Oregon Daily Emerald Call 346-4343 Before 1 p.m. Today To Put Us To Work For You Tomorrow! TODAY IS YOUR LAST DAY TO ENJOY A FREE FAMOUS STAR® HAMBURGER With a minimum $6 or 3-day classified ad! Ads must be placed in Room 30C> EMU to recieve your hamburger certificate. i:} GREEK HAPPENINGS A TO A AW Cong^tahona to Tim and Shan on YOU* fanning IAIP WV you IhO b**l Lon A U1 CtnOf mom mo m Pagaaua Pint toi *1 B6Q ate»a Suombo*! Sunday. oavio • iuRpnnKt! Ooi cm may have a liny Mat*** Bui anth you I oouMM b* gtartde* H* » p>c*y boul hi» Mia« t»» And «aaa lo pea on you! mMO iotas No* m k» you. I'm <>xie coniant You kooo mo w»m and help pay <«m an I low you! Fun, fetonda Ale I.me comm»lme«!s, Salacity Introductions CarM3 MBS _ Maml* « K«g Si stabon noonuma Ovc 28. 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Itf^niwMiwio Word Procrwwvfdwgi'r (png T»w«0*«—rfHona on La—r Cm HMOH anytww TYPING UNUMTED Bartow* land — 4SB-3M3 Sarvmg UO >N awe* '96' n' TYPING SERVICES Ptggy ■ Typing Sorvtco r iponancnd typdl ononng MrvKM on IBM ocxopuMo tyttam and In* prmior BamonatM «« CO Boggy* 342-0— womiicwoL ttpimo AUo word p'OCMwng. acHtang f raa PKOupWotorory Bond*. #»• 1882 Oo N Mm You mtgM bo — tomorrow » BOB Pro/Edit P*%cnafcf«d pro»«3Rfc*onAi ar*J eonm#»t©n on you# t**m p* {*** promts. •& W* rr**et mfh you at YOUW conv«n*»*nui» A* wfcject* 343-2747 130 FOR SALE MlSC c; A N TL E MIN' S ENCORE CASH FOR 901 LEVIS 11111 wM«int_at±mj GUITARS GALORE? Musical *©ms o? ail kinds Ai*o. cm**a* ano stiwaos Buy »wlSiiCwH»361 W bih UNIQUE ART SURRV ICS Over 100 »ofcd ard lamented wood molds Vary small lo sma* car v;e Sunday only 5B9I Harlow Road k# into* matron CAM /41 -2009 i’5 BUY OB TRADE WANTED Sub W»* My*- tew*». pen**** gam**. Me Ml node « pay cA*x _Ca»«83«tt9_ us CARS TRUCKS GOVERNMENT SEIZED vMucKn from $100 fold* Motadcn CorvMt** Ch*Vft SoipAi* ttuyw* Gwd* (8061 963 8000 E«t S 964? IM0 VW tctrocca VOU NEED UBS CAW Hun* Ml. «porty JuM $"86 C«* 485 663* tpacfiaad Mump lump** f«c**«n( condHwn $600 *644641 ibi COMPUTERS ELECTRONICS WOI » 4/40 288VGA Sony CU ROM Caen*. $1000 NEC mi***cl CO ROM $300 Ok«MU Ml 330 (*«i*r $300 345-6396 4M 0X-80NMZ.SUE" Now. ind SVGA. 4M8 dual Hoppan. 120MO CO ROM. laa modam. *p*afc*>*. *o8 mar* and moia* CM *» onKt Ora (8011376-9908. 61Opm. MST Apple Be wrtmagewnlar. 7 dnvea. key board carrying cm* manuals 2600 obo 3*3 7646. Amy Apple Ana aieiPer I. esceient tone bon. VOO 606-*6'4 BfOfnff wonj procNior w*ti4 quaMy prvdar ape* charter ilSO obo wow? __ Cowipiwr^wtafcte Iff1, apart) cctvT hard dme esiraa. 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Bring In receipt, ID, ibooksfor speedy service! uuixusm os nicos mt CASH FOR BOOKS TWO ConnooHnt loc«kin» 7M f. IWi USWUWimi* (eompu»| Monlown) MF1M1 34J-0717 ■UYMQ HOURS H,W HM,** *.», am Smith Family Bookstore Muard Tharmo RS 206cm m Salomon 962 Raong Good oond. mutt M* $126 060 Ca« Mad 466 7219 in cm Sup>a Haad •*« Nava> uaad WTyrelha bmdnga Ind potn and carrymgbag $!90obo 3464063 Sat (to atoll £ r ia —Ww aM a i laaairaad ad ■a llwOnfMi Daily I mar aid* Call MM341 Inday' m S W MOQ. (VrfW.J Oi 9W» not inr Spring Braak Packages Mauco Haawt USA Can Landmark 1>#«* t F»00 7G<> TRAVEL ws OPPORTUNITIES FS.M COORDINATOR T ha Cultural Forum .s aktendmg Lha appucafccn panad lor the F am Coordnator poarhon An opportunrty tor students to pioduca lh# campus Mm program OaadUna: February 17th Application ft Intormabon Suita 7.1 MU . 34643/3 Cultural Forpm a an EQfAA amptoyo* FREE OFT! Choap axkna, u and oedt card daat» art today coma to t MU lataa ne>t to mam daw Youl ba giad you dO1 LECTURES COORDINATOR Tha Cultural Forum mvttaa students to appr> lor tha l. actum* Coordinator povton Bring national speaker s to campus to present contemporary aauas Papins February lTth Appkcahon ft Intormafcon Suit* 7. EMU • 346-43/3 Cultural Forum a an EOAA employer MOM-TfUDmOMAL STUDENTS Ai* you • tow mown* student. or hrst-gensyabonal (your parents *0 not gradual* from a tour-year ccaag*)7 Ar* you older man average. or baton? to an undarrapraaamad group at the University? It so. you may b* eligible lor astra Support (tutoring, counseling, advising advocacy cttnai m anting, main critical thinking? through th* Educational Opportune#* Program E OP still Has soma tpacas avariabla Stop m 68 PIC tor ntormaton and applications OREGON DAILY EMERALD naads fsports* fry tha Community Baal Apply by February 4 at the OOE front desk tnOude wntmg sample*, resume Can or see Pal or Oaralyn tor more information 346-561t The Family Center room 23 EMU is sponsoring a COFFEE HOUR Monday* 9 30-11am At campus parents are invited to dap m. discover ehat the Family Center is an about and enioy a cup ol cotie*' Into 346-0652046-0651 VISUAL ARTS COORDINATOR The Cultural Forum it attending the appfrcahon period fry me Visual Ads posrton A great opportunity lor students to develop an phases ol an presentation fry the EMU and Apeduie ganenes Position begms July 1. 1993 Deadline: February 12th AppScabon A tnlormation Suit* 2. EMU . 34*4323 Cuaural Forum m an ECVAA employer 2 ofttce* for rani Wen M. qu«t Medfraay lauaad tends Tnbum Bwg 3003 Willamette 667 8702 Watofftont jobs WSi 5umm*r 0«*«nt Camp* Northeast men and woman who can teach ctiaoran to no, coacn hot loam water *> <$iatomrtr*ti/b*i#too!), *a>i Inboard motor*. twauWul poor and sate* Good salary room and board travel allowance Man cad or »« Camp WSnadu. 5 Oan Ue>* Mwnaronac* NY '0M3 <»1«) 361 5963 Women can or w«aa Camp Vega PO Bos 1771. Duebury MA 02332 |6l7)93*-«t36 We w^ be on campus 211/93 from 11 a #i the EMU room* Cedar A and 8 V HELP WANTED /X . _ Resident AnMM 19*»-I9d4l University Mousing >s now accepting appfcahons tor the position ol Resident Assistant tor 1993 94' DsadSne Mon. Fob 8*1. 1993 to order to be considered an ahgtole applicant. you mud be of Junior class standing by Fall term 1993. S hay* a cumulative GPA of 3 5 ot highet Pleas* see our display ad tot more into (Mon a A Fri't through Fab Mh). or cal University Housing at 348-437? University Housing. University ol Oregon is an EOEJAA, institution committed to Cultural ttorersity SUMMER CAMP JOBS for men and women. Midden Valley Comp, interviewing Feb 33. make appointment and gat further information at Student Employment Office SUMMER JOBS Counselors/support statl-childrens eampamortheast lop salary, mvTxMaundry. travel allowance Must have ski# m one d tire I on owing activities archery, baseball, basketball, bicycling, crafts, dance, drama, drums, lencmg. field hockey, football, golf, guitar, gymnastics, hockey, horseback nctng-hunt seal, juggling karate, la crosse, nature, photography, piano, rocketry, rollertJIading. ropes, sail boartkng. sailing, scuba, tennis, track, water ski. weights, wood Support staff kitchen slewardfworkers bakers, cooks, bus drivers, maintenance, nurses, secretaries Men call or write Camp Winadu. 5 Glen lane Mamaroneek NY. 10543. (914) 381 5963 Women cal or write Camp Vega, PO Bo* 1771. Ousbury MA, 0733?. (617) 934-6536 We will be on campus 2/t*3 from 11-4 in the EMU rooms Cedar A and B SUMMER JOBS tennis Jobs Summer childrens camps northeast - men and women with good tenms background who can teach children to play tennis Good salary room and board, travel allowance Women call or write Camp Vega. PO Bo* 1771 Ounbury MA 02332. (617) 9346536 Men call or write Camp Wmadu. 5 Glen lane Mamaroneek NV t0543. (914) 381 5983 We ww be on campus 271*3 from tt-4 m the (MU. rooms _ OOt U-ASSiriKUS. i.sToPMKtmNc: 346-4343 ANNOUNCING Resident Assistant Positions tor 1993-1994! The University Housing Office is now accepting applications for the position of Resident Assistant in the U of O residence halls for the 1993-94 academic year. In order to be considered an eligible applicant, you must be of Junior class standing by Fall term 1993, & have a cumulative GPA of 2 5 or higher You must also attend one of the following mandatory orientation sessions Tues, Jan 26, Carson Gold Rm. 7-8 30PM Wed. Jan 27, Ramey Rm, 4-5 30PM (Hamilton Cafeteria) Wed, Feb 3, University Inn, 7-8 30PM (Living Room, 1st Fir) Urwwvty Mou*Ag, l*w*n*y oI O«go* * f Of AA mMufaon lo c-uftuw Ovtrily GIUE ME FIUE! Run your “FOR SALE” ad (items under $500) for 5 days. A If the item(s) doesn’t sell, call us at 346-4343 and we’ll run your ad again for another 5 days ^ FREE! Private Party Ads Only No Refunds/CreditsJ|