Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! i:t PERSONALS EMU Lata 11:00 l-2d*l Lott pie gam* loomed on you* mo not die pint. can't altake image Buddy 111 Hit_ .CWveMeBtecA Or KM Mo. to MyoHi BOB__ Hoy Juon ■ Thor*! lor me groat *dee doming SUWC it an etcetera way to uto my Pit teat ond gem laaderahp erpenance’ Choct out SUWC m Cppor lunOitt_ M you art driving to Alotko between Vlt and 4/1 pilot! ceM me at tn-rm _ ___ Setae live tntroducttont. ttUoarve Protee, Photo Vtwg. MatclmtOma ■yw* f ‘j-ngtaaCauh Cat 343-3W „ at v»« 07»t. nooat •> oaao school APPnovf o JO *oar theam/de* bee* ground term paper »1 u» ratumt tar *co f riing taaar pt OM CAMPUS' JO TMt TYRMO W«b Word ProceaamgT dtmg/Typtng Theaea. Oteaerteoont on Leaer _ Con fJ-tOta anytime »>aggy't Typing Service l ipe> card daat* a* today ooma to EMU tat** n**i to mam dmk You* b* SgJSl*! OUfTAM (MLORCI Muacal «*mt ot a* and* Aim. cam*ras ary) tlaraos Buy and sm Cantor36 nW Mh Super Mntondo coraroaar. scop* 6 Gam* Ganu. 5 9am** M»« ( mat 1 light. /aui*. UBraman. S /mo, mora KftO obo 667 6656 altar ] Vary untqoa Mon couch. H« naw tiSO ►**» Southaraalarn bad *7 head and toot boor, mcludas manias*. UOC 7*6-136? t»a mataaga Antique* ara raaata. too Tha Cloth** Harm. a battar aWamaba* 770 E 13th 346-600* GENTLEMENS ENCORE l£ 901 LEVI9 1111 WMmnrttr_MM1P I lovcu si>teui I %dm4m t tmHmmm t »»■<»■» aad a I mU/mt fffS | •••• PUB •••• Custom AirltrusItfd'T con Tht HBk DIWQON at 493003 (WaDMMff U‘. CiPS TRUCKS GOVERNMENT SEIZED va^xn from $100 Folk Mercade* Conran#* Chavy* SurpMi Buja»* G»*de (BOS. 96? «X» ( »l s ^xxr 1969 Gao Metro 2 Dots haidioec*. a«c»0en( comthon $3795 CM 996 IMS 1999 HyundalEacal aotxx tuition *»d conation. $3495 C*» 9983586 150 MOTORCYCLES SCOOTERS T9 Yamaha 900 Special. $250 tom. I needier* money *&> i '95 155 BICYCLES NtaMki Ceecada Min SMu Great Shape $250 oPo Chad 4*6-5355 THE ULTIMATE BIKE 8UPPLV Mgh and MTV pan* at me* order price* CM to* tree 600 995 *114 *ECS t AJmoal nma Panaaonte *acPo typnrrraar ICO ' *ne dtaplay. "WW| M.000 wont AccuSpai. $n0 obo Cad Kam 464 ?*4* tffh *c Sobwara and prwaar. al goat. >100 obo 34* Wi Ciw> Appla Be <*th pnntar, aobtmra metad •a mu* tad. *360 obo Cat ah* 6pm. 6834879 Appla kntoaairt> *. aacatam corv* hor SJOt) MMti< Compaq PorMMa IT auparb oond. hard > 3a* CASH!)! A. buy aa> and aannea VMS VCFTa and ahtraoa Thompaon I taciione* UMOak 343 8? 73 Kamaood tap ol th* an* h«gb poaw cm «h*«o BMAND NtVK. *440 fa taw *ft>6 obo Jatm, 3489738 Noland D-6 BynptaaXar cmntni VrUMwon *400 or trad* 484-4413 «« VtoHn plitB I *3*0 obo Cat 343-4216 Cwoo Conckbon FREE TRIP Spmg Biut P«c«*OM Mum »«im* USA CaFlandmur* Ttaval i«0aS4J9?0!> ' - * $»•• nr CALL! MM' MM* MM' IW MM' MM (*• qtnR>t _ lM* *M» IMMF Ml**La*« Council Travel mu luiooti•«». Mont (»w TMf-lMi WWW—mill Icampu*! (dwmtown) MB-1M1 MB4717 BUYING HOUKS HIM HHIM HM smith Family Bootatow «*»: Pre SP 195 end i860" $86 flan 208cm art»n<*nga. $76 Boot* S*omon SX 00. $70 Non**. $35 tang*. $46 Al ale* M 10-10 »i Andy. 683-8736 _ Oo you amoM a t*d you uoad to smoke’ Emerald maocmut editor Tammy Holey <« dong a tto>y on Mudanto who »mc*e " you'd taa lo iyv* your *tory. (Aaaaa cat Tammy at 348 6611 FEM COONONATOft The Cultural forum 1* eatendng V* application period to* the F«m CoordnMoi potation An opportunity tot •indent* to produce the campus Mm program Oaedbne February 17*t Application & mtormahon Suite 7. EMU . 3484373 Cu»u**l Fonim a an EOtAA employe* Freeh man tntereet Otoup Leaden Needed! Develop ie«*rsr»p wg*tmt«n and oommumcabon stubs while helping Ireahman adust to It* U ot O Earn 7 upperctvnion ciertt* and a expend for appAcaton and ettematon. Mop by 164 Oregon Ha* c* ca* 348-1079 Summer Jotta In Alaaka. grew pay. lend $6 tor gmde to Alaska Neenksners Bo* S3. Petersburg AK. 98833 _ __ ___ SURC (Student UntveraAy Relation* Council) a looking to* student* mleteeied « ptetuung campus acton*** Ptogiems include Homecoming ta*e e due* to tuncii. Meyteal and ottieis Appkcabon* and mtormaPon at 140 Mendteks Ha* (348 7107) Return appe by 5pm Feb t0*i Application ten — Conlerence deiegMe potations has been re-opened & tor ms aie avail m EMU. Suae 4 Cutter* delegates previous appts $ e* odier mteresteo student* mu*l Ntpty by Thun. Eeb tt.ipm USSA a an AA^OE The FemUy Center room ?3 EMU is sponsoring a COFFEE HOUR Mondays 9 30-ttam A* campus patents are mveed to drop in. liacoeer eh a! the family Center -s a* about and enjoy a cup ol oott*#1 Into 34806670*80661_ Pert-time job* aeaMabl* el new E* preeeo cart apply M Java Hui. 470 Coburg toed CrutM Un* entry +** on tnardftandard* powtion* avail. turn marryeaMound 31&-J6I S8'2 iiecnOH* 60ASQ The MtoriUrt »hident» oi the U™» *«y o» Oegcm ■» no* accepting app* caHont lor toot (4) powhont on the •(•ebon* to* <3 PoMaon* ockide tots nr I/a* Depnrvng Feb 16. k» il?Vmo rtpend 0» aaor» atudy App* canon* and rot desenpton* may be ottamaO trom tha ASUO Executive * Suita 4. EMU Dear*ne lor application a*8 oa Eat 8. 1993 at Spm Applicant* mull t» student* ot IN> Urweraty oI Oregon Student* aaan pubfcahrng expe nano* are encouraged lo apply The ASUO a an AA/EOC Experienced Coanputaa Specialist needed •mmedsteiy tor campus ottca. hardware support. programming, gen oral mtantenanc* and troubleshooting, guaranteed tO plus hour* par area*, peseta* long-tarm poabon good pay. Herts# how*. tr*ry»y ottrca Contact K»m, Academic learning Sanncaa 66 PIC 346 3??f ImmaOeta need to experienced C programm* lo anta near and modty a anting coda Ay reawma data acgwai hon (aid and camera interlace*) on IBM-compa«4a 466 system Expert anca Ihould nctuda aaorv aarth DMA. m larrupt dnvan piogram*. super VGA etpiaca ChaHangng task fuel nutating the nflFn parton Contact Or Jody Janaan 346-2667 Raeldent Aaswtanl imimi UrtK*«*y Mousing ■» now accepting applications ky the position ol Reeder* Assistant ky 1993 94' Osadm* Mon. Feb 8th. 1993 In ordei Ic be 0Ons*O wad an esgtte applicant, you must ba ot Junioi class standng by Fa* term 1993. A hava a cumulative GPA ot 2 5 Of higher Plea** see out display ad hx moi* mlo (Mons A Fns through fab. bthi, oi cat University Mousing at 3464277 University Mousing, Unmet say ot Oagon is an EOE/AA institution committed tc cottual deer arty Rmat fatting gmdss needed Tiaming aval Wole ky mfc> wad Watty Advan lutes Bos 249. Osama* Oft 97426 SUMMER JOBS Five American Campmg Association camps kom Wastengton and Oregon on campus in terviews l«bru»y lb. <993 Counsel o>s. Unit leaders, lifeguards. Cooks. Nurses. Program. Administrative and Mainlenarc a Sts* Sea Student Em ptoymsnt tor interviews and appheanen mkymauon Tired ot working lor other people? Be you' own boss1 Set your own hours' We need sett starting people lor trend ty environmental business. bUmguai a phis Ca# 683 9409 Sit 10 Valentina s holiday help Outdoor sales Cell 34*9391 ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT • hshenes Earn 1600 • -'wees m can nenes or 14000 ♦ month on Fshtng boats Fiea transportation1 Room and board Mow or Female For om ptoyment prog am ca* 1 206 Ml* life esl A6069 gweet (]\otflingsf 5 includes up to 20 words in a heart shaped border, and a chance to win prizes from fjgg DEADUNC: FEBRUARY IO. For root! 2 battwoomt. 5 bertooms, badtyard. $1260 Ca» 686-9666 Boom In 1 bdrm house Control loco bon, noor pom & but QunH Mr, areal yard Pott nog $2357mo 346-3906 -PTS DUPlE'ES Campus Apartments Furnished. 162 ledrootnt Win lor raWa. *3TStS2S 4*6-2823 PROSPECT PARK t and 3 bertoom apt avail now. quiet country atmosphere wlconvenient city location, otnor taaturot include pool, tonroa/basketbau ctt, roc room and playground, nght past 25th and Cham bart Cat 484-6663 “ SOUTHGATE APARTMENTS" 2 bedrm. townhouse, laundry, pool, sauna noar U ol O Call Darin 3464471_ 1 bdrm, $406 2 b<*m. $55£Vmontn Laundry, parting, socunty. dose to camput 484 9922 1 bdrm apt. noar camput. port Ob, lur nithad. Indry . 'eat* thru June. $380* ubl, E iath« Ferry 344-8623 2 bedroom apt at 634V» E uth Av* No 4 available Tab 8th. $46(Vmo. md uW. $160 Dap 346 1349 Redwood Park Apts. 0«io(. Country Living With CUy Consontoneo UnlumlthaO 1 Bdrm $4*6. (starting Nov 1) Low Uttllttee-On Busline Equlppad Weight Boom, Spa Wood Par* S Playground Laundry FaclHtwa A two Fumltha* Butt** Studio. 11 2 BrB $600 to $876 Individually Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Linens For Bad, Bath S Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484-0775 Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene SpwMmg dean 1 bedroom, tut appiianoad. weourtyard vww. $396 Cat allowed wrdep 4866991 What a deal' Sporting dean large l bedroom, at uM » cable. $466. greal locabon. 1060 Ferry St 484-7441 (\othingsf AftMrttf M It pbjUE^LJaj»i^OF| Layoy am brauty <4 amxfc »od wtfdhfc la tufrr Doc* plaa 2 DDRM, I ViBATII *495 & ‘SlSi/moitlh • Bin to can*** • Swiiwniag Puol • Wn^a/Blacu Room • Sanaa SX bgm (DaaaU A fnWI»«| a 687-1318 rrJ Ttng^our Valentin* ith a special mess; appearing February 12 *5 includes a 20 word message in a heart-shaped border. 3f your Valentine lives outside the Eugene/Springfield area, we ll send him/her a copy of Qweet (^things FREE! Just let us Know who and where you want the message sent! TjUiry... the deadline for all Sweet ^(pthings messages is February 10. 1 p.m.! Place your message in Room 300. EHTU or the BQ Boohstore. Call 346-4343 for more information.