Ortfun Duty Emerakfi Weekly Mum, Dew._ 4^ CJuujf c 0 cn □ uj "" MMMj11 *** ■ ■ ■ k- * in The Daddies The Daddies (rock) at the EMU Beer Garden Free chips and salsa 4-5 p m , music 5-7 30 p m $2 The Renegade Saints (rock) at Good Times 9 30 p m S5 Tao Jones/Marble OrcharO'Pappy at John Henry's 10 p m $4 International Anthem/Peter Wilde Mad Farmers (folk, rock) w/ Phanta/magona lights at the WOW Hall 9 p m $5 Charles Brown and Clarence Fountain s Five Blind Boys ot Alabama (soul) at the Hull Center 8pm $16/14 Winter Blues Festival at the Eugene Hilton Ballroom 8pm $16 advance. Si8 door Jumbalassy and Unshakable Race (reoaaei at Good Times 9 30 p m S5 Heart ol Oregon Pageant (benefit tor HIV/AiOS Resources, Inc ) at John Henry s 8 30 pm S3 Bob Martey B Day Bash w the Cardiff Reefers (reggae) at the WOW Hail 9pm *7/8 Shumba (African Marimba) in a Red Cross benefit tor Somalia at tbe WOW Hall Fiddlin Sue Uncle T and Johnny (bluegrass) at John Henry s 8 p m $1 Rooster's Blues Jem at Good Times 9 30pm $1 New Band Night at John Henry's 10 pm $1 Jazz Combos at Beall Concert Hall 8pm $4/2 Dangerous Household Objects (folk-'rock) at Good Times 9 30 p m $2 Hazel/3 Milt Pilot/Funnelhead (rock) at John Henry's 10 p m $3 Peter Wilde (folk) at theWOW Hall's Club WOW 7 30pm $1 Sundogt (Swamp Beat Boogie/Caiun) at Good Times 9 30pm $4 Blind Lemon Pledge w/ guests at John Henry's 10 p m $3 Good Clean Fun (classic rock) at Good Times 9 30 p m $3 Tht Guardians ol American Morality (country) at John Henry's 10 p m >3 The Melvins (alternative rock) at the WOW HaH 9p.m $10/8.50 Photo by Ucfww* $fi**9*t Cany Rich, toad vocalist and bass ptoyar lor Jolly toon. Is back lit by his saddaslgnad light show at tha WOW Hall Jan. 29. The rays of light flashed it a frenzied .spend. briefly illuminating the ominous figures on stage and the fog-shrouded i rowd below in sync with the spinning hursts of light, the music of Jollv Mon completed the illusion of a spec tral world This |an 2ll show at the WOW Mali was i oinpletolv different than the hand's last show m hugenn. hut that is what Jolly Mon fans expect "We are constantly changing No two sets are the same." said Garev Kii h, the lead voi alist and bass player Jolly Mon also includes guitarist Karl Het ker and drummer Greg Fklutul Together. they com.ot.l a hoiling hrevv ol psviliofnnk thrash with i ontorted reggae undertones Formed in l‘>*10. the hand now has a total of 2U songs with "solid" lyric s Jolly Mon is one of those rarities — a popular hand without a Cl) StOTy by release. But Rich said the hand hopes Freyu Horn to have« cd out hv the end of summer "If we can't cut a good record deal, we ll just release something on our own." he said As the hand's songwriter. Rich has an improvisation!)! approach "I don't sit around and write," he said "It's almost like wall long a i artonn. the xvav I hahhle And somehow it almost always makes sense ' He called it the "Taoist, or surreal" approach. Ru h is also known lor improvising at his puhlu performances "I like spontaneous stOff and'frtsikiflg out on stage." he said. But Rich's handmntus are a hard sell when it comes to (us stage show ideas, such as wearing nothing hut glow-in-tho dark body paint "With Karl it's always a total stand off. full Grog is gist unsure," Rich said As for mo. I want to do it all " However, he said this tension is "< ool, hei a use it bal ances things out." Musically, about all they have in com mon is that they were in high school drum choirs. Ru li said In their spare time. Rich idolizes Boh Marley while Kcklund listens to heavy metal and Becker practu es complex lati no riffs on his guitar. But this unlikely team manages to meld these divergent Turn lo JOLLY MON. Pago 8 Taking in the latest MOVIES I If you're pining awuy for the good old glory days when Porky's was among the year's highest grossing movies, then you will be sorely disappoint ed with Flirting. If. however, you believe the art of coming of-age movies was lost with Porky's, then you will be hap pily surprised. Luckily for the Bijou, which probably wouldn't want to feature a "panty raid" movie, the ad featuring young women in their underwear is not representative of the film. Flirting is an Australian film that employs all the required techniques of such movies and uses them with Flirting Director John Dulgan Stoning: Noah Tayior. Thancfle Newton and Nicole Kidman Venue; Bijou Art Cinemas Unrated ffeWew by Lucas Gutman such grace and subtlety that it makes exploitation films on the subject look even more pointless than ever. The story is a familiar one of forbidden love. It's between a gouky sort of intel lectual boy at on all-boys equally intelligent Ugandan girl front the all girls school just across the lake. What makes the movie so magnificent is the groat care writer/director John Dulgan uses to employ tried-and-true techniques in such a manner that they seem fresh and new to us. The girls across the lake, the unpopular people finding out they need each other more than the acceptance of insensitivo classmates, the school sensitive and Turn to FLIRTING, Page 8