School of MUSIC uNivnsnr or okoon & Department of DANCE FEBRUARY CONCERTS Clip and save this calendar! For more information on any School of Music event, call 346-5678. To confirm concert times and ticket prices, call the Music Hotline at 346-3764 for a taped message. Wed. "AN EVENING OF IMPROV" 2/3 Faculty Artist Series Robert Kyr and Stove Owen explore jazz and contemporary improvisation. I p.m. Beat) Halt $5 General Admission, $3 Students & Senior Citizens Frl. PHI BETA BENEFIT CONCERT 2/5 Faculty Artist Senes Lawrence Maves, violin, and Barbara Gonzalez Palmer, piano 8 p.m. Beat! Hall $5 General Admission. S3 Students 4 Senior Citizens Sat GERALD McBOING-BOING & FRIENDS 2/6 Children's Concert Series 10:30 a.m. Beall Hall S3 Adults. $2 Children / Students, or $5 Family ticket Tues. JAZZ COMBOS I 2/9 UO Ensembles 8 p.m. Beall Hall $4 General Admission. $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens Wed. KEVIN LOCKE: Lecture-Demonstration 2/10 Guest artist demonstrates Native Amercan (lute. 2:30 p.m., Room 105 Music FREE admission Wed. OREGON WIND ENSEMBLE & SYMPHONIC BAND 2/10 UO Ensembles 8 pm Beall Hal 54 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senwr Citizens Thur. QUARTET SINE NOMINE 2/11 Chamber Musk Series 8 p.m. Beall Hall Reserved Seats $7.50 $17 50 (687-5000) Student rush tickets $4, $7 at the door Sun. JAZZ COMBOS II 2/14 UO Ensembles 8 pm Beall HaB $4 General Admission, $2 Studenls 4 Senior Citizens Tues. PACIFIC RIM GAMELAN 2/16 UO Indonesian Orchestra 8 p.m. BeaO Hall $4 General Admission, $2 Students 4 Senior Citizens Wed. "BONES & BRASS" 2/17 00 Brass Ensembles 8 p m. Beal Hall $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Sew Citizens Fri. THE WEBSTER TRIO 2/19 Guest Ensemble 3:30 p.m. Beall Hall S5 General Admission Sat. "AN OPERA SAMPLER" 2/20 UO Ensemble; scenes tom operas 8 p.m. Beall Hal $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Senior Citizens Sun. "OLD WINE & NEW SPIRITS" 2/21 Faculty Artist Series, Anne Tedards. Barbara Baird, Robed Htadky, J. Robed Moore. 4 p.m. Beal Hal $5 General Admission, $3 Students & Senior Citizens Tues. COMPOSER'S FORUM CONCERT 2/23 Hew works by UO composers • p.m. Beal Hal FREE Admission Thur. UO GOSPEL ENSEMBLE 2/25 lOti Anniversary Concert—Rickey Grundy, Guest Adist 7 p.m. 4 9:30 p.m, Soreng Theater, Mult Center (687-5000) $6 General Admission, $4 Students 8 Senior Citizens Sat. JOHN MARCELLUS, Trombone 2/27 Guest Artist Recital 3 JO p.m 1st Congregational Church $5 General Admission, $3 Students & Senior Citizens Sat. BACH'S "MUSICAL OFFERING" 2/27 Faculty Artist Series Performance and analysis by UO (acuity 8 pm Central Lutheran Church $5 General Admission, $3 Students & Senior Citizens Sun. CHAMBER MUSIC AT TEA TIME 2/28 UO Chamber Ensemble* 3 p.m. Beal Hal $4 General Admission. $2 Students & Senior Citizens Sun. UNIVERSITY SYMPHONY 2/28 OO Ensemble 7 p.m. BeaB Hal $4 General Admission, $2 Students & Senior Citizens Spring Is Here! (We hope!) 93 Models Now In From Mongoose, Bontrager, Wheeler. Fat Chance REPAIRS 4 CYCLES ( 1340 Willamette 687-0288 5% U of 0 discount on Reg. priced accessories ___4 Walking. Ijut-Ijopping and Climbing Trom Geneva to Bucharest! Come enjoy an introduction to travel in the alpine regions of Eua>pe, with an emphasis on the needs and interests of walkers, hikers and climbers. I n this new slide program travel by train, bus, car, tractor, horse-cart, bike, boat, ski lift, arid mostly by foot to the most spectacular hiking areas and some of the most interesting cities and villages of the Alpine region of Europe. Traverse the French, Swiss, Italian, Austrian and German Alps, plus two ranges in Slovenia, the mountains of Southern Yugoslavia, Mount Olympus in Greece and the I ransvivanian Alps of Romania. Wednesday. Feb. 3rd 7:00 p.m. FREE free i-ree free M'KENZIE O U T F I T T E R S 79 W. Broadway 485-5946 Continued from Page 5 Some may sav this is not a smart move by Drexler because he's basically forcing the play ers who did actually have sex with the girls stand up and ad mit to doing it. Imagine that. Can anyone really blame Drexler — an NBA all-star and former Olympian — for not wanting his name linked with a bunch of immature, juvenile excuses for professional ath letes? Drexler and Terry Porter are the only two players whose names wore on the list that have been outspoken about the whole deal. The other four have keep their mouths shut. (If you don't know who the other four arc, but think you have a good'idea, you're probably right ) Now, this is not to say that the players were totally at fault here. After all. these girls were runaways, so you know they were looking for attention. They did consent to having sex with players, even their parents admit that. These girls were looking to score just as much as the players were, and anyone who argues that is just plain ig norant. You think these girls didn't realize the story they would have if they slept with mem bers of the Portland Trail Blaz ers? They even lied about their ages to the players. These girls are just as guilty as the Blazer players are. They went to their hotel room, they stayed when things got hot. and they consented. What is at question here is the lack of class and maturity exhibited by the Blazer players. The girls were young and look ing for acceptance. The players are rich, famous and, most im portantly. adults. While Portland fans jump up and down, screaming at the press and the Salt Lake City po lice department for releasing the information about their be loved little Blazers, they should remember one thing: Never leave your daughters alone at the Gap. A Blazer play er may need a date that night. Dave Oiarbonneau is sports editor for the Kmerald t Former Oregon Community College Transfer Students Counselors and advisors from Oregon Community Colleges will be visiting campus February 3,1993. Please take a few moments to stop by and talk with them about your UO experience. Where: Erb Memorial Union When: 1:00 pm. until 3:00 pm. Community College.Location Blue Mountain.Century Central Oregon.Century Chemeketa.Cedar Clackamas.Cedar Clatsop.Maple Lane.Oak Linn-Benton.Century Mt. Hood.Cedar Community College.Location Oregon Coast.Century Portland (all).Gumwood Rogue.Cedar Southwestern Oregon.Century Tillamook.TBA Treasure Valley.TBA Umpqua.Century