$5.8 million levy on ballot for local law enforcement By Meg Dedolph f metfllr) Reporter The Eugene Public .Safety Advisory Committee voted Thursday to support a $5 H million serial levy for law nnfort omenl. following a presentation by l-an« (bounty Commissioner Jack Roberts and Captain Eric Langford of the Lane County Sheriffs Department. The levy, whic h will In* on the March 23 ballot, is the third in a"series of levies for law enforcement and cor nt< tions, tbf first of which was passed in 1‘1H7 Roberts said he believed the levy represented a rea sonabie cost to taxpayers Roberts said the levy would cost 53 cents per $1,000. meaning a home worth $72,(MM) would generate S32 each year for law enforcement. "I think that's a reasonable cost for the services pro vided." Roberts said If passed, the'money raised from the levy would lx distributer) lx>tween the 1-ane County SherifTs Depart ment and the Department of Health and Human Ser vices The sheriffs department, which operates two work oriented correctional fa< ilili<”>. would use the money to fund these facilities and 13 patrol officers. One of the correctional facilities, n forest work i-arnp. began in 1 *tH7 with the passage of n similar levy. Though it has spac e for 12D inmates. I-angford said "the fnc ilily is operating below capac ity. with around 50 people in custody." During the past near, the inmates at this camp per formed more than 200,000 hours of i ommonitv s.-rvii e. whic it included comraittaa trill nw**< today ai 2 p m in the Student Health ( aittar mmiiiil hbrarv For morn information, rail 140 1703 (.oUirn fcrv Hama Swirt* will mart I«mU> at 2 X) p rn in Koran 1M Oregon Han For mutt information. < all 144 3037 t hrum* ftaltjtur Syndrome tupporl group t*r«11 nxat Sundae at 1 10 p m at tire Fmofaid Faopla » Utility l»t*lrnt building For mort information. «all IJtlifl) 10 KF1JQON Fckankar of Kogan* will have « worth ip lefviir ami dm ufctton tonight at h 45 at 315 1) W 13th Ava For mow information tail 34V2fi57 MIM11 IjVNMK IS firtl (hfMklian Churth will ho*l a Itamibnil {•**!>« at Sunday night *1 7 10 a! ill*#. Oak Si For uuk» information, (ait 144 MI'j IK) ( imW Ik wilt boat a fund Iaitlng prop*! Situntiv night from 'j lo 10 a* t ha C.aiawav Knponum inl«r*»t«d padtea dtould mart a> Our i naiaalk at 4 .10 p m l or more iiilwnuiiton. call .145 ?1S4 lioloKi (olloquium *|Mjmoni i>r Hill Kif» * prawoliltow, Dm* Kvolul wwi ol l b morph m S*«i CbiomtuooM," today at 1 10 p oi tn Room 112 WltlamaMr Mwirni OrgamaatKM* will hav* a lapaii***# languag* labia today from 1 10 to 1 p m in Room 2 21 IrumttN tor mow inforttuM ten. tail 144 I. 7*4 Tba Mayan (aamdiea and ) rwwti will hm» a comiMHwrally* wening in honor of I be Spent ah Krohaaty M**nk» Suiulai night Irani V30 to II 30 •* the t n«mi» Mwrtmg Horn**. 22 74 Onyx Mnitlwn OpporluniUM Program wilt haw * workshop on iiruclunm large; paper* today at 2 30 p m in Koom 13 4 Gilbert For more information. tall 341* 3232 Hlllal will boat a Nhabbai veggie not lull tonight #» ? •< 327 Mary Latte for rrtorr mKwmaurn < ail 34 J #M2<) UO I nrtad |ewwh Appeal (empe ign ipomon Anna t'oleachurk * itfeMOlAlion about her immigration lhm funner Soviet Union Saturday at 2 p m in the EMU Ben Under Hoorn For more informal loo. call 44V2Z97 / Wtl/m* kw *ubm*ittia$ At* to th* finer aid IrtHSl Jmi KM l' Suit* 300. i# nattn the tin tmkm public*!km PHONES Continued from Page 1 IjiUir for Ilit! rewiring of the HMU is also expensive. Hurl a said the hourly rate for lalnir is between $.10 and $50 an hour, lie said telecommunications does not have the manpower to rewire, so it has to hire outside workers. Though the bills aw expen sive. Barta said his department isn't making a profit at (he ex pense of student groups EMU Director Dusty Miller, whose office was charged for rewiring, said he was satisfied with charges once he met with telei ommunication services and had the charges explained to him. “They found some things that were absolutely mandatory to correct to meet cotie.” Miller said. However, some of the other student groups were unable and unwilling to pay their bills Chi Alpha Christian Fellow ship Director Matt Tallman said it was absurd for his group to pay $MM) for updating a phone system when ail it wanted was have a phone installed. Tall man said he met with the dean of students and got his bill re duced to $100. Students for Choice and KWVA said they also had their bills reduced because they thought they were too high. 'Why put the the responsi bility to subsidize the system on the student groups?" asked Joe Grube of KVVVA. In the special cases where student groups got reduced rates, telecommunications ser vices ended up losing money. Rarta said. "If we were a private busi ness, we would be pulling our hair out," Bortn said. "But we’re doing this to benefit the University.” Barta said he hopes the worst of the rewiring of the EMU is over. The building is almost completely rewired. However, if a student group moves into a room that has not l>een rewired, it will have to pay to get the room up to code. Rarta said. When the Voice recently moved into a new office, that's what happened. Kolen said the Voice office does not have a phone because he refuses to pay the $500 rewiring-installa tion fee. "I don't see why we have to pay if they are the ones who want to upgrade," Kolen said. "Why send the bill to student groups?" KISS A DUMMY SAVE A LIFE!!! Here’s your chance to leam C.P.R. and to certify for the Red Cross C.P.R. certificate $10.00 Fee Includes: • 4 Hours of Personal Class Instructions • Instruction Booklet • Red Cross C.PR. Certification Card Dates for C.P.R. classes: Tuesday, February 2, 5pm-9pm Thursday, February 4, 5pm-9pm Tuesday. February 9, 6pm-10pm Saturday, February 13, 9am-1pm (C.P.R classes held in the Student Health Center Cafeteria) Register Early. Space is limited. 346-2770 Cancellation must be 24 hours before class or no refund. Sponsored by the Student Health Center. Office of Public Safety and the Lifestyle Planning Program. PARTY IN THE PH Men's Basketball Saturday, January SOI OREGON vs. ARIZONA STATE 7:05 pm McArthur Court (MVBsnyoroHGON MMOIASKETIAll PIT HAIfENS TICKETS: (503) 346446101WOWBFOOT BACK TO SCHOOL SAVINGS Frame plus loam core Moo Single *159 Double *189 Queen *209 FUTON 68ft-5068 1122 Alder The Land East 6r«kfr Winter Hours Mon-Thurs. 1130-9-30 Ri & Sat 1130-4000 Sun. 5004000 990 WVbMiMttc Eugene Or 97401 343-9661 V. J