?iO HELP WANTED Rrvar raking guide* -redsd T'tvnvig avail Write lev arto W« WaRw Artren hire*. Bot 249 OesweS OR 97*34 SPECIAL RECREATION: A-ramwan* Part and Ortfeici seeks Speoahrad Recreation Activity Lead ers t ipenence with •<» with o*vewp' mental tJsatwit.es Mon and Wad ah* and Fn. 10 30-2 X, some weekends possible S5 28 16 66. hr. apply a> M» mortal Bu**ng CommunJy Canter 765 North A Si. Spnnglwid. Monfr Bar 5pm. aepKahon deachne. 2/12/93 toe SUMMER JOBS Counselors/support staflIW4' Unm*r«ty HOuarrg ra now accepting application* to the poartyjo 0* Reardont AsmuM *0* ’983 94' OeadFne Mon Feb 80) ’993 In order to 0* convdarecl an eigOte appacant. you mud b* ot Junior ct«*» (landing by Fat! torm 1993 A have a cumulative OPA Ot 2 S Or hrgn«r P»a»* VI* our (kaptay ad to* more aito (Mon‘» A Frf* through Fat) Sth). or CM Unnre*My Houurg at 346-4277 UnverMy Houang, University ol Oregon i» an EOE/AA institution committed to CuAutat drv*r*ty SUMMER “ CONFERENCE ASSISTANT Announcing t«n Cont«r*nc* Asa* tant poatbona with University Housing Cont*r*nc« SanAtaa, Earn room, board and $165 a w**a durag sum m«r, SS fxVhr to* spring term naming, and valuable |Ob espenenc* Tan to tourtaan won* poartrona avertable For mor* n lex matron attend on* ol tha racommandad mon available at Unmarwiy Houtmg Coo tarance Sermce* tO’ Douglass MM Walton Gompiai. 346 4265 Apphca Iron deadme .* 12pm. February t2 1993 EOfciAAE/Comrtvned to cuttu* at drvSrMy___ 2t5 WORK STUDY Psychology Dept mm*s proA**o* assistant, S5 76 hr. no previous expert one* neceeeary. Worn Study only Mcheai 346-0867 220 HOUSES FOB RENT Beeutltul S bedroom 2 bat* arg* backyard, campus *r®a. $t?60. *»»** aodtatf 666 9665 NEAR CAMPUS Three bedroom fur muted *ou»e $450. 343 901» 225 APTS DUPLEXES Stg studio ♦ $335 Mod utrtrtan pad Downtown area Vary hip 342 7425 0* 484 6693. Joann Las* than t b*t from campus Large 1. 2 A 3 bdrmt avail atarting at $240 tnd covered park mg. laundry lac No move ,n r*e» 345 0626 or 46' 0’99 _ 1 bdrm, $405 2 bdrm. $600/month laundry, perking. aacurrty. cloaa to camput 484-9822 __ 2.’5 AP’S DUPLEXES PROSPECT PARK i and 3 tmsnx** apt ova* now. qu** cowntf^ atnx»ph#r* wft»*V«rtMin< City iOCMtoQ*. Otfwr ?*«hj?** 4Klud» POO*. tannk*tja*fc«flsaH ct* rm catnpw*. ttwdNWk 0*v Me Sundry. f>iw *au* and »**f. OOfrmo 466-0790 __ 634* fc U9t A** No « avaAiHX* F«tf> am sascvmo rfKf uw. stao o«p 346 1343 Redwood Park Apts. Quirt. Country Urine Willi City Canaanienru UwiMnilllwl t BWhi $4*5. (starting Non I) Low UtWtlea-On BueSne Equipped Weight Room. Spa Wood Parti t Playground Laundry Factmlee SIM Puawlaliad luHaa Studio, t S 1 ft* moo total* Indtmdualty Decorated Completely Furnished Everything From Cable TV to Latent For Bad. Bath S Kitchen On Site Management Team 4103 W. 18th 484-8778 Cam put Apartment* Fumlahed 142 Bedroomt Winter rate* misn «•» 2S21 GARDEN TERRACE ION Garden St Roomy 2 Dectoom ap to camput. avertable runt, guwt only $465 on via laundry and parting, along Mat'ace Can Paul tor thoanng 344-1221 Unfurnished Apartments in Eugene Spwttmg cfoan > bedroom hit lipfcanced wcomtyard new $J9S Cat allowed wrdep 4866991 What a deal1 Sparti.ng clean large I bedroom alt UM • cable. $465 graal location ’050 Ferry St 484 7441 FOAOI.„YilskAC3 p _AfAfUHittlA - 4v I njoy Itie Nrauly of wv*hH «t*J wildlife m wjprr fk*e plan 2 IIDRM, I ViBATH •4V5 St ‘SlS/monlb • Du* to c*iif*u» • Swimming P<*>4 • WetfhJ/T uiwu Room • Siumi it b|W(ll>MU 4 *,.WIW«I .687-1318.-. Mfiiiimimmln 240 QUADS Quad Boom u»_ .. 11th and Aldar duttmii Mntohdd. *iV»mo . SHJOdap Ca» 60ft > 1*7 245 ROOMS Plain buy my Noai or 1- Htabutn ■ocCAMPttS EVENTS •prtrvg Studwit Dane* Concert Attffftm «»K bo h«kt * Wfc 4,5 0* 5 30pm «n 353 Gwfertgo* Apn«» INmm a««*xj botf* ovomnga An danc«r« wofcomo MS ARTS 4 ENTERTAINMENT ART CINEMAS •J92 E 13lh • 686 2-J58 mtUMMT MiOWIMMt* w* MM 4 rmmi lAMtl/AHttanift 1CK U» OUW WtM FI IT CAlfW »#>% I t0 (Ml r Ift # jo ** MM ) Flirting Gaa Pood Lodging! —.—'“~i A* (X* IMcdC THE TUNI BIJOU LATE SITE i H,.|. Mail. \ I imv VS ill I i ll I*.§*«» n «o<%« 1 L RESERVOIR DOGS a OFF LINE by Rick Ball fyoUNi thOR DARtLfc££5""Tii£ ’Short "Sf-TORC I CALLING FORTH THC THUN'OtR. rnib WA5 I ONfc. GEOGRAPHY T6.GT, Ht GOING TO ACE-,. . TIM PAR SIM By GARY LARSON I_L ii—4 Monday nlghf In tha woods Calvin and Hobbes by Bill Watterson 1 Write a paragraph explaining the significance of Magellan's expedition. A GAS MASK , A SHOtf. GRENADE. AMO A HEUCORTtR ... TUAT'S ALL I AS< J'WL i i 310 MASSAGE £ BODYWORK vAiewmt sifcui cvo< i*. t»*» Nun’ 1 'van you'«m to • *»nou» bOt>» «w«p (grMI to» m* rtmt »Wi » 1 hovr bm «am. M t 2* hOw*» w««a«nds >4«-44#a 320 SERVICES bttp Iron' InacuH I in pr*j "ancy tottma (»t» Jolacl-or Ca# H7IUI I-1 Frirndihifu are miuU in (hr PDF CUn.ifinL! Hot' Chocolate i: Italian £ Sodas a o _ uE At The Espresso~Cart a no* ioc<** nr Mutton hour shirk, mP0FNO1»Mi/Ht mnu ) LfmokHcm*! cam' pan1 —fvV VVt OCJUV TOGO STRAIGHT1 TCGIT A cjOC!AI rJCl)RlTY HJHtffft. KimVHtAmilt STAMHF mmmGMGM aura /a noon aT'^ FOKC6' r ^ lx - UH'jmr 04/Wfi| rate jy. tty chin Attoi rteiojuycrr |AW l c-m ■Vf/V ‘•MNW THT ft I CROSSWORD By Eugene Sheffcr ACROSS 1 Jockay'* wtiip S H*m'» partu*) • Garbage Bunk*)'* CfMkX 1) M* MacG 14 Slrombok ipSmti 15 Fawy 1*1* «4W1 IS F»m*d baik*ttxa> coach IS Back l*nc* chan*) 20 Sam* automo M*» 21 A)duout (OU)n*y 2) J*w*l 24 Cav*i*d wagon 25 Cut. lumb*< 31 ‘Caughl ya1* 12 Wh*n cow* Ity 14 Squaalai 15 FVwlar 37 Stvmfc 3# Shal gam* naad 41 Appoint 41 Author F a«aci 45 SpanwA lhl»l 4# Ha wotfci bahuvj ttw wtiaal 51 Topping 52 'CM* SICandl* count 54 Kant cowoiVai 55 Wat M Anglar » nMd 17 Pub polaliom DOWN 1 Plumbing prebiam 2-Park. NY JCraW* prep* 4 Magi cian * outcry S'l —Orta NgW* • In l ha ttylaol 7 Irtganu4y • Play ground lidurat Solution thno: M min. Y»«tt doy'o iniwf 1-30 8*283 • Squat 10 Pimm appaialua 11 MaOmdt 1T-US Pal Oil If UnywWmg 22 Coal oaf cm Kkna 24 Seal# mambar 25 X 26 Soap opaia Ml. oil an 27 M«0a a com man! t»»lad Ultimata Float Rib* Gaaaoua flood 40 Actiaaa — Moa 42 MaytMHry lad 43 Maid lo find 44 Admitting a dial! 44 F laiy io<* 47 Vicrnay 44 Waflat eontanta 50 Past