Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1993, Page 10, Image 10

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    - Oregon Daily Emerald Sports
Investigation of four Blazers continues
SALT LAKE CITY (AP) — Prosecutors
have broadened their investigation and nar
rowed the number of Portland Trail Blazer
players they are looking at in a probe of al
legations of sexual misconduct involving
the NBA dub
Sources who spoke on condition of ano
nymity Tuesday also said a third player has
retained a local attorney as prosecutors near
a decision on whether to file criminal
charges in the case.
Investigators from the Salt l-ake County
attorney's office have expanded their inves
tigation to interview a number of other ju
veniles who were at the Marriott Hotel
when two 16-year-old girls claimed they
had sex with several team members Jan. 23.
Meanwhile, the focus of the probe has ap
parently narrowed to four players, sources
confirmed, with the actions of two being
most scrutinized. One of the players hired a
local attorney Monday, bringing to three the
number of Portland players who have hired
Salt Lake lawyers.
A source close to the investigation said
prosecutors have been in touch with the
lawyers, as well as with a team attorney A
decision on charges likely will come this
Attorney Ron Yengich. who represents
one of the players, refused to say whether
he had talked to prosecutors. The other law
yer. Ed Bras*, was out of town Tuesday and
unavailable for comment.
A third lawyer. Kevin Kurumada. said
Tuesday he has not talked to prosecutors
Team attorney Walter Bugden would not
Salt Lake County attorney David Yocom
declined to comment Tuesday.
The source said there were a number of
juveniles at the Marriott Hotel the night be
fore Portland played the Utah few. includ
ing several who may he able to corroborate
portions of the girls' stories.
Most left after hotel security cleared the
12th floor, where the team was staying, but
three girls — two 16-year-olds and a 15
year-old — returned
The girls claimed they had met members
of the team in a mall adjacent to the hotel
the day before the game and were invited to
come to the hotel that night for a party.
One of the 16-year-old girls claimed she
had sex with "four or five" players and the
other with three The 15-year-old said she
was present but didn’t have sex
Following a three-day investigation. Salt
Lake police said the girls consented to the
alleged sex acts and had lied to the players
about their ages, saying they were 18. Police
held a news conference Jan 27 to say they
were recommending no charges be filed
However, the department on Friday ac
77m focus of the probo has
apparently narrowed to
four players — with the
action* of two boing most
knowledged its news release was wrong
One of the girls had said she was 19, and
the other two had said they were 17.
Age is important as prosecutors considor
possible charges involving contributing to
the delinquency of a minor.
The police department's public an
nouncement angered Yocom. who said it
was his responsibility to review the case
and determine whether a crime was com
Prosecutors also expressed concern that
police may have brushed aside initial
claims by one of the girls that she was
frightened and intimidated into having sex
The girls gave police the first names of
seven people who participated in the al
leged incident. Six correspond to members
of the Portland roster.
Police have said there is little doubt some
sexual activity occurred.
Jan 14
btoe i |
Bill Millar daf Brian Knot
(a»on Tomibon daf Malt Stockton
Mm'i 2
loah Eubank* daf Marcus Maaon
Mitch Easton daf Phi P»i B
Ian 19
Mm 'i t
Phi N Ad*f Mppa Sigma C3t
Phi P*i A daf Jan Kansan
Mca't 2
Phi Pw daf kappa Sigma
A TO Two daf Ph» P»i B
Jan 26
Man'* 1
That a Chi daf Jason Tomlinson
Phi P*i A daf FIJI 1
G rat chan M. Saa daf. Chi P*i
ATO daf Jo*h Eubank*
Vallay ball
Jan 27
Coad Om
Zero Gravity daf. Gamma Phi/Sigma Nu
Tha Mallard* daf kkG/SAE
Caad 2
J-Guy* daf Unknown*
Totankas daf. Unknowns
ka u daf Gamma Phi/Sigma Nu
Tha Bump* daf. Yallow*
Up and Coining daf Thornton
Caad J
Tha Goonia* daf. Hilo
Miyukannaa daf APASU
Oregon Daily Emerald
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