People & The Oregon coast i Happens '(’ring term at Oregon Institute of Marine Biology. Learn 'kill' to solve environmental problems. Earn credit m biology, geography, political science and landscape architecture ('f> \Aiimt;;) ^ For more information call 346-44S6 :>i%try f V ; 14r %!yv y /Y.yre I roe Environment ( lass and developing a number of programs on sot fail Istun that are ire Ittdsd in new student orientation activities The honor, which Robertson received (an 21, oh ogni/es outstanding servii e to u higher educa tion institution, innovative or creative efforts within student affairs, active involvement in NASl’A and other professional student affairs or gan i/at ions Center to serve “stop-out” students Students who arc no longer enrolled at the Uni versity urn receive Student Health Center r are for an extra term under a new health center policy. Under the polity, these "stop-out" students would lie hilled the $57 Student Health Center fee if they used the health center after they withdrew or graduated from the University. "Stop-out" students can use the health center only for one term after they've left the University, said Klaine Jones, health center assistant adminis trator After that, they must find another provider. The polit v. which goes into effw t Feb 15. is si milar to a policy for students who do not attend summer school but receive health center care during the summer "it's going to treat (stop-out students) like any other student." Jones said. "They'll have to pay the same charge, and they'll have access to the same services RAPIST Continued from Page i shaven white* male, to to H years old. 5*foot 10. with shoulder length dark hair and an earring. Hirr said the most recent as sault, a ra(«■ and ahduc tion. cx • i urred Feb. 2 in the parking lot of tin' Fred Meyer store at 00 Division Ave The ra|M* was reported at -t 15 p m that day when a woman culled tin* police and said she was approac hed in the parking lot by a man who asked her for c hange. She said. "No." and turned away When she looked back at the iiian, he was holding a small handgun. The man forced her into her car and drove to the* Delta Ponds area, near Goodpasture Island Road, where he raped her and left on foot. The woman described the* suspect as an unshaven white r* LATE NIGHT * WITH * L •«>«> •*> 130*1 Ullyaid Oik1!! until 'l (X) a m evrrv nl^lii_ •SUBWAY-* male in his early 30s, 5-foot-9. with a thin build and shoulder length brown hair. He was wearing an old denim jacket, a red plaid flannel shirt, jeans, gloves and a silver ear ring shaped like a skull and crossbones. Possible related incidents identified by the police include one on Nov. 30. 1092. when a man with a gun attacked a Trend College student in a parking lot at 1050 Greenacres Koad. On Dec 2fi, 1992. about mid night. a woman carrying grocer ies to her car was attacked in an Albertson’s parking lot at 55 Division Ave., across trom the Fred Meyer where the latest rape began. Wednesday morning, a 20 \ ear-old woman whose car broke down was attacked near Sheldon High School at 2455 Willoken/.ie Road. After tackling the woman, the assailant fled when a car play ing loud music passed. Mirr recommended that pim ple remain aware of their sur roundings, especially in park ing lots I-1 ! BACK TO SCHOOL | « SAVINGS ! i 1 o% off : | wrtfi this coupon f ROCK SOFT FUTON 686-5069 • 1122 Alder ‘ •A************** WUNDERIAND • Mh STREET A lCVOEO !^8 683-8464 - VIDEO ADVENTURE LVALLEY AfVER PL A2A '£&' I m ■ **jr <>«t w« " r M.MI •<*£* km*n'J ♦V¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥¥» < Just a Reminder, Appi.ications i-ok the National Student Exchange Program ARM NOW AVAR.AIU I IN ACADEMIC ADVISING 164 Oregon Hah rw:Y aki dui; Friday, February 12, 1993 NO I AIH IRAN 5:(K) I’M O % vr Visn Acadhmic Advising ok cau. Sandra or Joi: at 346-321 1 R1 GUARDING ANY QUESTIONS YOU MAY HAVE