COORDINATOR the Cultural Forum >* extenong the •ppecabon period to> the FAm Ooontnmo’ poaaior A" opportunity tor students to produce me campus 'un program OapiBine: February '»> AppAcJhon S Information Sutta 2. EMU • 3464373 Cultural Forum a an ECVAA emptoyer CrutsesMpWesorteAlsses |obat St 200-13000 MO! Summer? Career' Guide. Caaaena. Neemaarvtoe! (SIS) *23-222) Eat 170 Crulaa Lkte entry level on ooarrManrJatae pontons avai* summer;year round 310-2St . Experienced Computer Spec rail at needed immetkatary lor campus otftce. hardware aupport. programming genera maintenance and troubteshootuyg. guaranteed I0 piu» noura per ante* possrve longterm povtKX- good pay. "exible noura Inendty oltca Contact Kim, Academic teaming Services 68 PIC 346-3226 _ Immediate need tor experienced C programmer to write new and modify existing code tor real tune data acquisition (a/d and camera interfaces? on IBMcompatiOie 486 system Experience should nc>ud* work wttn DMA. interrupt driven programs, super VGA grapnics ChaHengmg task icst waiting lor the right person Contact 0> Jody Jensen 346-268? OREGON DAILY EMERALD needs reporter lor the Community Beat Apply By February 4 at the QDE front das* Include writing samples, resume Can or see Pal or Daralyn fcy more information 346SSI I_ POSTAL JOBS AVAK.ABLE! Many positions Great Benefits Cad t ^00-4364365 ext P 3309 Resident Assletant 19*3-1994! University Housing is now accepting applications for the position of Resident Assistant lor 1993 94' Deadline Mon. Feb 8th. 1993 In order to Be considered an efigtole applicant, you muat be o! Junior class standmg by Fall term 1993. & have a cumulative GPA ot 2 5 or higher Please see our display ad tor mora mk> (Mon’s 6 Fn’s through FeB 5th|. or can University Mousing at 346 4277 University Mousing University ol Oregon s an EOEAA institution committed to culture diversity START NOW Espandkng company needs quality, money motnreted people to get start ed m martteong. No experience Full treating 4644776. _ SUMMER CAMP JOBS tor men and women. MOden Valley Camp interview ing FeO 23. mefce appointment and get turther information el Student Employ ment On ice __ Finer retting guides needed Tiarnmiy Write Vy .mo W« Wat* Adver lures. Bo. 249 OtMi 0« 9/426 TVad o> mrtring tor other people/ B* you* o» Cdu' Set you. 0*n houra' We need ae» atartaig peep* to* hieno ly enwonmental Oueneaa BAsriguai • pm> Car 863 9489 «d "0 ALASKA SUMMER EMFLOYMENt" . fi»fi4«v!>» Earn 1600 ♦ vreat *' car nenea or $4000 ♦ fmonth or fishing Boats fr«4 transportation' Hoorn and Board" Male or Female For am poymen' program caF 1 206 54fr4t56e«t A60l» CONFERENCE ASSBTANT Announong tar Conference Aatre tant positions »4h Umvenafy Housing Contarsnce Senncea Earn room. Board and $•&£> a oaak during tum mar. $6 «M» "or Spring larm trading. and valuable 100 espenence Tar 10 ■ourteen aw poaW>ns averiaBm For mora ntormahon award ora o* tha recommended informational meetings m lha Boar Waal Conter area Hoorn at 8aar Compies from 3pm 10 4pm on Wadneiday Fab 3. 1993 or Thursday. Fab 4. 1993 F'oa* Iron Deacnptron and Application av»tab*a at Uniyeriity Housing Cor larance Sarrcaa. 10' Douglass M Walton Compies, 346 4261 AppHea Iron deadkne it 12pm. Fabruary 12. 1993 EOE/AAE/Comminad 10 cultu' al (Avar arty_ ;i? WORK STUDY ELECTIONS BOARD Tha aaaooatad ttudanta of tha Univar arty Of Oregon * roar accepting apt* cations lor lour (41 poarhons on lha alactioni Board ("oartiont include 10-15 hr aha* Begmnmg Fab >5. *o< $12^mo atoand or eorkstudy Apph calrons and rot deacrtrtiona may Ba obtained from tha ASUO Esacutrve in Sote 4 EMU Oaadtma lor application anil ba Feb 8. 1993 at 5pm Applicants must Be ttudanta o> tha llmvoriity ot Oragon Students anth publishing espa nance are encouraged to apply Tha ASUO It an AA.EOL Paychology Dapt leaks production aasalant $5 75 hr . no previous a span area nacaaaary Wort Study only Micheal 3460867 APTS DUPLEXES Lm than i e* from campus Large V 2 A 3 bdrrnt avatl stertmg at 1240 tnd cowed parting. laundry fac No mov« •n lees 34VOG26 ck 46’-0199 1 bdrm, S40S 2 Odrm. J^OOmon^ Laundry parking, MCuffty close H> campus 464 9922 PROSPECT PARK I and 3 Bedroom apt avail no*, duel country atmoapnara wroonvamart city location, other teelurea include pool. tenmetoesAetbaft eta. 'ec room and playground, nght peat 26th and Cham Bert Cat 464-6563 1 badroom apt at U4'i f '<» »w Nc 4 avwtabw fae «*• V4»mo. *ki uB. *150 Oao MS • ua Big studio . IMS Mow uWrtiat wad Bowman araa Vsry tup M2 7425 of 4#4 0M3. Joann Campus Apadmanta Fumfshad 142 Badrooms WMtar nw M71W25 saO JMl OAROEN TERRACE IMS Oardan Si Roomy 2 badoom, «ra*> 10 cargos avadaGM now. quad, only *465 on «ta laundry and partung along Mtfcaca Can Paul lOf mowing J44 iTJt Redwood Park Apt*. Qu lot. Country Owing With City CMMalmm Usifundshsa 1 Hfm S4M. latadlng Mov l| Low UWWaa-On Buahn* Equfppad Watght Room. Spa Wood Radi E Playground Laundry Faciimas AIM yumlsnaa tuHaa Studio. 1 » 2 SR MOO lo MTS Individually Oacoratad Computaty Fumlahad Evarythmg From Catda TV to Llnana Tor Bad. Batft A KJtcnan On Slta Managamant Taam 4103 W. 18th 434-8778 Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Sparkitng ctoan l twdroom. M appfeancad. mtCGvrtymti **ow. $396 CM '«QUADS Quad Room uaicon, O'V’1 *ur cUaa >o .amp».» and nfto«*»ng jg40 PNna Vt5 «qrj IMt and A Mar a» u« rui Mruanad S»»mo » roooac Ca« «#» i U7 ms ROOMS titj M" u apaooua rvaurc nowa* ; •nd Ihnng mi. tag Mcftarv mcfo TV j laundry. attraga a u» ixl Oraai j MudT an*w CompaMM umg arouo j ROOM IN HOUSE 1 3 trrdi w carnpu* Snarad aaeftar and oaf vary cinan and ijumM 1 $iS»«ymo. *1 nam and u*a mdud I ad MA-41U ;> DORM CONTRACTS — ItTT Ouy my (Xrrrr contract* W«# (My SAC 4*^2797 255 ROOMMATES WANTED NMd roomiMM «o &*/• ? b«*m «*. i?40f mo ptw* 181* Si Ca# K«wi M&24Q2 __ 1 Bedroom* t« b» t*> *«*0 F«0 4,ft it' 5 30pm m 353 Garfcoga* Ar,n#g P*#*## af^'d doO' •vam.-vg* An (Smart M-. ARTS s ENTERTAINMENT y> f mb NjM!) m lOiMi ^ L RESERVOIR DOGS J STOP PPING By GARY l ARSON -—I TNI PJUI SIM Out) tclioorr Ourt achoon You wanna and up Mho your tattwr? A cor**r 1*6 rat?" Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson -- 1 1 ‘i CAINtN. OOKT XI Vi TWROW icm WET COAT OK THE FLOOR', HANG IT UP WHERE IT BELONGS' I'M NOT LOOKING FOB EXTRA WORK. AROUND WERE 310 MASSAGE 4 BODY WORK VALINTWtf SPCC1AL uot v*> |«rm Wu#*** Tr*«i yOu?M<* 10 A DocJy **8p (gr*tf H> S'# i**1) a • howr txxJy manage C*» Hog#' 4*^-2732 3jo SERVICES Concamod «t>out :»«gnaney ’ i*>» can ft*H> f>«« pragnaney wat» tw*y •* lartxy Bami•‘jf'1 M7-MA1 Niad coWaga moMyl W« ocaia par »-a» *an**n 1 600 »? 4634 Planned Parandiood lor I'*) v"»*v «Hailwo cnac»» tyd* consol, pragnan cy Man arxl unttaaed countalmg Hot Chocolate 2. fll J= Italian o ^ Sodas o o uE At The Espresso~CaTt * now located al It* ^ Canon WmI SO* We Mon-Fri 8am-3pm Doonesbury by garry trudeau KCf*#ri>m rmwof rH&fMMKYSP* TYUTtu seerzv i nmi rver-an' m ax** ' X f fOH NOW ON ! KMAHP that vouswn wnNOw cm, state not mi anpso CJAi, ffOJKITY TAXES' 7HTT J'VaV i. rmrs JUST 9MJ.Y siwtrwHJts rrstUY. * I MAY&K* SCNW,*( | lX»fT wr fOU | s mnnn6< f r CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffcr ACROSS 1 Undata abta roommata OSprdat Uani ( Mo chat Mrtna IITMvi monk II — pro 14 Vagram '•ar ba**k* 14 Oatwna 4x Monacal ataAaa Natl JO Pica alarnatnra 11 Ctgatana mitoi ahotl II wan or Mo*r*oo4 II Marabra cadoomal WrNon JO Bar ordar JO Scratch (out I J1 Irriala IJ Barbx a baau II SN#r<( ary (XJ Alan M A bdkon y««l M Ftaneh 00*1 40 IWpaal •*1 OS«n#». auphamti ucj*r 47 Almond coni «d on 44 Cnmton Tidal •cAool. In brtal 10'I cannot Ml—* • I Socrax II UaMt canca IJIVt-My T«o 14 Tb«*na«» SI Aiun mam DOWN ( Meaga> 7 Ttwago't tove 1 Famed taol-makat 4B*ycte tart etyle 8 U S vote* unca 1920 • Hrtfcxfc period# TPraMrt • Afcane ■*wn<4 • Singe* oi Too* bote* tOHetpa hood 11 Spec* 17 Paiaphet naia 18 Agamat 7* Agent 96 73 Pniad potaet Solution I ton#: 24 mint. ton 24 AMa« abt» 25 Ona ol LBJt poodai 24 tVoofci c» Gtoaon 17 Mamia'i man 20 Sociaty Rap no> Oam 31 in ga) iw MOiaba IS Magar lha HonMat 37 Tla (aaahat 3* Anma't poocb 40 -Owry ol Hou*a «<•' 41 Fatlna 42 Sahaian 41 Pop 44 SI Italani puO 45 Sand Old 40 Shoppa.* mac ca Mlnaub panUal dan