■ Oregon Daily ElTICrJllcl ' ■ ■ r Oregon guard Orlando Williams scored a season high 24 points, but It wasn’t enough as the Ducks lost 82-75 in the CMI War Saturday. Second-half lull buries Ducks j Oregon plays well at Gill, but loses 83-75 in Civil War By Dave Charbonneau CORVALLIS Oregon'* loss to Orvgon Statu on Saturday was no surprise What was a surprise was that tin* Du (As played nearly 40 minutes of solid iiasketbnll Oregon pin ved its best has ketball of the season for alxiut H minutes. Unfortunately, the other sis minutes det ided the Du< ks' fate, as tiles lost (0-75 in round one ol the Civil War The loss was just another i hapter in Oregon's desperate lean h lor a Pat iflc-10 (Confer* <•10 1! victory. as the Ducks dropped to ll-o The Beaver vit • ion ttiuM a three-game losing streak am) kept Oregon State in the PaC-10 race with a 6-3 mark. By the end of the first half most of tin* 10.400 fans at sold out (all Coliseum were s< ratch* mg their heads and wondering how heavily favored Oregon State had allowed Oregon to go into the looker room trailing only 37-36 After ail. everything seemed to lie going as planned: by half time, center Scott llaskin had 14 points, tin- Beavers were shooting 54 percent from the field, and the Ducks had com mitted It) turnovers. But Oregon managed to stay close by shooting 65 percent from the field and causing nine Oregon State turnovers. "That svas probably the lies! half ot basketball we've played all year." Oregon guard (ohmiie Retv i> said "We were really confident tvt* could win at half time." The Reavers threatened to blow the game open several times in the half, building sev en- and eight-point leads, only to see Oregon guards Antoine Stoudamire and Orlando Wil liams bring their team bat i The two combined for 27 points on ll of 16 shooting from the field in the first half. "I thought we were going to win at halftime." Stoudamire said "But those first five or six minutes in the set ond half real ly hurt us." Oregon came out flat in the second half, but Oregon State opened the half with a 12-3 run and led 49-39 with 15 minutes left in the game. "We played lackadaisical at Turn to WAR. Page 8 Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! CLASSIFIED POLICIES Placement Ad* may lx- placed a! 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