Alabama closes student government after violence I NATIONAL TUSCALOOSA. Ala. (AP) — For dei - ades. the way into student government at the University of Alabama has been the Machine, a shadowy collection of white fraternities and sororities highly effective at getting its people elected. Few people have been able to over come the power of the Machine, which has backed many student leaders who later made their mark in politics, includ ing a number of congressmen. * Even a leader-to-be like George C. Wal lace was no match for it. Wallace, the four-time governor and presidential can didate. ran for a student post in the 19.10s without Machine backing and lost. But after a non-Machine candidate for student president reported being beaten, administrators shut down the student government While school officials say there's no proof the Machine is to blame and lead ers of the coalition deny any role, admin istrators and many students sav it's time to start over "When the contests are marked by vio lence. that's just a clear indication that something has to happen." said Harry Knopke. vice president for student af fairs. Miiuia Riley, a non Machine candidate for president of the Student Government Association, reported that a man entered her home Sunday night, bruised her cheek, cut her fac e and told her she was allied with the wrong people. Two months earlier, a cross was burned on the lawn of the while stu dent's off-campus house, and threatening notes with the phrase “mat hine rules" were put in her mailbox and on her door. This week, the university suspended campus elections set for next week. “Reform of student government on this campus has my full support." school ('resident Roger Sayers said Tuesday Knopke said that for several months, a numlier of |>eople have made allegations of threats. Although some blame the Ma chine. a coalition of members of 27 fra temitios and sororities. Knopke stopped short of that But. he said. "There is an undercurrent involving the so-called Mai.hine. and it will be discussed." Rilev Iwlongs to l’hi Mu sorority, one of 4H ('.reek organirations at Alabama and one of those that make up the Mn chine. But the Machine endorsed a mem ber of Beta Theta f’i fraternity. ”lt was an awful thing. Something definitely had to l>e done about Machine control," said Laura Smith, who is not in a sororiH "Mnylte we'll see a difference in campus politu s in the future." Marlon Trotte. a inomlter of a non-Ma chino fraternity, said the administration "should have investigated the situation a long time ago. who's in the StiA. the way it's been run." MEETINliS Circle 1C International will niMl tonight at 7 30 in EMU Cedar Room A For mum information, t all 4B4 (Wtttt Alpha Phi Omega will meet tonight at 7 in EMU Odar Room F EMIJ Board will have a public hearing on the EMU budget todav from 5 to 7 p in. in Room 159 Straub APASU will meet tonight at 6 at the C o u n * * I i n g Canter For m o r * information, rail 34ft 4342 Students Against MS (SAMS) will meet tonight at 6 in R«huh 155 Straub F'or more information call 3aft 832ft Clobal Friends will meet todav from t to 4 p in. m EMU Century Room C For inure information, call 343 ftQJft Southeast Asian Studies will have a brown bag talk on “Institutional Development in Southeast Asia" by Dr Fid Pru n today from 12 30 to l 30 p m in EMU Century Room D For more information, call 34ft 1521 OSPIRC legislative Watch will meet tonight at 7 in EMU Suite 1 Also. Hunger and Homeless will meet tonight at 7 in EMU Cedar Room B For more information, call 346-4377. Unwanted Seiuil Behavior International Issue Committee will moot today from 51 JO am to 12 JO pm in EMU Cenlurv Room C For more information. <*11 34ft 1001 Graduate School v» 111 have a workshop on "Surdiing for a fob m the Real World Non At ademic Career Options for Graduate Student* " today from noon to I p m. in EMU Odar Room A. For more information, cal! 34ft .’HOC Iru idental Fee Committee will ha\e a budget lioarmg tonight at t* 30 in EMU Century Room A For trwire information, t all 34ft 3740 Honor* ( ullage Student C ommunity Board will have David Boym Fireside on Computer Involvement with M*va» Research tonight at 7 in Room 301 Chapman KKUGION United Met Hod iet Miniatry will meet for Liberation Bible Study on Book of Amos led by Rev A dele Husti* today from 1 30 to 2 30 p m Abo. there will be reading/dist ussiou group on Henri Non wen * '‘Life of the Beloved tonight from 6 to 7 Both events will take place at Waaley Foundilidli, 123ft KiimmM) Si MISCElXANEtM »S Carnr Inlirmhip Program will have an of imitation (or «prtng tnlornshipa todav from 3 30 to 4 30 p m in K>v>m 221 HriMlrwi* You inav *l|li up for orientation anti interview* m Hoorn ‘47 Mendritb (of more information. call 14ft 0011 ( A. V. T (Perforation for the Advancement of (nitvervalive l'hmight! will meet fur planning todav at It IS am m Kooin 121 law Student Employment will hate a .Summer Emplovnuanf Workalmp todav from 9 to 10 30 p m in Km»m 12 Mendruh* For more information, tall 340 3214 Htibnnn Soi MrtV Will have lean Fate to thatfp«f*on of Volunteer* for Ext ana ion vpeak on What the lane County FitWUion t>«w* for lane l. % m (lie Amum W VV«*t HMh Ave (or more in formal ton. < ail 48’* 4IMW Aj MOYEFT ^THEATRESl^ STUDENT NIGHTS !> \ ,V .1 $2 OFF ADULT ADMISSION a v .. ■’ A> ' t (, ■> M MOVIELAND AT WEST 11tf) see SENECA ST , 342-4142 & THiHTW \D Tl KSI) \\ S.VOO ALL SEATS 1 ICf PT SPf ClAL INGACf Ml WTS CAU MOW I iWfUHUATlON BACK TO SCHOOL SPEC AL gooo i sr math* e WNOTHSAOIHFO* SHOW ONI Y MON MUR $1.50 ADMISSION FOR ONE OFFER GOOO THRU J/1M3 ALIVE ( 1 40 4 20 ) 7 00 930 * ft run THE VANISHING (120326 530)7 35 940 SNIPER ( 1 30 330 530)730 9 30 AlADIHN (120 3 25 5 35 ) 7 35 9 35 BODY OF EVIDENCE ( 1 20 5 25 ) 9 35 THE BODY GUARD (3 10) 7 15 *3 II m LOADED WEAPON I ( 135 3 25 5 15) 7 15 9 15 SHOWTIMES IN EFFECT FRIDAY 2 5 THRU THURS 211 Prepare for the April CiRh Kaplan's prep courses have helped more students score their highest than dll other courses combined! • Small intimate classes Expert Instructors • Free repeat guarantee • Computer analyzed diagnostic exam • Scholarships and student discounts available • Over SO years of experience KAPLAN The answer to the test question 140 West 8th Eugene *!*•* Good Through February 21 Now you can get a super deal on a value meal. 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