QUESTION: If you could say one thing to Sen. Bob Packwood, what would itbe? "I got a bad feel ing about this one, Bawb." I RUSS CHINSKE senior, pppm "If you want to reach out and touch some one, work tor ai & i, not tne Senate." RYAN SPANTON sophomore, undeclared "Get a life." STEVE MORGAN junior, finance "What you did was ethi cally wrong. Support the party line on tamuy values and resign." ELAINA LAWSON senior, english "He's sup posed to be a rep resenta tive of the peo pie; if they don't want him in office, he shouldn't be there." KRISTIN OVERALL senior, journalism "I think if you set to hold an important position, you Should have admirable per sonal and professional ethics." SARAH BERNSTEIN sophomore. Snt. relations ROOMMATE Continued from Page 1 hound together not by commitment, but by finan cial necessity, said Jai.quie Gibson. ASUO media tion director "With a roommate who you don't have a lot of commitment with, it's much easier to withdraw and break off and live with someone else next quarter instead of working through the conflict." Gibson said People who move in with people they know are at an advantage because they probably already have a sense of the person's likes and dislikes. Robbins said However, rooming with friends or acquaintances is no guarantee of roommate bliss "You may find out your dear friend is a pig. Robbins said. "Though she dresses neatly, you may find she leaves dishes all over the kill hen Gibson said she tielieves students rooming with friends have no advantage over students rooming with strangers Altout 95 percent of the roommates Gibson has mediated between have arguments over issues stu.h as noise, cleanliness, visitors and sharing food The biggest problem roommates have is agreeing on noise, Gibson said. Carole Kirkpatrick, a psychologist, said some of her patients with roommate problems believe they're failures if they must spend time negotiat ing with their roommates But a roommate rela tionship. like other relationships, requires work However, some roommate pairings ore pist not made in heaven. Kirkpatrick said "There are certain people who will always push vour buttons the right way. she said. It will tie too much of a hurdle to get over.'' LOCKER RENTALS • $5 Key Deposit • $4 Per Term 1 L.*l. As. V'4' * EMU Rscreation Cantar Ground Floor. EMU 346-3711 “Reaching Out to Lesbian and Bisexual Women” U of O Drop-in Group Educational Support Programs Mondays 3:30 pm - 5:30 pm Komoma Center 1414 Kincaid Information 6-1142 1225 ALDER 345-2434 WUNDERLANt Tnr*.rs:TT. 5*vioeo GAMES Mtl ST BEET PUBIC MARKET 683-8464 f - VIDEO ADVENTURE ^1 kVAU*Y WVfH Pi A2A V5 '*▼ rf *«V\l i»» *1 Cash For Textbooks Mon -Sat Smith Family Bookstore 768 E. 13th 1 Bloch From Campus 345-1651 The MCAT is in 11 Weeks. i'tikes'I Kaplan’s Prep Courses have helped more students than all other courses combined! Class begins Feb. 6 I S VI and (iRF classes also forming now! day passes. Hull tickets. ISID & AYH cards We take passport photos. EWEB A; NWNG payments We have: the latest concert tickets & movie passes We now: send packages via Ut'J* (UPS fee + SI ser. ch.) -1 15 Capplo lead OFF Con— % Tickets on sale Megadeth Ice-T Lecture Arlo Guthrie Melvins Cris Williamson 'i rfTfSrV*. YOUR PATRONAGE SUSTAINS US^USE OUR SERVICES. TELL US HOW TO PROVIDE SERVICES THAT MEET YOUR NEEDS. YOUR FEEDBACK IS VALUABLE^