Officials say Clinton will increase spending, jobs NATIONAL WASHINGTON (AH) — President Clinton is eyeing $31 billion in spending increases nnd tax breaks for business to nrovide a short-term lift to the economy, top ad ministration officials have told senators. Clinton is considering a package con taining $16 billion in job-creating spend ing for the 1993 fiscal year, and a $15 billion tax credit for businesses that in vest in equipment, said two Democratic officials who spoke on condition of ano nymity Tuesday. The 1993 fiscal year ends Oct, 1 In a Monday evening meeting with senators. Clinton's top economic advis ers said the $16 billion in spending Clin ton is considering will be for road-build ing, waste-water treatment facilities, summer jobs, hiring people for the Head Start program and hiring people to ad minister childhood vaccinations Clinton s aides said the president is also considering a four-year plan to strengthen the economy that would grow from a $10 billion federal investment next year to $60 billion in fiscal 1997. one of the officials said. And Clinton still contemplates trying to n*itu< e the federal deficit by $145 billion by JlW7 The accounts are the most detailed de scription yet of Clinton’s current think ing about his most crucial campaign promise — to fix an economy that has lieen battered by a recession and a slug gish recovery that has seen little |ob growth. Despite persistent unemployment, the Commerce Department said Tuesday that its index of leading onomic indicators — the government's gauge of conditions six to nine months off — jumped sharply in December, sending the most positive signal of future growth in nearly a dec ade. One of the officials said Clinton had decided on the size of the short-term stimulus, while the other said the figures were not final Senate Majority Leader CJeorge Mitch ell. D-Maine, in whose office the meeting was held, said a package of $.11 billion — and other amounts — was dis< ussed. But ho said no final decisions have been made. White House spokesman George Stephanopoulos said Tuesday that "the president hasn’t made any final decision on numbers” in the short-term stimulus ‘He wants to have Investment in jobs, as he said during the campaign. At the same time he wants to have some private sector incentives as wed.1 George Stephanopoutos, White House spokesman But he acknowledged that it would con tain spending cm job-producing projects and investment-oriented tax breaks (or businesses "lie wants to have investment in jobs, as he said during the campaign At the same time, he wants to have some pri vale sector incentives ns well." Stephanopoutos said lie said Clinton hoped the program could create from 200.000 to 500,0110 jobs in a year To pay for the $16 billion in spending. Clinton will probably de< hire a budget emergency, said the two Demia rntn offi rials. Wilder budget law. mu h .1 dis larntion would allow spending (lint drives up llu> federal deficit However, the Slti billion in expenditures would not exceed this year's spending cap set bv the 090 budget agreement. There were no details available about the business tax breaks, known ns invest ment tax 1 rrdits Administration officials recently have spoken about designing them so the breaks would lie user) for purchases that businesses would not have made nnvwnv Hut the plan is to make the t redit ret mactive to DecemUtr 10*12. That would encourage businesses to continue pur chasing such equipment, rather than waiting for the hill to lie enacted, which could slow the economy. Clinton's economii aides also spoke of imposing new taxes on the wealthy, al though none were specified. Clinton and his advisers have talked aliout imposing a new .Hi percent top income tax rate on the most well-to-do Americans and a sur tax on millionaires The current top rate is 31 percent In addition. I’anetta spoke of the need for a "shared burden" in deficit reduc tion. one official said No smoking in Clintons’ White House WASHINGTON (AH) — The Clinton administration's fresh approach to governing includes fresher air: Smoking is now banned at the White House. "If visitors to the White House want to smoke, they will probably have to go out of doors." i.isn Caputo. a spokes woman for Hillary Clinton said Tuesday. “This is all part of the new and fresh approach to the White House." Caputo confirmed the new policy after Mrs. Clinton told Thv New York Times in on in terview that smoking was twing banned, just as it was at the Governor's Mansion in Little Rook, Ark. "The big issue about health is so paramount to me that I don't think we should permit smok ing." she said. 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Wednesday m j$4 From San Francisco: Bomb Strawman and Billyjack Thursday Feb 4 $3 The attack of the 10 fool Canadians"!! 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