Oregon Daily MONDAY, FEBRUARY 1, 1993 EUGENE. OREGON VOLUME 94, ISSUE 92 PTKao try Mi StornJto* Sam Hebb of Salem scans the ocean for whales Saturday off the Oregon Coast. Tour boat sails for sight of whales j Depoe Bay tour boat searches for a glimpse of Baja-bound gray whales By Meg Dedolph Emerald Reporter __ DEPOE BAY - The Kadaho. tie fathoms out We ll go Out and work that area for a while." Hobbs guided the boat beneath the arch that framed the hartxir entrance, and, flanked by bobbing sea birds with yellow beaks, headed away from the coast and into deeper waters where the whales had last been seen In water that deep, ahout 210 feet, and at that distance from shore, Mohhs said the migrating whales were "basically traveling " Whales found ( loser to shore were there to food on the plankton trapped in the kelp beds. loiter in the veur. after most of the migratory whales have left, a few "lo cal" whales remain in the kelp lieds off Depot? Bay's coast, where they are among the first to leave at the? begin ning of the next migration. Turn to WHALES, Page 4 Future roommates should look ahead j Communication is the key to settling recurrent conflicts, psychologist says By Tammy Batey Emeraio Associate Editor Senior Alicia Ferrari's former roommate lined his toothbrush up exactly two inches away from and perpendicular to his shaver on the bathroom counter. "He was very anal." she said. "He was psycho about cleanli ness." Sophomore Cathloon Rafferty's last roommate shelled up in her bedroom and hung a photo on her door of her flipping the camera off. "Ii was like she was flipping me off,” Rafferty said. Students like Ferrari and Rafferty said they've had their share of roommate mismatches. Hut as in marriage, communication is the kov to resolving differences, said psychologists and the ASUO mediation director. "The most important thing is to communicate honestly, i.learlv and without delay, said Nancy Robbins, a clinical psy chologist. "Rather than just look for land mines, they should look at every conceivable tiling that could lie a problem." And people should discuss potential problems before, not af ter. they move in together. Robbins said. A key difference between marriage partners and roommates makes it easier for roommates to leave their problems unre solved — by moving out. Unlike marriage, roommates are Turn to ROOMMATE, Page 3 OCA won’t start initiative j Plans are held after Springfield meetings with OCA members By Katy Moeller l morale! Contributor SPRINGFIKLD TIim Oregon Citizens Allumo' announced Fri day it will not flit* a new c ity initia tive in Springfield but will closely monitor the city's defense of last year's Ballot Measure 20-08 against the American Civil Liberties Union of Oregon. Plans to I login a renewed initia tive drive were put on hold alter members of the OCA discussed the proposed with the city attorney and citizens of Springfield, said i-urrv All wander, the OCA Lane Countv director “The c onsensus at this partu ular point m time is that it would not be in the lies! interest of Spring field to pursue this course, unless we see that the c itizens of Spring field are not being upheld in a proper manner." Allwander said during a news conference outside Springfield City Hall Friday The AfT.tt said last month it has filed a lawsuit t halleuging the con stitutionality of Springfield's anti gay rights charter amendment, which was adopted in May 1992 under Ballot Measure 20-08 The OCA proposed to the Springfield tate guard Stevin Smith hit a Pacific-10 Conference record 10 three-pointers. Smith scored 34 points, and Oregon's Antoine Stoudamire led his team with 21 The women trailed by 14 at halftime and scored only 19 points in the second half, losing 79-42 in Tempe No Duck scored more than 10 points, and the team shot 28 permit from the field. Both Oregon teams are 0-8 in the Pac-10