; •: -ELP WANTED GREEKS & CLUBS $1,000 AN HOUR Each member of your frat. sorority, team. ciub. etc pitches in just one hour and your group can raise S t .000 tn just a tew days' Plus a chance to earn S 1.000 for yourself! No coal No ob**gafior 1*800*932-0528, ext. 65 Immediate rwsaecJ tor e*per««ced C programmer to wnte new and madly existing cod* tor real-time data acquisition (a^J and camera interfaces) on IBM-compatible 486 system Experience should mduda work w-’r* DMA. interrupt d»iven programs, super VGA graphics Challenging task just warttng for the right person Contact O Jody Jensen 346-2667_ Pan-time fob* available a( new i spresso carl, apply at Java Hut. 47Q Coburg road_ Resident Assistant 1093-1094* Unrverawty Housing kl Water Adventures. Bo* 249. Creswett OR 97426 SPECIAL RECREATION A i* t i * Park and Recreation District seeks Specialized Recreation Activity leaders Experience with kids with developmental disabilities Mon and Wed arts and Frt, 10 30-2 30. some weekends possible $6 28 56 86/hr, * apply at Memorial Butkfcng Community Center. 766 North A St. Springfield. Mon-f n. Bam 6pm. application deadline. 2/12^93 EOE _ __ ♦SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men and women. Hidden Valley Camp interviewing Feb 23. make appointment and get further information at Student E mptoymeot Otcc SUMMER JOBS: Five American Camping Association camps from Washington and Oregon on campus interviews February 16, 1993 Counselors, Unit Leaders, lifeguards, Coo*4. Nurses. Program. Admtfustratrve and Maintenance Staff See student Employment tor interviews and application information EARN UP TOStOWR A/* you looking kx grea hours? Great SSS' And a grea espenence? Don't look any further Market tor fortune 500 Compamea* CALL NOW i 300 960-103? eat 17 ELECTIONS BOARD The associated students ot the University o< Oregon a now accepting appkcabona lor tour (4) poarbona on the elections board Positions include 10-15 hri/wfc beginning Fab 15, lor Jt2Srtno stipend or work study Applications and (OP deacnpbons may be obtained ham the ASUO Executive m Suite 4. EMU Deedkne lor appkcehon writ be Fab 8, '993 at 5pm Appkcants must be students ot the University ot Oregon Students with pubkshmg espenence are encouraged to apply The ASUO is an A^EOt _ Espartanced Computer Specialist needed snmedialely lor campus oHice. hardware support programme^, genera mastMnanca and troubleshooting, guaranteed 10 pAra hours per week, possible long-term posAion. good pay SeiOW hours, tnsntfy omce Contact Kim. Academic Learning Services - 68 PIC • 348-3230 :tO HELP WANTED CruNe Line entry on boerdtordiidt ix>*«*»on» «v»t >ufflw»lytlr round 3lQ?8t 68i? Tired of worldng for oth« people? Be your men boss* Se? you* own hour** We need se# starting people *0* toervfy enwonment® bu»me*i bAWgoaf a ptut Ca8 663 9489 e*t 10 ALASKA SUMMER YmPLOVMENT • l*h«rt*t fiV $600 ♦ 'wee* *1 lArnene* or $4000# month boot* F ree transport**?'-' Room and board* M+tie o» Female For employment program c.» 1 306-6454145 ert A60W_ SUMMCR CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing ten Coo»«renc« Assistant position® with University Mousing $ervices taro 'oom. tx>»d and S’SS a wee* du^ng SA 66** tor »prng and vatoat*e fOl) espenence Ten to fourteen wee* position* avariaC#e For more wrfotnu&Oft. attend one 0* !he recommended •nformabonw meeting* >n the Boar West Conference Room at Boar* Compte»» iron* 3pm to 4pm on Wednesday. Fob 3 ’993 or Thursday Fee ■* 1963 RosHKto Desorption and Application ava»!ab*e at Un*verity Mousing Conf«*ence cvefvx.es tot Oougia&s Hit Watton Cornpte*. 346 4266 Application deacSme •* t ^prT-j. February 12 ’993 EOf/AAE Committed to Cultural 225 APTS DUPLEXES Big studio ♦ $33$ Most utilities paid Downtown area Very rip 342 7426 or 464 6693 Joertn Campus Apartments Furnished 142 Bedrooms Winter rates $375 4525 465 2623 Cleon attractive 1 txJrm apt. c tone to campus No smoking pnta $460 CaH 666-0/36 after jt_ GARDEN TERRACE 1893 Garden St Roomy 2 bedroom, waft to campus, available now. quiet only S466 on site laundry and parking, along M**ac« Celt Fau) to' showing 344 t 721 MILLRACE APTS 180$ GARDEN AVE Immaculate 2 bcJrm 2 Story apts Ideal tor 3 or 4 people PfnrtN pa!*as. over’coking the Milk ace (perfect for BBU ») Peaceful, weti M and sato Great monthly rales hom $666 For showings t«8 Don at .144 5695 CEDARWOOD QUADS *41 E 17Ifl Private tooms All UTIltTlf S PAID, on Ait* laundry Groat iates fe&ft $235' Can Brian at 6860597 8. Jennings r Co Ltyoy like twauly of wimda anti wildlife in uiprr Ikn* plan 2 BDKM, I '/.HATH '495 & *515/month > Du* to canftu* • Swimming IH«I • Wttftu/t-m*** Roum • Sauna* it br~ (UmuU * r«*wtu.> ,,687-1318. law than 1 b*> tiom campus largs I. 2 S 3 barms aval starting at 1240 lod cowM parsing, laundry lac No mov* nla»s 3460626 or 461-0199 1 bdrm. $40& 2 w»m HSOOrmonth laundry, parking sacursy. ctoaa to campus 4ft4 9922 PROSPECT PARK t and 3 bsdroom apt avas now. gnat country almospnars «rcon»ananl c«y location, offtsr laaturss mduda pod lanrua/baaSstbaii cts. rac room and playground ngni pas) 2S«h and Cham bars Can 484 ft&M _ I bdrm apt naar campus, pals ok. tur nishad. Indry Wane thru Juna. J380 ♦ utl. E lath « Earry 344-11623 PTS DUPLEXES > bedroom apt * 53**i E !«*> *•» No 4 m* Redwood Park Apts. ffuUt. fountry LMny With City Conmmimu?* Unfuml 1 Biriw 1415, (starting Nov 1) low UtiMi** On Bw*8n« Equipped W**ght Room. So* Wood Parti A Playground laundry Facimtaa Alto furnlslMMl tu4t«« Studto. 1 A 2 BP $600 to $S7S lndlvKjuaity Oac orated Completely NmtiNd EvarytfctogFrom Cab** TV to linen* For Bad Bath A Kitchen On SHa Management Team 4103 W. iBth 494-5775 Unfurnished Apartments In Eugene Sp modems S2« (Xus uwmat Can 4«*>tu»4 55 ROOMMATES WANTED Nssd roommUf to »har* 2 twdr»n apt. $£?4tVmo D carter house cami*#• jrHj Mr****** per*. fHV> tr-okar **ge tarusr tHb»tn» •Wccni# *84 SISS 2?0 child care Hstp needed k» pro**H‘!w,>A« tpm**y * ? chikjreo agr*? 5 and 9 ? 10 twiAwit r&Hti** cm aod itoiMWnk 260 MEETINGS FrM Oigami Workshop ttv* Sst 1 *0 6 1 3(pr»' Came**** 0*A> »8?0 *Jds» t morn hew* to mas* txPtsjtstu* boses and Nwvts Hy Vatenbos* Day _ *lVsii^'"OAVMWEVu*l AlTuNCf Gsnerp t ba«s k,n’ rn. 34» 33C0 290 CAMPUS EVENTS Dsnce those wtetor Wu»wi away at the {VaftroofTt OcHtsr Dane*. F»* *«*> 5lh !* I tpn> n ?2Kl l*«!*ng*r Ann#* Si1 Gan Adm. St nail Sponsored &y the Barroom Panes Dub POCKET PLAYHOUSE PRESENTS Hunter's Qreen ; Written and Directed by Jesse Lowe Fed 4,5,6 at 5pm I Room 102, Vlllard Hall 1JOU LATE NITE i Bob Mjrlry Iiiiir Will 1,11 »<**•»* it «oisd 1 L RESERVOIR DOGS J TNI PAR SIM By GARY LARSON ! Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson TODAV FOR SUOW AHD TCU. I'VE BRSXJW A TlttV MARVEL Of UATvJRE A S\HOE SNCM FLAKE. I THINK. WE MIGHT ML lfc>RN A LESSON TCDM HON THIS UTTEft.LT UNIOUE LND EXQUISITE . CRTSTM.... i .. T\)ftNS INK) Mi ORDINARY BOftitift WOltCOU. OF NMIR JUST UK£ EUERT OTNER ONE. NWEN NOO BRING ir in tne clmssroo* *e AHD MCtti. >KMIUC THE ANA1061 \N. IU. BE LEAMIH6 **) DftlP-i AMO gowg OUTSIDE PROBLEMS? Co* UoO OfM l k* fr j*r*ooymouu cr«a*» oountofcftg ,»vj fi****natx ^Qfnt-fa*T\ M f . 4 346 4466 320 SERVICES Nwd coOeg# rnorty? We tocoN) p*/ !UX'*W‘.*<*1 v fn>±a* Vv-^ss free NVnptal * IttO 3®2 46 VI Pregrumt? Worried? We Cormd*ntwK carsng Support tarty t*> !e»-tw>r? F >«*e pregrdPCy teats Btrtf' r«gM 66 f 66f>i Cafe Latte Hot Chocolate 2. Jc Italian o - £ Sodas c o - <-> H At The Espre sso Cart now located at fh« Canon W»»! W ^ofk> ♦ Mon-Fri 8am-5pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau m just an aunwt -vw 1 >f HC(N A PROft -y v.ivl NdNKr KMHXK yt>V’ •*¥< .IV';*<9T/U ff m* ' ;\r Nf VfRttw ft'iMprHt ^ 9/571*1' < v i' txtrmvrA ww ' HAYt' HOf’tfftAT1IU TfU XOU.lh»Alif#eU!#*»> HAf> ftAU r KAK4V *(Y J\\V w Aftt 'rVU >w Alien, seme#* & o no. no. m ANl>VtrHUN6! Wf [ CAN'T pftove TV Y" \ CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffer ACROSS I Tab S I lym \ OHMS • ftobrn Cook book 13 "To*co" lun# 13 ARm oflrrmothra 14 Too 15 "Up on Iho ' f*3 long) IS Po»lol CfOOd mxd 17 Montiour DmcvIm ISTrool tin* 20 Ooolh o< lha parly 22 Mu ad bag 26 FokariM 2S Swindlad 30 Carrara nl V/ayna's World" 31 'Grlkgam KUrvd" cast mambar 32 Tram romponan1 33 Pooch 34 Naigtibor of Mnt 33 I >!•.<»! (J,VK« M liusnos 37 Muod (i,k; 40 'iUi In* TNG' chat actor 41 Sink 45 Emuial* Sp4/ 47 IWW u( tha macabra 45 Glut tmvmm 50 Top notch 51 •- Gal By' S3 Vunly 53 Bryophyta 54 Sushi candidala 55 Tw UOWN 1 Un •dom#d 2 Pf**» .Kjanl > ] Ol vnUot 4 'Charche/ —'(long) 5 Orange co all 6 Uolhw 7 Retrain • Yule daiy • Ernestine n one 10 About halt ol u* 11 Buoyant handful 10 IJnaui Mr 21 like an antuue Solution ttmo 23 mint. Yttltrdty't tntwtr 2 4 / g il DW9 Cogjl i 24 I’laasanl 25 Huns up I Ha phona Ml 24 Hainan cal? 27 Mead kghl? 2* — lamp 32 From head lo Ua 31 Rugged ranges 35 lustrous Mack 16 Pad 36 Olympt ant' doings 39 Irvs 42 Gdbert ot "Rose anna" 43 Daredev dry nama 44 Unadul laratad 45 Tad Dan ion rule 46 Try 10 win over 46 Hullring bravo