Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    Representative wants each household to own a gun
SALEM (AP) — State Rep Liz
Vanl-ceuwen says she hns*a way
to hold down crime — require ev
ery Oregon household to own a
gun and have somebody in the
house trained to use it.
Universal gun ownership by re
sponsible adults would oeier crime oy maunK wieguu
"ltK» dangerous for criminals," VanLeeuwen said Mon
"You can cal! lids the gun dealers promotion hill if
you want." the Halsey Republican said of her bill
VanLeeuwen’s hill would require every Oregon
household — except for convicted felon* and others ex
empted by the courts — to own a firearm and have
somebody who knows how to use it
She said she realizes the bill might earn her some no
You can call tills Ilia gun deafen
promotion bill If you want’
— Rep. Liz VanLeeuwen,
author ot proposed bill
toriety at a time when the country worries about In
creasing violent* and some groups want to ban all or
most guns
■'This is my one wild thing.” she said of the measure
introduced Friday.
VanUomiwen said she submitted the bill, HB2775. at
the request of Jim Ricke. owner of Ricke's Sporting
floods In l-ebanon. and other gun dealers.
Ricke cited the experience of Kennesaw, Cia.. a town
of 9.000 near Atlanta, which required nun ownership
12 years ago and experienced a sharp drop in residen
tial burglaries
"Criminals aren't stupid, just lazy." Ricke said
He said he worked on the bill on behalf of the Oregon
Firearms Trade Association and the Oregon Pro-Gun
Civil Rights Lobby Inc
VnnLeeuwen assumed the measure would be referred
to the House Judiciary Committee headed by Rep. Del
Parks. R-Klamath Falls, but she was uncertain how far it
would get.
The bill contains no penalty for not owning a gun
and would not require ownership if people can't afford
a gun. VanLeeuwan said.
Ricke said a companion bill to the gun-ownership
proposal would call for firearms safety training in high
Police arrest suspected
killer of two Portlanders
arrested in (California is a sus
pected serial killer believed
lo Im> linked lo I wo doaths in
Portland, police said Tues
Andrew David Kdwards.
34, was armled last Tuesday
in Oroville. (Calif.. during on
investigation into on alleged
assault in Son lose, (Calif., ac
cording to Sgt. Derrick Fox
worth. Portland police
After questioning by sher
iff's deputies in Butte (Coun
ty. (Calif., Portland detectives
were called.
fCdwards was charged Mon
day with murder in the death
of Anthony Keith Thurman.
24, a transient whose body
was found April 5. 1WH). un
derneath a downtown Port
land freeway underpass.
Me also is a suspect in the
death of |ohn Harold
Schierrneister, 37. another
transient whose body was
found Oct 5. 1987. in a
downtown Portland radroad
yard. Fox worth said.
H o t h T h u rinan and
Sc hiermeisler died of head
Edwards is also a suspect
in the* deaths of transients in
Kern County, Calif-. and in
Pueblo. Calif.. Fox worth said
Republicans want Jolin to resign
SALEM (AP) — Embattled Democratic Sen. Peg
folin says Republicans have turned ' extraordinar
ily vicious” in their continued pressure on her
stemming from her felony conviction.
folin made the comment Monday after the Sen
ate Republican leader called for her resignation,
and House Majority l-eader Grog Walden intro
duced a measure to prevent felons from serving in
the legislature
Walden, a Hood River Republican, said the pro
posal would go on the May 1994 ballot if passed
by the legislature.
He said the folin matter is the top issue in the
public mind about the legislature since the ses
sion convened Jan. 11
Meanwhile, the minority Republicans in the
Senate officially asked that folin be removed as
chairwoman of a Senate committee.
folin. a 12-year legislative veteran from Cottage
Grove, was convicted of undue influence for
seeking donations to erase campaign debts when
her campaign fund actually had a surplus
State law prohibits ixxiple convicted of "infa
mous crimes" from holding public office. But the
state Constitution gives the legislature the ulti
mate authority over who’s qualified to serve in
that body.
That means the Republicans, with 14 of the 30
Senate seats, can’t take any official action against
John without help from Democrats. It requires
two thirds, or 20 votes, to expel a member.
Senate Minority Leader Gene Timms, R-Bums,
said Monday he believed Jolin should resign her
Senate seat. He said he would request that the
caucus send her a letter asking her to step down.
But the Republicans decided against that after
Jolin told Timms she wouldn't accept such a let
ter. said GOP caucus spokesman Dan Lavey. The
caucus instead sent a letter to Senate President
Bill Bradbury. D-Bandon. asking him to remove
Jolin as chairwoman of the Business. Housing and
Consumer Affairs Committee.
Republicans earlier had agreed to put the issue
of her resignation aside pending the outcome of
her appeal.
Bradbury has said her district deserves full rep
resentation ns long as the appeal is pending.
The following incidents were reported
to the University Office of Publh Safety
mid the Eugene polii e department from
|«n 25 to Feb. 1
• An 1H year old Churchill High
School student was arrested Jan, 25 for
the theft of 50 Faith No More concert
tickets from House of Records. 258 E
Cttli Ave.. that t(Mik plate between Dei
23-28. The sus|M‘t t was arrested ufter an
employee phoned police and said a man
tailed House of Records and claimed to
have information alrout the theft. A po
lite sergeant posed as the owner of the
store in n meeting with two men who
saul they knew who stole the tit kets.
One of the men gave the sergeant the
name of the suspect and said he was a
Clum hill student. The sergeant went to
Churchill and arrested the suspect The
suspect told the officer he stole the tick
ets as a prank and sold about five tickets
for a total of $40. He said he gave the rest
of the tickets away after having trouble
selling <hum. The officer said about 10 or
12 people got into tlio concert with sto
ien tickets, vsliii.ti liad l>een altered so
their numbers didn't matt It a stoleit tick
et list at the gate,
• A University student reported a theft
of a backpack from Columbia Hall Jan.
2H The student left her backpack in
Room 150 Columbia while she left a
class for a brief period of time When she
returned, the (mu k|nn k anil its contents,
valued at SlfiS. were gone
• The Red Dragon Body Art tattoo
shop, HH-t E l tth Ave , reported a bur
glary on (an 20. Two stainless steel
tattooing pins, an airbrush, a toolbox full
of paintbrushes, two voltage converters
and fool pedals were taken. The total
value of the stolen items is $1,000 There
were no signs of forced entry, and police
suspect a key was used to gain entry.
• A University student reported a theft
from a vehicle at a University parking lot
on the 15(H) block of Moss Street |an. 29.
The suspects removed part of the vehi
cle's sunroof and took two tar speakers
valued at a total of SIMM)
• A suspu ious subject was reported at
the Delta Gamma sorority, 1884 Alder
St,, Jan. m Two members of the sorority
called police after they observed a man
climbing up the fire escape outside the
building. The man told the women. “I’m
a convicted rapist What are you going to
do about it? " He also gave tile women a
description of what he was wearing and
told them his name was Luke Perry The
suspect left the sorority shortly Ik-fore
police arrived Police observed the man
walking south on Alder Sireet. hut could
not catch the suspect.
The suspect is described as 5-foot-Hi.
about 170 pounds, between 19 and 21
years old. with light brown hair and dark
eyes. He was wearing a Guess jacket,
white shorts with dark pinstripes and
Vans shoes that were dark with multicol
ored patches.
• A 20-year-old man was arrested for
urinating in public, minor in possession
and falsely reporting age, and a 20-year
old University student was charged with
minor in possession and falsely reporting
age in an incident that look place at
WOW Hall, 201 W. 8th Ave.. Feb 1 Offi
cers were responding to a fight at the
concert hall when they observed a man
urinating outside the building. The man
was determined to lie a minor who had
been drinking in the bar. A bartender
front the hall said the suspect had shown
a check-cashing card in the bar that said
he was of age
The bartender also said the female stu
dent who was with the first suspect was
also in the bar with a similar check-cash
ing card. Police obtained the check-cash
ing cards and cited the pair.
• A 32-year-old man reported an as
sault at New Max's Tavern. 55 E. 13th
Ave.. Feb. 1. The victim said he was bit
on the hand by another man.
im IrmtiHS (kismR
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