2C 5 OPPORTUNITIES Fraahman totoraai Group Lawton Niadadl 0*»«top WMto'tfup orflprwahor and commu/Kcahcto itolti «M# baiptoQ *•»hm»n actual to to* U of 0 Earn upparitwarw1 ««*» and a Fhpwx# For appaatlior' and ^tormalion. Mop by !64 Oragon Ma* or call Mtt <079 Gain Vaiuabia Eapartanca to Volunteer Coordination with INTERNSHIPS At the following sites Voluntary Action Can tar VISTA Dancnphoo* and interview signup* kv GD»P spring intern»h*pa are avadab** through FrvcJay. Tat? i?. m 247 Heodnck# For more information. cfttf 346-6011 2 to HELP WANTED Cruise Lina entry ieve* on board^andarda positions avaH. tum rrwyww fpond 310 281 69*2 EARN $1500 WEEKLY marfmQ our or cufars' Begin NOW' FREE packet' SEYS. Dept 249. Bo* 4000 Cordova. TN 38018-4000 EARN $8 FAST! Students needed to hit out survey Nn t«ve English speakers only $8 For about 1 hour 2/9/93. 9 a m ip m . Maple Rm. EMU Sorry, participants from pro vvxis surveys last year not e>*gtb»xa Stall Saa Stolen! Employmeni lor mlerinaws and application mtofmaton ALASKA SUMMER~EMPEOYMCNnT • hsharws Earn S600 • /«•««• >n cannanas or SaoOO ♦ /month on harang boats Fraa transportation' Room and Ooartf Mala or Female For employment program can I 306--S4541S5 ext A60BS_ 210 HELP WANTED ;ia HELP WANTED POSTAL JOU AVAILASLC1 Mo", pop!*"* CVmi Ca* t nterna&onaf •ducaton Orerseas study program* r>*$ sevrwal po^uton* open Mus* 0* at>»« io wot* iW> »4 academe yew For more *r»*a contact Marj or fSevm at 346-320? 220 HOUSES FOR RENT Room in 3 bdrm nouae Central location, near pat* A Ou*. Quart sir great yard **©»» nag &?3Srtno MS 3966 225 APTS DUPLEXES 1 bdrm, $406 2 Odrm $650'month laundry, parking, security, dose to campus 484 9922 PROSPECT PARK 1 and 2 bedroom apartment* av»> now. quel country atmosphere ^•convenient Oty tocaJVOh. other tore* inckrdS poor, tanninhas*etbal eta. rec room and playground, right (>A3t ?6th and Chambers 484 6663 SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS 2 bedrm toemNxiae. laundry, poor, sauna, near U of 0 Ca# uann 34644/1______ Cam put Apartments Furnished. 142 Bedrooms Winter rates 437VS&2S 485-2122 1 bdrm apt near campus, pets ok. tor mshed. indry ease thru June. $380 ♦ ut»* E Iftthv Ferry 344 8823 GARDEN TERRACE 1893 Garden St Roomy 2 bedroom, war* to campus ava»tafc4e now jvwet only $466 on-site laundry and parting, along Mm*ace Can Paul tor showing 344-1721 Large 1 bedrm Apt $32Gfmo. 179 E 18th No 3 486 4600 MLLRACE APTS IMS QAROCN A VC Immaculate 2 beam 2 story apts toe a tor 3 or 4 people Private peso*. Overtootung !h« Mtttrace (parted tor B8G**) Peaceful we« M and sate Great monthly rales Irom $666 For showings cal Don at 344 6806 CEDARWOOD QUADS 441 c im Pn»*n roomt. AU UTdlTltS PAID on «!• laundry Groai ram Irom 1236* Ctl Brian at 664059/ 210 HELP WANTED ^ALASKA SUMMER JOBS^ Spend the summer working in beautiful Denali National Park. ARA Denali Park Hotels will be on campus interviewing for 300+ summer hotel positions. Recruiting Date: February 17,1993 Sign Up Now At: Student Employment Office Room 12. Hendricks eqe^ PTS DUPLEXES CUar Mtracttv* ' tx*m clOM to campu* fto vnok:KQXm*» S4M CM «W-One ataji_ CLOSE TO CAMPUS raca t tx»m ,»< no 0«»» S340, *»*> Wtorcn isi CM __ _____ foSilT.XUJAOTc| Eto«T tta trauir <* ««>* »M viMMt I* *ujw Hoc* ptoa 2 DDKM, I ViBATH '495 & 'SiS/monlh • Du* to A to ► • Wti jh'rt ti *r»« Rnxn I IS E*(mm |1)naU A FaMnl iBi Redwood Park Apts. Quiet. Country Living Willi City Convenience Unfuml«h«(l 1 tdrm $486, (storting Nov 1) Low Utitmoo-On Butttno Equipped Woight Room. Spo Wood Par* 4 Playground Laundry FaciltUot Alto Furnlthod ftullot Studio. 11268 $600 to $675 Individually Doc or a tod Complotoiy Fymiahad EvorythingFrom Cab*o TV lo Ltnont For Bod. Both 6 Kitchon On Slto Monogomont Toom 4103 W. 18th 484 8775 Nlco furnlthod w«t Cad John «J 5209 f*a» ;ro CHILD CARE Hatp n as did tor proleeaunaf 'omJy w 2 chttten aged S and 9. r 10 h-V«k ataEtn cat and non am* aWi 2292 :v. MEETINGS NO ON 9 LANE COUNTY MEETINGS FOR NEW K OLD VOLUNTEERS: Wednesday, February 10th Tuesday, February 23th Wednesday, March 10th All moatlnga are 1-9 PM at: Central Presbyterian Church UTS Ferry Streat, Eugene For more information, call 48S-0*70 and leave a meeaage 290 CAMPUS EVENTS 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 . a 3 .v 3 3 CMI4.DRCNS ART HOUR »«*> i?. !9 v*i ?6 •’4ft'it am PtayAji tun fcy Ch»k>«r< 3 i»xJ uf> Paroni* m u-tf be* pro*** Family C#r»tw» Um 23 l .'& MBfftorwV UrtKwi fo> mo*f» >r>*o 346-0652/346-0*51 333333 3 33333 CL SALVADOR A YEAR Of PEACE? P»4»«ntal»o« ,vh1 iliv:u5t* • swift 1993 sludiKM (J»t«g4l»on. W«c*nr v1wy r«4) 10 / PM. i )/ ( ill_ 295 ARTS i ENTERTAINMENT By GARY LARSON " —4 mm. *r from 'irantc 7 u ^**Vy <“y<" £l — ft V * i Be ■ virus, see the world Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 1M TUB£>W\NG PEOPLE Off Ml . TCML W\TW r deceptive PootPtunrv SEE.. EVERYONE WtU_ think. mesE tracks were MADE 81 A ONE LEGGED K\D GOING THAT WM. AND ! TUE1U BE COWPIETECX WRONG' \ HMD t**CTV< IS ON 10»J * TRAAL ? 295 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 5th Anna*! Record Show f ab u. i0 6pm tugene i+no*' tOOO's of fotxydfcCO $ C*u7 wHt t/*.* AdhMMyi $'. 4U& «^*C 3Ci HEALTH A FITNESS NEW I ah)»rm * -wrweef Nrvoh/fconwy wvngnt control program 100% hwtJW mH power >n a bottle (> r*cCfflmi»K) **» o to eta and'1 unb*#*ed cooneeUng 344 9411_ __ Pregnant? Decieons to me**? Co«» defl&at, tree le*t*r>g t. &rty (MectNV' BfWMfifGMr m? M6t Chocolate 2. ” Italian o <*- ^ Sodas a o oE At Thu Espresso" Cart ^ now kxat«<1 cjf Itt* ^ Canon Wtil Vd# Potto Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau net. /am> m OtXNHl' HUAI'S IK PUPf-1 WP / MIGHT UNPiOU pohn Htfit \ KAH tin out iV JNf OfTHNOU' ON BOON' ffy me. nuMet&>‘ cat __ MBRY USTW, SGNK. I OOT7A A<* you sawm/NO / ■ ^ - - SHOOT, MAN! Ml, u & pHT Jw . /_ rr»NM& MHIJUANA. THANKS. K/r rM on any i cauwum M> SOCJAL secuftm. \ -s CROSSWORD liy Eugene Shejfer ACROSS t B* *TP«» ptttia § N mlgM bolondor • Moot* union 11 Minimal 1] CMO'I mi 14 Stout ''VS? 17 BucA'a mal* ISScMa paroMol lothon IS "Tha Prtnoo o< -• 11 F«mu> 14 OH bat*. k» thort MCuiw'i coantkat NMonti l^y M Aulhoa Ooflhton Jl SlalenaKi 11 Singing (id. «4h 11 Down 11 Pnpon mv nation a ttMkada »*# M I man* Mon 3712 MUonial mutfcal* 40 -Mm imUi' Mar 42 Tha admit thtbang 43 It Acrott’ mlaam 40Equi 4»E« aavtrm Macfcam SO Way o*4 il Htdaawty oi ton* 52 Tand* ta«l 53 Not aR'actrva DOWN « Hound TaMa addiait 2 Important numuo lAtad 4-OoFrth' raquaal $ Raimanlt • Putman ot -ChM>l' 7 Footoai M ■ Foftxwng *>a truca • n«Uf« ■uggaga 10 Hand lotion 11 Saa 1? Actoa* It Anil Solution I fen* 14 min*. V«4loid*y'4Wi4W4« » -n—rt—IT MKawfc' ol pullto dom >1 Ctao't MPoMCi 24 low* ciy MKtau now 27 Mimic 2* Actor Aubw (»"«• 2* Santa* IMl period? 31 ThMkl c t«l«catt< 34Mleu»r 3SScu*X> pwtup* 37 My Mty 3fl llptlavi. Doom IIHl' chwaclx l/«tion M 1)41 •♦•nOy 40 l4ton 41 Coop group 44 Si C1MMI camp 4mm 4*K*n»h 47 P»n ii—i7r~rm