
can go to the table with other
governments in this state and
say. 'Look, we've done some
thing here and we e*(M« t you to
do your part ' "
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