Walsh: Advisers were to testify NATIONAL WASHINGTON (AP) — Ronald Runyan's chief of staff and secretary of state was prepared to testify that his administration misstated facts oIkiuI the Iran arms sales to protect the president from impeachment. the !rnn-(.ontrn prosecutor saitt Monuay. Special Prosecutor Lawrence Walsh suggested in a re port to Congress that Attorney General Edwin Meese "was warning the president's advisers that to disclose the president's knowledge" of a 1 ‘>Hf> missile shipment to Iran "would expose him to a charge of illegal octivi «y" If Caspar Weinberger had gone to trial, former White Douse Chief of Staff Donald Regan was prepared to tes tify that he know it was untrue when Meese staled in a Nov. 24. 1986. White Douse meeting that the president hadn't known alniut the Dawk missile shipment. Walsh said in on interim report to Congress Kegan "was concerned about the possibility of im peachment." Walsh contended. Reagan. Meese and Secretary of State George Shultz all knew at the Nov. 24. 1986. meeting that Meese's statement regarding the president’s knowledge "was false." said Walsh's report "Vice President Bush should have known the state ment was false, because he was present for a national security briefing in 1985 at which (National Security Adviser Robert) McFarlane explained" the shipment, the report added. A Weinberger trial "would have exposed new evi dence of the administration s efforts to conceal the facts of the Iran arms sales from the public and from Con gress," Walsh said in the report. The trial was canceled when President Bush par doned Weinberger and five cither Iran-Contra figures Walsh tailed the pardon a "misuse of this power ." Weinberger was "a former colleague" of Bush’s and his prosec.ution "arose out of evonts in which the presi dent himself participated." said Walsh. "President Bush acted with compassion and good conscience in his pardons, but we will not comment on Judge Walsh's report." said spokesman Andrew Maner Senate Minority leader Bob Dole, a frequent c ritic of Walsh's investigation, called the report "a last ditch ef fort to justify his extravagant $35 million partisan cru sade." Medicine demand ends in shooting LOS ANGELES (AP) — A gunman yelling for pain medicine shot and critically wounded three doctor* in a hospital emergency room Monday, authorities said He then held two women hostage for several hour* before releesing them unharmed and surrendering. The man had told police negotiators he was 45 years old and “a disgruntled former patient. H ap parently has to do with what he perceives to be poor medical treatment." said Los Angeles Police Department Lt. John Dunkin. The gunman entered the emergency room of Los Angeles County-University of Southern Cali fornia Medical Center at 12:40 p.m. and opened fire on a group of doctors sitting at a desk near the door, hospital spokesman Harvey Kern said. Patient Hope Flynn said she heard a man de manding pain medication seconds before the shots rang out. Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! 103 GREEK HAPPENINGS GAMMA Meeting Wednesday 8 pm^MU C#d*r A AAA CongrtfuiaUwa 40 ■ Oumjr H Sooft! Development Liar* A EVP Sfe** VH Saadi E v«N>t* Moegar. S VP f >n&K0 K«*y J ttulV' U#g H Sponw* Ewdy N * rntt*nrty f tj D*mefe« C P*v>he^en*c Jefwvtei G fttGOrdnQ Secretary Mc**Ae G Hoo»e Manager As*on C M»*NM Kayo T Metcwent r tOur* T Ptvtantfwopy Slept* l T Kory D Afjyvttxy* Kfvuti V G <’.ott«wjM»te ftetefcora Jeewia T TndanVPn tor R Contlpon INtMkC*** hack ground T#*m paper** - -oaum* ker »< ( •, i«WK ON CAMPUS' TLYlHO FMOEftS i»(»ng tame* F#»L accurata. 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