Marines wait for orders as other services end gay ban WASHINGTON (AP) — The head of the Marine Corps urged his troops to "remain on watch" and not cpiit over the is sue of homosexuals while three other services ordered recruit ers to stop asking applicants their sexual status, officials said Tuesday. While the Army. Navy and Air Force began their adjust ment. no matter how uneasy, to President Clinton's new policy, the Marines said they would wait for official instructions lie fore issuing orders to their re cruiters None of the changes were publicly announced. IjisI Friday. Clinton tempo rarily suspended the formal discharge of homosexuals from the military and announced lhot new recruits would no longer lx* asked if they ore ho* mosexuals. Clinton ordered the Defense Department to produce a draft executive order by July 15 that would formally end the han on homosexuals. Defense S«m rotary l-es Aspin has not yet implemented Clin ton's Interim policy, but spokesman Holt Hall said Tues day he expected Aspin to act by the end of the week "At this point I don't know what will lx* In those particular instructions," beyond telling recruiters not to risk applicants about their sexual stains and ft is not characteristic of Marines to quit their posts, either under fire or when things are not to their liking’ Gen. Carl E Mundy. Marine corps commandant suspending the permanent dis charge of troops found to be ho mosexual. Hal,I said Congressional Republicans had promised to fight Clinton by writing into law the homo sexual twin But on Tuesday, di visions appeared in their ranks in the Senate. "Codification does not seem to he the most attractive thing." Sen Alan Simpson of Wyo ming, the second-ranking Re publican in the Senate, said af ter a policy luncheon. The chiefs of the four armed services, plus Gen. Colin Pow ell. < hainnan of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, strongly oppose Clin ton's intention to permit gays to serve openly, but they are tak ing the first steps to conform with Clinton's changes. In a message sent last Friday night. Gen. Carl E. Mundy. the Marino Corps commandant, urged his forces to put their al legiance to the corps above their personal feelings and to remain in the service no matter how they feel about the homo sexual issue. "It is not characteristic of Marines to quit their posts, ei ther under fire or when things are not to their liking." Mundy wrote in his message for all Ma rines. "Those of you whose pride in the corps, sense of duty, honor and personal moral values run so deep are exactly the ones needed to remain on watch to provide a steady hand." Foreign Language Teadier Preparation at the The University of Oregon's College of Education is now accepting applications for its post-baccalaureate teaching license program in French, German, Japanese, and Spanish. Graduates are certified to teach their language specialization, kindergarten through twelfth grade, in Oregon and other states. Students start the program Summer '93 and complete it the following Spring. (Other options may be possible.) Program coursework can be applied toward an interdisciplinary master's degree in foreign language teaching. Special Education at the University of Oregon The University of Oregon's College of Education is now accepting applications for the 1 landicapped Learner endorsement program, which prepares teachers to work with children and youth with disabilities. No previous coursework in education is necessary. Students can start the program Summer, Fall, or Winter terms. For further information or an application packet, please write: University of Oregon, College of Education, Office of Student Support Services, Box M, Eugene, OR 97403. Or call (503) 346-3527. Beating victim requests task force on gay-bashing WILMINGTON, N.C. (AP) — A gav mati who said throw Marines Iteat him up because of President (Clinton's push to lift the ban on homosexuals in the military is seeking a meeting with the presi dent. "He says he is willing to listen to American people," Crae Pridg en said on the "Today” show this morning. "And I'm an American person who has something to say. And I’m a victim who doesn't want to go unheard." Pridgen. 2H. said that he wants to fell the president about attacks on homosexuals and that he hopes Clinton will establish a task force on gay bashing. Clinton has begun stops to end the military's 50-year ban on ho mosexuals. Pridgen said the Marines shouted. "Clinton's going to pay!" dur ing the fight Saturday at a gay bar. Pridgen lost a tooth and suffered a black eye. a swollen lip and a cut ear. "I was brutally beaten because I was gay." he said. "I felt like my civil rights had been violated " CATE 18th & 8:00pm-11:00pm bmtmfU U» num fund* far * intek UgnunUw N«uor\«i to Hi Salvador food and beverage* offered for a donation Adult beverages will be available Former Oregon Community College Transfer Students Counselors and advisors from Oregon Community Colleges will be visiting campus February 3,1993. Please take a few moments to stop by and talk with them about your UO experience. Where: Erb Memorial Union When: 1:00 pm. until 3:00 pm. Community College.Location Blue Mountain.Century Central Oregon.Century Chemeketa.Cedar Clackamas.Cedar Qatsop.Maple Lane.Oak Linn-Benton.Century Mt. Hood.Cedar Community College.Location Oregon Coast.Century Portland (all).Gumwood Rogue.Cedar Southwestern Oregon.Century Tillamook.TBA Treasure Valley.TBA Umpqua.Century Get A Grip On All Of Your Automotive Needs!