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Ptoaae return them to 1*0 rt*ncyic*» ItaF by S PSA SUM COOflOtNATOh The Cultural Forum 4 eitendng the apcAcadon period tot !h* Sam CootOneto potrbon An opportunity tot student* to ptoduoe the campu* Mm program OeedWna February 12th Apphcahon A Intormabon Smtei EMU. 34*4373 CuAutM Forum ,* an EOAA amptoyet Freeh man Inlet eat Qroup Lae den Ha a dad* Develop leadetthip orgtmuatton and ccmmumcaaon d>*» white hafckng *e*hman adtual to the U ot O Earn 2 uppet ttoneon aedtt and a ahpentf For eppAcaaon and mtormahon, Hop by '6* Oregon Hat ot can 346 10/S Qatn Vetoed* Espertence In Voluntssr Coordination with INTERNSHIPS At die tohoeang *Naa: Voluntary Action Center DeacnpAon* and interview egn ups tor CDIP iprmg mtemahrpe are avaaebta through Friday. Feb 12, « 247 Hendnck* Fot more mtormaaon. oat 34*6011 Public Rotations INTERNSHIPS At We teMoaalng ehee. City ot Eugene March ot Came* Muecutar Dystrophy Aaaoclotion Idea tern hhrere Old Scout Council YMCA Member eh ip Sendee* and Eugene Feedeel of Muaical Deacnpaon* and interview pgn-upa tor cod’ apring miernahpe are aveiMM through Friday. Feb 12. ai 247 MendtoA* Hal For more ■ntormaaon. cai 3460611_ ITA 70S OPPORTUNITIES Birth to Thro* Eugene Family YMCA Pr«v«nUoei at*S Recovery No«1h««Bl totaromhip OMGflpttona ar*j «g a sio»y G'' artys smoke w y©wd **« to gfv* you* ttO'y pt—H»* o«* Tammy a? >46 6611. _ Sac on Par, Special tducaOoo Pro gram Tu«6op atyj sitpend ava^at*** to QualttMKJ .f4«»#%J#<3 >« #arnrtc?easMog you* commw«*cat»o^ ra a patacwot#s«-ooai e*p*rtar»ca toat can enhance youf nssume and «n c*eaw yout #mp*oyat>*ty7 m do«r«g all th»s eafnmg CTen af 4PM (My. Mon En Ken, 484 1?06 •INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT Make money teaching basic conversational E ngliah abroad Japan and Taiwan Marry provide room A board ♦ other beretas' Make SJOOO $4000 ♦ per month No prevroos trarrungof teaching required For employment program can i2C*} 632 1146 e»t J6069 Glacier National Peck Montana Have the summer ot your trie proving me best o! Western hospitality to Gla cwrr Pars Visitors’ 1993 Summer appi canons now being accepted tor me lol lowmg positions Bar Fteslauranl. Kitchen stalls. Desk Clerks, Saiespeo pie. Steve clerks, OHioe. Serv.ce Sta Iron, Housekeeping, and Maintenance Personnel Write to Si Ma