Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, February 03, 1993, Image 1

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    Oregon Daily
Music to die for
Photo by Jeff Paslay
Undeclared sophomore Liam Cassidy sits in the sunshine and
practices on the guitar he got for Christmas
Student Senate confirms
controversial IFC nominee
j Some current committee
members oppose approval
of Commentator editor
By Pat Malach
f mcwaid f.diiof
Despite Itouvv imposition hv some cur
rent tin idental Fee Committee members,
the Student Senute Tuesday confirmed
Kd Carson to fill a recently vacated IFC
Accusing Carson ot being racial and
homophobic, members Steve Masai
and Zoe Pargot. along with former com
mittee member Barbara Rodgers, sub
mitted a two-page letter urging the senate
not to confirm Carson's nomination
The accusations against Carson stem
from his involvement with the Oregon
Commentator, a student-run journal of
"The Commentator has also frequently
been the focus of controversy in regards
to opinions expressed concerning race
and sexual orientation," according to the
letter, which was submitted in advance to
the senators
Other students opposed to Carson's
nomination said they were troubled by
the opinions expressed in the conserva
tive journal.
"He has created a nori-hospitable cli
mate for women and people of color on
this campus," said Diana Collins, ASUO
multicultural advocate. "(Carson's) nomi
nation would send a bad message to stu
dents of color on this campus.”
Carson said he was not surprised by
the turnout against him.
"I didn't feel like it was a parade in my
honor," he said.
Carson said labeling him as a racist and
Ed Carson
homophobe was an attempt to blacklist
him because he works for the Commenta
tor, which has often been critical of stu
dent government.
"They couldn't say they didn't want
me on the committee because they are
opposed to n different viewpoint." ('.ar
son said, "but they could by labelling me
as a racist and homophobe."
Pargot said Canon should txs held re
sponsible for what is printod in the Com
"(Orson) is responsible for slamming
people who don't need to be slammed."
she said. "You can't write that all women
are potential bull-dyke lesbians (referring
to an unsigned graphic on the back page
of the December Commentator) and not
Turn to NOMINEE. Page 3
Students learn creative
biology with computers
q Computers take the
place M animals in
sdf^je laboratories
By Demian McLean
Emerald Reporter
In Heustis Hall, human physiology
students get to play architect with the
human body. Using computer graphics,
general sciences senior Greg Hoefeldt
can design a circulatory system that
second-guesses -nature's original
“Should thi* body havo two haamT”
he aaks bta part
ner." Or maybe
three? Or maybe wa
should just remove
a lung — the body
might be able to
function without
It." he »aid.
Sitting before a
er, Hoefeldt and his partner are study*
ing human physiology in a bloodless
Turn to COMPUTERS, Page 4
Cloudy weather and rain may
return later in the day. with
temperatures in the 50s
Today in History
Feb. 3, 1959 was 'the day the
music died' as a plane crash
near Clear Lake. Iowa, claimed
the lives of rock icons Buddy
Holly, Ritchie Valens and |.P.
The Big Bopper' Richardson
ASTORIA (AP) - A forger failed to check an Oregon Lottery Monopoly
ticket altered to win only $1. musing out on a legitimate $5,000 win
The error was discovered when a woman presented the forged ticket to a
convenience store clerk last week, claiming it was a $1 winner
The clerk looked at it and said it s not a $1 winner, it's a $5,000 winner
said Officer Denise Kotaniemi of the Astoria police. 'She was floored. She
aid. This is great.''
But a second look revealed that the number had been altered to make the
ticket appear to be a $1 winner, voiding the legitimate $5,000 combination.
Kotaniemi said.
IRVING, Texas (AP) - The Super Bowl champion Dellas
Cowboys hewn making changes in their coaching assign
ments fuesday.
Line coach Butch Davis was named defensive coordinator,
replacing Dave Wannstedt, now head coach of the Chicago
Bean, and offensive coordinator Norv Turner was given the
additional title of assistant coach, replacing Wannstedt in
that capacity
'It's a great feeling to be taking over the league's top
defense.’ Davis said. "We ll |ust try to get better and better
Dave did a great job and I learned a lot from him.'