EDITORIAL Poor morale doesn’t justify discrimination Should people be barred from public service simply because they are different? After all, such people would damage morale and inhibit other* from doing their duty. Currently, there are two places where this type of dis crimination is openly endorsed — the military and the Incidental Fee Committee. Tho military advocates banning homosexuals, some members of the IFC advocate banning anybody who does not march lock-step to its ideological drummer. This became glaringly evident Tuesday when members of the IFC lobbied in opposition to the appointment of Ed Car son to the committee. Carson, managing editor of the Oregon Commenta tor. a student-run Journal of opinion, was confirmed by the Student Senate Tuesday, no thanks to IFC Chairman Steve Masat, member Zoe Pargot and former member Bar UBra ivougeis jwiiuhu vacated seat Carson filled). Masat, Pargot and Rodgers submitted a two-page letter to the Student Senate request ing Carson not be con firmed "even if he is qualified to sit on the IFC,” out of fear that his "appointment would disrupt the functioning of tne committee." Sound familiar? If you remove Carson's opponents politically-cor rect frosting, you'll find the same rotten cake that's being served up by the military. Marginally different ends, iden tical means. The main focus of the letter was the editorial content of the Commentator and how, simply by association. Carson was guilty of any sins, real or imagined, that have been committed by the Commentator against any of the University's sacred cows. Although tho letter was little more than two-pages of bitching and moaning in an attempt to establish a case for keeping the Commentator from serving on the IFC, it made absolutely no attempt to address Carson the per son^ Tho letter did raise some interesting questions, though, as to the mentality of the IFC members opposing him. The letter said there were several other "very qualified candidates who are past members of the IFC' (Empha sis added). Apparently the concept of "change" in gov ernment has not yet filtered down to the letter writers. They would prefer to see a clone of themselves rather than a porson capable of independent thought. While writing for the Commentator, Carson has delved into the secret inner-sanctum the IFC calls “home." In doing so. he has gained valuable insight into how the IFC operates and how it could be improved. Why the IFC should be afraid of having a competent member is a little fuzzy, especially considering its pur pose. which, according to tho ASUO Constitution, is to "act only on matters relating to the allocation and appro priation of incidental fees." Currently, them am two place* wham thlm type of discrimination la openly endorsed — the military and the Incidental Foe Committee. Oregon Daily Th# Oregon D«*»y Em#f#W *» puW**N*d darfy Mo^xlay tKrough Friday during fh# iCtHxtf Y**f and T„#*o«iy */XJ Thu'*C#y during fN» iumm#r by ?n# O#go” Darfy PuW*§h Co Inc ft! th# Un»v#»*iy Of Or#gt>n. E ug#"«. Oregon Th* Fm*faW op#rair»a independently of th# University «nth otf<#» at Su;t# 300 of th# Efb U®fr^Vsa! Un#on *nd 4 « of th* Associated Press Th# E *>•*#&) * p#»viif# property Th# unt#wrfu< f#rnov#i O u*« Of papers «• pro*#Cuf#&»« t)y l*w Editor Pat Malac* PO l>0 N*w» Editor Ji*« td«lCHi#l Editor * «*/m* Graphics Editor Jit** Pasiay Entort»lnm#nt Editor f '«ytt Moro F r—C© t anor HOP© NMltor Editorial Edit of Rv©*s Janitor Sport* Editor D*v« Swpptomonti Editor Cafl©> Andorfton Aaaoctata Edttora 1 *w, lutoy Student Government Ac*v>lio». Daraiyr' t ractye. Commu rtfy &>»*»' Poht.g MKJN* CducatWIVAdminrttrabOn New* Sl»« Chatter AAan Mandy Baucum Mad Batvxj' Justin Brown. SAian Clark Dylan Cou’ter Meg Oadotph. Amy Davenport Amanda f emm Airoa I«"*' Teresa Nuntsuyger. I ,u Kna#i«i. lisa Ma.,i Damian Metaan Stave M.m*. Trttm. Mu#w Tn*ta No*. Mama* Schuster EIW> Shaw M^naai ShmcSar Encs Studancka Manon Sutor Mchaie Thompaon Agu*ar. Amy Van Tuyt, Todd Wittuma General Manager Judy K.edt Production Manager M*heie Ross Advertising: Tom leech Shar on Viu Sao» Shawm !»*>ven 0«vc« Manage lane iicua T»es* Isaoeke. Ptwp Johnson It. On* Kanod Jeremy May. m. Van V CTBy*an II GiUuvi O. Rachaei Trut,. Angu Wincptemv Br an Wfindheen Ctaseified ‘’aggy WcOmn Manager Baity logan. Snaron Sauva Distribution Rebecca Brook* Krisl, Van Gordar. Anthony Wynn Bualnaaa: kamy Carbon# Supeonsor Judy Conno*y Production; ingno White, Production Coordinator Krishna Gtangar. Da* McCoec Stacy Mitchell Jennifer Hound. Jamvlar Smith Anna Stephenson filcDoctors! LETTERS Don't lynch Ed ! am offended by your charm - lor assassination of Ed (Parson It would have taken less space to have put a better picture of him with the caption "lynch this man." I guess you felt this was the time to bite the Commentator back. Pick on someone your own size — guilty by associa tion is a bad rap. I support (.ar son and believe he will bring balance to this tninoritv spend thrift IFC. I wish the IFC would pull their heads out of the Erb micro cosm and realize there are 15.995 other people on this campus with the same interests Ed has. The members of the IFC are crying foul before the milk is spilled They're worrying about their piece of the pie. Why don't you give Ed a chance? Ed for higher ed. W. Elizabeth Wickham Chemistry Strike one I am writing in response to sports editor Dave Charbon neau's column on the Portland Trail Blazers basketball players and their alleged sexual tiiterai - tions with the two 16-year-old runaway girls in the players' Utah hotel room Although I believe the col umn is well-written and pro vides a marginally appropriate level of criticism of the players. I am concerned about one criti cal mistake I believe Charbon neau has made. He said the players are not "totally ut fault.” and that since the girls allegedly consented to the sex. they are therefore "just as guilty as the Blazer players." This is ludicrous. Two run away girls in a room full of extremely large adult men lack the social skills, maturity and sense of protection necessary to make the best decisions regard ing their health, safety and sex uality. In this situation, these girls may have been too scared not to “consent." To claim, as Charbonneau does, that these two girls are partially responsible for this action is a tragic and erroneous statement. As an adult culture, we should take full responsibil ity for the care and safety of our children, even when they seem to exercise poor judgment. Coercad sexual relations with minors is nothing less than sex ual abuse. The victims of these crimes need our full, uncondi tional support, and the perpe trators should be forced to accept all the blame Will Sturges Adjunct Professor Architecture Language is fun Ack. What a headline. My commentary in the Fob 1 Emer ald ("Language not fun. hut needed”) was in no way meant to imply that language isn’t fun On the contrary, my five-credit, stress-from-hell, st udy-a-cou ple-hours-every-night fjttin 102 class is quite possibly one of the most intellectually stimulating and enjoyable classes I've taken here. 1 may complain about the stress level, but given my noto rious lack of motivation. I wouldn't be taking it if I didn't love it. David Weingarten Student Fish for diversity This is regarding Martin Fish er's i olumn "Sorry, but I'm not a Euro-American" [ODE . Ian 26) My passport savs 1 am a i it izen of the United States So then I. too. am simply an Amer ican. no hyphens, thank you. Seriously though, 1 would ideally prefer to be perceived as just an American and not have people make all kinds of judg ments and assumptions about my Asian looks Also. I don't appreciate the categorization of the vocal minority Fisher conveyed. The implication that any group of minorities who speak out an issues is a band of rambunc tious students is wrong I realize the sarcasm, but 1 believe he is missing tin* point about diversi ty. The substance of the matter is in the population demographics of America, 1 have heard that within our lifetime, minority children will be occupying close to half the seats in Ameri can schools. The person I hoard this from was Professor Ronald Takaki from the University of California .it Berkeley. Takaki is nationally recog nized in the field of ethnic stud ies Lest year. Takaki came to our campus to speak and pub licly called the University's race/gender requirement a joke. If people treat diversity as something politically correct, they have missed the point. Diversity is real, and we must Im) aware of this. Stephen Muraoka Co-director APASU Going downhill If Oregon was once the most progressive state in the notion, it must surely now he near the least. I'm an exchange student from South Carolina, and I came here in part to escape the political insanity of the deep South However, it seems I've gone from the frying pan into the fine Not only does the state allow a state-wide measure of dis crimination (Measure 9) to be on the ballot, but now Rep. I.iz Vanl.eeuwen wants to require every household to be armed with guns. This makes Jesse Helms and Strom Thurmond look like flower children. Aside from the fact that the hill Van Leeuwen bus proposed is horri fyingly ridiculous, if not shockingly outrageous, what else might we ask of it? Vanl.eeuwen says the bill would cut down on i rime as it has in parts of Georgia This may be so. but a much more effective measure would be to mine everyone's yards. Why don't we require everyone to own an automatic assault rifle instead of a mere revolver7 One liecomes giddy with sar casm as one carries out the logic, hut this is serious Can a presumably intelligent elected official really believe aiming i itizens against one another can promote peace? Think of the message We want you. the civilian, to take the law into your own hands Burglaries would decrease in correlation with domestic homicides and accidental shootings. I stand ughast at vet another monument to political stupidi ty. Morgan Melekos Philosophy