WINTER SALE ——— BEGINS FEBRUARY 6 ——• BUY ONE, GET ONE FREE* •of EOUAl OR LESSER VUA'JE • WINTER STOO ONLY QUALITY RESALE CLOTHING SECOND THOUGHTS 77 W It. Suite C • Eugene • 683-6501 • Mon-Sat 10-6. Sun 12-5 A Ski Weekend For 2! & Help Out Homeless Families! V 2 \mhis Ijxljuinii lor I wo ;il I hr Inn ol (hr 7lli Monnliiin V 2 I)avs ol Lilt Tickets lor Two ,il Ml. 1 Jachelor Ski Area V S10 Salcway Cii11 Certificate V A Weekend Snack Basket Details in Our Store uMYEMirr University of Wiseonsin-Plattevillc **// yi>u have built i mites in the air. your work need not be toil That is where they should be Sow put the foundations under them “ —Henry David IhonaMi m kMI . „ l .9 i * Learn Your Way Around The World • Study abroad in l.ondon, Kngland or Seville, Spain, for a summer, for a semester or for a full academic scar • Courses in liberal arts and international business • Fluency in a foreign language nul required • Home-slays ssilh meals • Field trips • Financial aid applies (cuccpt lor summer session) Application deadlines: • April I lor summer session • April Ml lor lall semester • Oc tober lor spring semester For a program description and an application, call toll free: 1-800-342-1725 ^swect cI\otfiinos VilutiMtliiiifid Didlim Fib. I(hk it 1 pm. . . CUSTOM PRINTED " "T-SHIRTS ; Lowest Rates: BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS 10% OFF p.m Sunday r* ?$i A Woe grass jam featuring Fiddlin Sue Uncle T and Johnny 1:00 p.m. Music Starts at 10pm Mon-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays