Women look for victory in War By Steve Mims Emerald Sports Report** The Oregon women* Iwsketball team is back in Eugene lo begin a three-game home stand in search of it* first conference victory of the year Oregon began the season 6-3 in pro-season, but have lost nine games in a row and ore 0-H in the Pacific-10 Conference as it prepares to face Ore gon State in the Civil War Friday night at McAr thur Court The Ducks have lost 12 consecutive conference games, but will look to snap it against the Bea ver*. Oregon’s last conference victory came against Oregon State lost year on February 261 h The Ducks have dominated the Beavers the past seven years, winning 14 of their lost 15 games against their in-stale rival. The Heavers were picked to finish last in the Pac-10 in the pre-sen son coaches poll but have played better than ex peeled and are 3-5 in the conference. Oregon State is led by three freshman, includ ing forward Ton|a Koxtic who is second in the Pac-10 in scoring at 19.2 points per game and is also averaging H.fi rebounds Joining Kostic on the front line is fellow freshman Anette Motterslrom, who is averaging 14 points jwr game "Oregon Stale is playing a lot better than peo ple thought they would before the season start mi.” Oregon head coach Elwin Ueinv said. "The addition of Mollerstrom and Kostic has not only made them bettor than a last-place team, it has made them one capable of twit!in# for a top spot They are a very physical and an aggressive defen sive team and those are the type of teams that have made us play poorly." Oregon had played well enough to he in all of their conference games, until last weeks trip to Arizona The Ducks shot 4S percent in their 79-70 loss to Arizona Inst Thursday, and followed that with 2B percent shooting when they were blown out 79-42 against Arizona State Saturday The Ducks were ranked ninth in the country in field goal percentage entering last week's games, but are averaging only 44 .1 percent in I’m 10 games. "Once this year, we were a very good shooting team.” Hoiny said. "We've got to return it to that point. One night we are a very capable team, oth er than a < ouple ol spurts, and the nest we aren't. We have got to put it together for 40 minutes, whatever it takes." Individually the Ducks have struggled as well, with no player averaging more than 14 points or eight rebounds per game. As a team. Oregon has lieen outscored by an average of 14 4 points per game in Pac-10 play Photo By J»« Pwtay Cindy Murphy and tha raat ot tha Ducks will try and gat their first Pac-10 win ot tha season In tha Civil War Friday night at McArthur Court Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! GREEK HAPPENINGS Cengratulatlena Nm not, H Amanda C Meghan* M-W B A tauran W K«ky« Mo#yF So aanneV r«*g cornif KM*>M JOnri"! l (So» G AmVeeG flaw A laoin S latayM C>«a V Becky B Amanda C Imdaev C Kneti G. ___* YomtaI_ Kttr Sop* bool Saturday aw* a bum lett not make a the MM AXA ima Sorry itelato ! he part* ,u great Congrats to a» oi an mtoatec _ AAA IAK* Onca agam me r party teat giaat Thanks tor helping u* CiMrale’ __ *ait IN AM Thar* 1tor ceteMMng oo> pledge* maneon «5h u* Wa had a graal *ma Lat a da « agam aooni »AXU 105 PERSONS: Cant* - I lound a pood any to gat Kano pubkc 'aiatonj and leadership '■penance I'm applying to pm SURC Cnacfca oui m oppoftoniiaa IMU Law 11:00 l »N loat Via game. Focuaad on your ayaa not Mta pin a, can't aPatia anaga. Baddy »> aan. 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