They’re dishing out something a little less cheesy, a little more believable )tit ul ilit- sr< <>ii(l.ii\ silent <• dial t onics like an all-too bi ltd respite lx-twern the high-mien Mly ( holds ol I Ml s lalesl alhuni. Stigma, swells a rising i hoi us ol hamiimu >us vi>■< es I )eep in form and I it h in units the methodii al ( hauls ,ue spell Minding |usi as this stirring sound nears its pinnai le though, a singularIs retogin/ able lone emerges Irom the vocal mass, desperate and defiant in 11' forceful pitarnation. I ime is what I want.” he sa\s hui du n lime inns out, and the hard edged rills ol luulal leallls leac It out to slap sou itghl in die face. We needed something in die i horns ol "Blue Highs") and I had this record ol Kulgar tan chants," Ian Dench, lead-gui i,nisi and songwriter for KMf. sass from the i o/v i onlines ol his l.reds hotel room '■"> I put dus iet dealing with what vit’ir Ih’I’Ii through ovei ihe Iasi two yraiv .mil bow it s bet ome a wav ol life In fait. I-\ll appears to take a bit of a del ensue stand against i ulii s who (In lied tin- instant applause showered on the band follow 111^ its fust I eic ase I o dm end. the i arrlulb i rafted souk* on SjigtH/i seise as answers meant to sili’iit r the still ski-pin a I purists ol alternative inusii Kven the album's less dun -subtle title pro sides .11 Iu<- in f Ml s opinion i«l ii' h i <'in i xiHiMiir in thr « motions .mil withering glare III thr mass • llltlirr spotlight "I jiin-n (thr' isj kind ill having U> lot' up tu |K*oplr s mist out rpt it ms uIhiiii tin hand." I trill It .Millltts Some |M'ii|)lr still s% t tic us i it I .in some shallow |)ll|l hand, they haven't Intent'll I Ml i i aimed down, see ond-itnt «■ iomul -i|>pi1 mi Ii i" studio tet Hiding, ton pled with .i mUt'li clearer nciini- ot its intended uiunu.iI duet turn, allowed thr band m exploit- tirrh thr Imtindless Inn its ol its Ntvlr while in Hiding Stigma I hr hand had all the nine H needed to finish choirs to mi Recall V care oMhe backprt kc ill the i hold i h.tngcs — .mil wr . thought. Slut, there’s tomclhlng going ■ in tic'11 So wr pm a straight down on dir tri old." It M ims lather obvious dial something definitely n going on heir, that these overnight British sensations haven’t ‘(tine lallen into tlie fortnu Ian void ol |Mi|>-ip w.o that we weir lushed in doing it, v»e wot ked with protlut ets and |ust didn’t have the confident e to stic k up lot out beliefs in some wavs." Deni h savs "It was a bll ut a coinpioinise Ihil on tins one. it’s like wr know how we want to sound now we’re (list cap luting that scut ol live energy “We re wcit k mg more as a band, and maturing, and we’re kind of gel ling into it more," he says dec isivcly. ‘We developed more control over this album. It s kind of like our first album; It (eels like out firs! album ’ Ironically, though, the band's staunch determination to gain critical and artistic approval may have alienated it It*nit an rvtrntial lr*gnifi«»f its 01 bins thr Urm1*»|>|>n srt l think 1 the albumj threw some pro pit some < >f thr Irrli pirss that v»\ . < Hi, thrv (uinrd thru bac k on thru r\c itmg stul! and dies got old and Imting. " admits Ik'iu h with a hint ol droll British v»n asm “Hey, look, we go deeper than that. We’re authentic.” m his von r "Well, lair enough I guess some people Vslm liknl us bring .1 pop Irand ui wluinri ilon'l like us 10 develop 4K.IV tllilll ill.11 "So many rubbish songs go In nunilwi our In not u-allv .1 inommentlanon foi .1 song in Hu in nuinlx-r 011c ami lor a twin I In have immediate < hail mii 1 c« vviih mu kind ui background Some people milr vmi nil Ini dial, though Viibrlievablr was an rn rllrnl smig I bus despite 1 lie- obvious appeal id 1 Inn mug mil lmndlrvslv mlmln smuidmg singles, Item li [triilrw' I Ml wmilil linn h lathri rarn mu cess during the kmgri haul ui its 1 arcri "I don't alw.ivswanl 10 do dm 'heart ol the lop dung too mut li.” hr savs Ural mav mean giving up the mass we saw - it-on-M IV liilliiwmg o{ (am who 1 nine with bring at die lop ol die < harts with a song like "I nbrlievahle." But Deni h doesn't seem to mind, espei tally il the band makes 11seIf and its music a little more lielievable along the Kav. *11 there's anything we should steer clear of. it’s obvious single material,“ hr \avs emphatically, “'cause it dirrr's some thing se (eel uncomfortable with, it's a (oils uplirat |Mip record We just wanted to make a sort of statement: 'Hey. look, wr go deeper than that We're authentic." tl