Oregon daily emerald. (Eugene, Or.) 1920-2012, January 29, 1993, Page 8, Image 7

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1231 ALDER • 683-4693
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Continued from Page 5
vocals with soaring solos.
“God said It." a pop-soul mi* with a contempo
rary sound, is a stark contrast to the recording's
title track, "Deep River," an a capolla treatment
of turn of the century choral singing.
As a whole, the recording is a testament to the
fact that trends and fads in music will come and
go (yes even grunge), but the roots that all these
diverse styles of rock V roll draw from will con
tinue to thrive.
Although Deep River would be a great addition
to any soul fan's music collection, the real oppor
tunity will come tonight at the Hull Center's
Silva stage Beginning at 8 p in.. The Five Blind
Boys of Alabama will join 67-year-old blues leg
end Charles Brown for a performance sponsored
by the National Endowment for the Arts.
Tickets for the show are Stfi and S14
Continued from Page 6
ODE: Thai's great' All loo often,
it seems, universities shelter
you and sivm to place blinders
on you
Ani: Yeah
ODE: So did you have any
major influences7 Writers or
Ani: I think there's .1 lot of dif
ferent people along the way It's
sort of different every week,
you know, who I'm into So it's
hard to s.iv
ODE Weil that seems to he a
positive way to go about learn
ing and creating
Ani: You know some people,
musicians. sa\ I don’t listen to
anyone because 1 might become
too influenced and I don’t want
to become someone else What
the (heck) is that? If you don't
listen to everybody, then how
do you know where you stand?
ODE: Yeah People limit them
selves that way, and. in their
attempt to create, become too
Ani: Definitely
ODE: Are you familiar with the
recent controversy surrounding
the anti-homosexual ballot mea
sure here in Oregon ?
Ani: Yeah I've read about it as
I've been traveling around
ODE: Have you felt this resur
gence of the "Right Wing
extremists" nationwide?
Bringing with it racism and
Ani: Yeah, absolutely. 1 feel it's
mostly stemming from intoler
ant e and fear i think it was
really coming to a head, anil i
wonder how much it will really
he diffused I guess we're all
sort of wondering "what now'
Is the pendulum going to swing
hack or what
ODE: And now we're wonder
ing where the next hot spot will
Ani: Things were getting so
spooky there fur awhile, with
OCA for example. I sort of
thought that if Bush sol re
elected or if we elected some
sort of dictator like Perot, things
would've come to a head every
where. with race riots and total
release of pinnod-tip anger But
now, it's funny. Now there's
that typically American slow
reform feeling happening again
It's like every lime it seems to
be coming down to ''Revolu
lion" time, it's like there's |tisl
enough to pacify us
ODE: That reminds me of a line
in one of your songs "The sys
tern gives you pist enough to
make you think that you see
change They will sing you
right to sleep and then they'll
screw you just the same
Ani: Yeah 1 guess only hind
sight will tell
ODE: Do you think tin* media
tend to perpetuate the narrow
mindedness? The phobias and
intolerance that are evident in
our society?
Ani: Yeah The mainstream,
corporate media. They make
sure their interests are served
lust like any big business and
the interest in big business is
paramount. I think that's sort ol
a given. So I believe that in the
structure of “the system."
whatever the hell it is. only cer
tain stories gel told. 1 think it's
kind of funny. The media al
ways seem to need a scapegoat
And the people, too. They need
a scapegoat to channel their
aggressions toward. It used to
tie the "damn commies" that
were synonymous with the
devil and now it’s "Drugs."
"Faggots '' or "Dykes" or this or
that. It's scary to watch this
unfold time and lime again. So.
yeah. I think the media feeds
ODE: How do you think you've
been represented by the main
stream media?
Ani: Well I think of myself as
three-dimensional and normal,
and so my music has whatever
it is I am in it. Amt tney always
reduce it to anger Some sort of
hateful, militant, one-sided
thing. It seems that's only the
other model they Can think of
for women It’s like you’re not
following the formula that
they've laid out for you. then
they have to put you over here,
to sort of "dolegilimi/.e" you in
some way I find that most of
what's written about me in the
mainstream papers is kind of
silly But it teaches me about
newspapers and stuff, and peo
ple’s perceptions
ODE: Definitely And how to
read between the lines
Ani: Right I wonder how much
people do. though You know, a
lot of people seem to just pick
up the paper and believe it and
turn on the TV and not question
ODE: Right. Things become so
diluted and so distant from our
everyday lives. Like, for exam
ple. how the media handled the
Gulf War and manipulated our
perception of it.
Ani: Yeah 1 mostly overheard
conversations around that time.
I don’t have a t.v. but it was
really scary' how it just disap
peared from people's minds as
though it never happened. I was
thinking that everytime I do a
regular interview and someone
asks me. “So what concerns
you? " 1 should say for the rest
of rny life, "The Gulf War." to
make the point that it actually
did happen and thousands of
people died and then; was dev
astation. Remember that folks?
ODE: Right. To not let it die.
Ani: There's so many things
that should always be brought
ODE: So. winding up. do you
find music the most powerful
vehicle for addressing issues?
Keeping them alive and openly
Ani: Yeah It’s like everybody
does it and every laxly needs it
It's an excellent way to talk to
people and i ross boundaries
Qj Where can you get a - ^
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