- Oregon Daily Emerald Sports Oregon basketball teams 0-14 in Pao-10 □ Men drop another as confidence continues to fall By Dave Chartoonneau Emerald Sports Editor ^ The Oregon men's basketball team is becoming frustrated, and there's not much it can do about it. The Ducks were grossly out matched Thursday night, losing their seventh straight Pacific-10 Conference game of tho season to eighth-ranked Arizona 02-60 at McArthur Court Thursday night. After the game, the Oregon team expressed the frustration of being winless in the Pac-10, and spoke of the confidence that is falling with each loss "It's tough.” forward Jeff Pot ter said. “It’s wearing on all of us. and it's really hitting me hard. We’re spiraling fast, and we need to catch on to some thing quick or we'll be ... We need to get better.” Duck coach Jerry Green also expressed concern about the level of confidence his team has. “What worries me the most,” he said, "is that I don't think there was one player on our team that felt we could win this game.” Oregon stayed close with the Wildcats for the first eight min utes of the game and trailed only 9-7. The Wildcats built the lead to RxrtO tty Mkfvft* Stunttm Arizona's Damon Stoudamlra, cousin ol Duck Anlotna Stoudamira, had 17 points, 10 rebounds and six assists, loading Ms loom to a 92-90 victory ovar Oregon Thursday at McArthur Court. 26-12, and went into the looker room with a 40-25 lead. An eight-point run to start the sec ond half gave Arizona a 48-27 lead, and the Ducks never got closer. The Wildcats' frontline of Ed Stokes and Chris Mills domi nated inside, leading Arizona to 53-35 rebounding advantage Point guard Damon Stoudamire bounds, and had six assists to load the Wildcats in all three categories Despite Oregon's troubles, Green said he will not give up on his team. "I'm tired of people laughing at us.” he said. "This is a new experience for me. but I'm not going to give up on this team " □Women lose to Wildcats 79-70 By Steve Mims Eme*atd Spoils Reporter Kmslm Anderson st oreii 17 points and dished out seven as sists to lead the Arizona wom en's twisli.ott>alI team past Ore gun 79-70 in Tucson Thursday night The loss was Oregon's eighth in a row and pushed the Ducks deeper into the Pacific-to Con ference cellar with a record of 0-7. The losing streak is the longest the Ducks have had since Elwin Heiny took over as head coach in 1976-77 Oregon scored the first ‘four points of the game tiefore Ari zona scored eight in a row to take the lead, and they never relinquished it The VVildi ats shot 51 lament from the field in the first half to lake a 41-33 lead at halftime On gon went on a 9-2 run midway through the first half, led by center Sara Wilson who scored six points during the stretch, to pull within 60-58 with 7:29 left in the game Ari zona responded with an 11-4 run of its own to push the lead back to 71-62 with 5:48 remain ing in the game. Oregon was unable to get any closer than seven points during the final five minutes and Ari zona got its biggest lead at 77-66 with 30 seconds left in the game to pull out the victo ry BUY • SILL • TN ADI NBW B UIID IMCIAL ORDIRI CD'S* IP'S* TABU HARD TO BIND ass 1.13th ■UORNI, OB 97401 343-7979 PAX 344-7343 r i 50 iton * Any I Yogurt* j ('except sttuill cones) my Campus SUBSHOP 1225 Klder 345-2434 Ni4 vatfcl on drtlvrry uc with any i4hrr di«count» or coupon* Onr coupon prr cualoiwr Li — ******* 720 E. 13lh* across from Sacred Heart The Best Espresso Drinks This Side of the Big Boot1 136 E. 11th • (near Willamette) 342-3358 Must be 21 or Over Friday .» $» 2 Minutes Hate Atomic 61 Runtmeyer Oscar and the Suedetoncs Saturday $4 Meul mtfii w«h. Warface Ensamble Thrombus Sunday A Mucgrau jan (canmnj. Fiddlin Sue Uack T and Johnny Music Starts at 10pm Moo-Sat Music starts at 8pm Sundays rrj MYV£ offer all Male loiter) games. We Have a Pool Table, Video & Pin Ball Games Open 11 a.m. to 2:30 a.m. daily felliao s • 13th & Alder • J43-U08I i Cliffs Study Wire course reviews are a dynamic new way to study for midterms and finals. ♦ Interactive computer software -worfc at your own pace ♦ Hundreds of on-screen questions ♦ Answer explanations ♦ Glossary, hmts, graphs and figures ♦ Immediate feedback MIT ♦ OUU ♦ HOTI ♦ H• PITflB ♦ MBIB University of Oregon Bookstore Course book Department 13th k Kincaid Eugene, Oregon IB DON'T «IVE UP THE SEARCH! TRY LOST ■ AMP FOUMP IH THE CLASSIFIED SECTION. k i i TOTAL STEREO & VIDEO LIQUIDATION Every item reduced up to 70°o off fill soles firul No refunds No encnonges SuDject to prior sole MM* BRANDS] .;£***»• '"OgUK-HSMgK.i 'UMWOOO ca*®*-toshim wauiu. AIWA vr\A