LONELY? FIND A PET TO KEEP YOU COMPANY IN THE ODE CLASSIFIEDS GENTLEMAN’S ENCORE Quatey Relate Ckrthng lor Man and Woman of Dttcnmnahng Taste 1111 MUAMCTE • J4W17* DEVELOP & PRINT • 3" COLOR PRINTS |24«i|W 36*A97 2nd*!" ■exp ■ exp set ■ * i coupon must accompany order • add $1 lor 4" x 6" color pnnts | I CAMPUS 1 HR PHOTO ■ 1231 ALDER • 683-4693 IX c It doesn't hove to fcr k> good K Special (Stiffs f* Special Lovers Toys, Candies, Lotions, Conk, Videos A Moee foe Loving Couples 726-6969 OPEN 24 HOURS CkudSnimulOm Mm !2mu8Mi ^n66S.ASt.^ UtUkJhfMmdmdifmMtdfwfMimpm GREEN Continued from Page 5 "I know it would bo tough.” ho said. "But 1 nover realised it would bo as tough as it is. The program is not where any of us would like it to be at this (Mint.*' But Green has boon in situa tions similar to the one ho is now. His first head coaching foil at the college level was with North Carolina-Ashovillo. At Asheville he took over a team that was 7-20 tho year before, and led them to a 22-9 season four years later. "I think my niche as coach is to take over struggling teams, and try to turn them into a qual ity program," he said. "This lOrai^n) is a program that needs help. This is a major project for mo, and it will not be easy." Pac-10 coaches sympathise with Green and give him credit for having the guts to take over a program that is obviously not rich with tradition. “It (coaching for a struggling team) will test the man hard." USC coach (George Raveling said. "He's a hell of coach, hut it'll take time, it'll take a while for him to learn what it takes to win in this conference. When he does. I think Oregon will be one of the most dangerous teams in the league." Washington State coach Kelvin Sampson said Green needs to concentrate on rw ruit ing. "Jerry Green is on the right track." Sampson said, "The key is to get some players Coaching is overrated sometimes. You need good players, or else you won't win." One thing that has hindered Green's ability to turn the Ducks around quickly is that he is working with a team that was already in place when he arrived. He made a decision when he was hired to keep all players that were given scholar ships by Monson. and even gave one to a walk-on from the Mon son era — Jon Mitchell. "Looking back, some people may say that wasn't a good deci sion on my part." Green said. "But if t had to do it all over again. I would have done the exact same thing." Green has already made step* toward putting together a team that is all his own Over the win ter. the Ducks signed Kenya Wilkins, who is touted as one of the top point guards in the l.os Angeles area. Wilkins has a good chance of starting next year, especially with the problems Green has had with his two current point guards, Johnnie Reece and Andre Collier. Collier played only seven minutes Saturday against Oregon State and Reece was sent to the locker room ear lier in the year against Washing ton State Both have had bright moments, but, for the most part, have struggled to do an ample job of running Oregon's offense. Green said he went after Wilkins because Collier will graduate this year, and Reece is "not a true point guard," but added, "you can't point fingers at this player or that player," he said. “That just doesn't help your team in any way RAC-10 Continued from Page 5 sure. Ihn host recruiting class ever at r.al. and is subsequently fired. There is no term to describe it." Stanford head coach Mike Montgomery also expressed dis appointment in the firing of Campanelli. "I was extremely disappoint od in Lou's firing." Montgomery said. "I cannot ever remember a coach being fired in the middle of the season unless it was something that had to be done. 1 think the expectation level at California got out of hand, and there was no way anybody could change that." UCLA went 10-2 in the pre season and was nationally ranked. but has struggled during the conference season Bruins head coach )itn Herrick says he believes Ins team can get back on track during the second half of the season. "We have been inconsistent," Harrick said. "If we don't improve I would lie very disap pointed. but I don't anticipate that." l‘)93 was also to have been a rebuilding year for DSC. but the Trojans went 7-2 during the pre season and are still looking toward the post season. "At times I have been con cerned because we are not as hungry as we were earlier in the year,” USC head coach (ieorge Raveling said. "Those are men tal mistakes that can be changed. We need to re-identifv things wo were doing earlier in the year if we are to have a chance at making the NCAA tournament." % y (J N U Hi 3 o. » v»2 N a » tl » cx » 10 I 10 Ul 5 N A£ * VXZ)Z cs * PRise^ » a*x. y: » rRi2te • prizes * rt^ccs • pRize,**rpn^ • p1z.r2.te • prises • rt^z s * poises Look for a special Valentine's Crossword Puzzle in the Capture the (Rapture supplement February 12 to win great prizes from the following merchants: Baskin Robbins • Gift Certificate Dairy Queen • Gift Certificates Sundance • $10 Gift Certificate Subshop • / Sub Sandwich & I qt yogurt Ben's Roundhouse • Large one-topping pizza Face the Music • $10 Gift Certificate Record Garden • Package of Single Cassettes Gazebo • $10 Gift Certificate TCBY • $5 Gift Certificate Booklets Club Wash • $20 Club Sun Gift Certificate Little Ocean • 10-gallon Aquarium Track Town Pizza • Large Pizza Aqua Serene • $5 gift certificate Eugene Flower Home • 3 Long-stem Roses Just Hair • Free Cut by Mardy Smith Family Bookstore • $20 Gift Certificate The Beanery/Allan Bros. 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